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Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14- Page 2

Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14

#25Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 10/30/17 at 12:41am

What an awful thing to happen at such a young age, poor kid.  Kevin's response is sincere, and he finally officially came out because of this, so I think we just need to continue to have honest conversations about this kind of abhorrent behavior in the entertainment industry.  The people who think Anthony would randomly make this up (for what?) need very serious help.  He is a victim for God's sake.  

RippedMan Profile Photo
#26Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 10/30/17 at 12:42am

As an actor, I think sexuality is not something that needs to be public knowledge. I understand what some would say about it, but then you're only perceived as this or that, which is the worst thing for an actor. I mean, I remember when Groff was on Glee and E! was talking about if him and Lea Michelle were hooking up off set...and we all knew he was gay but no one seemed to care then...

#27Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 10/30/17 at 12:46am

Margo319 said: "What an awful thing to happen at such a young age, poor kid. Kevin's response is sincere, and he finally officially came out because of this, so I think we just need to continue to have honest conversations about this kind of abhorrent behavior in the entertainment industry. The people who think Anthony would randomly make this up (for what?) need very serious help. He is a victim for God's sake."


Can you clarify what you mean by this? Because it really reads as though you're saying that Rapp's story is horrible, but at least Spacey has finally come out so something good has come out of it.

#28Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 10/30/17 at 12:51am

Yes, I see that now.  I apologize for the murky response, I'm just got back from a funeral of a friend, and I'm very tired.

What happened to Anthony was awful, and it's something no one should ever have to go through.  As a victim of sexual assault myself, and being slipped a date rape drug last month (my friend saved me), I can relate to feeling helpless, infuriated, devastated, and confused.  

The good that came out this, and all the horrible other allegations of sexual assault in that industry, is that people are now being held accountable for their actions, or at least, some light is being shed on it.  I think it's good that Kevin is being honest about himself and also not just completely denying this thing with Anthony ever happened.  Once again, I apologize for my confusing response.  

#29Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 10/30/17 at 12:55am

The old "if anyone was offended by my actions, I want to apologize to them" apology. Props to his publicists and attorneys for pulling that together so quickly and on a Sunday night with the World Series on, no less.

Gorlois Profile Photo
#30Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 10/30/17 at 12:56am

Nicole7579 said: "I frankly see his coming out as a way to deflect this story which is appalling. I care less about anyone's sexuality versus the fact that he assaulted a teenager"

Yup. This story is a career ender, a legacy destroyer (think about all his work in UK theatre). He's trying to shift the narrative to a sympathetic one about his sexuality. It won't work.

It is disgusting that this behavior is so rampant in the entertainment industry.

#31Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 10/30/17 at 1:06am

UncleCharlie said: "The old "if anyone was offended by my actions, I want to apologize to them" apology.Props to his publicists and attorneys for pulling that together so quickly and on a Sunday night with the World Series on, no less."

LMFAO right?

What a sad attempt to skew headlines, although I wouldn't be surprised if it worked. Spacey does nothing for the gay community coming out as gay in the same breath as brushing off his own predatory acts against a child. Disgusting.

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#32Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 10/30/17 at 1:17am

UncleCharlie said: "The old "if anyone was offended by my actions, I want to apologize to them" apology."

I mean, it's pretty Frank Underwoodian politicking, no?

Updated On: 10/30/17 at 01:17 AM

#33Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 10/30/17 at 1:21am

BroadwayConcierge said: "UncleCharlie said: "The old "if anyone was offended by my actions, I want to apologize to them" apology."

I mean, it's pretty Frank Underwoodian politicking, no?

It's the classic non-apology apology. It's been in use since God was a child. It's a great strategy, really.

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#34Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 10/30/17 at 1:53am

I realize this isn't the main point, but I doubt Ed Harris appreciates having his picture with young Master Rapp used to illustrate this story. Atrocious editing, if you ask me.


Bwayfan292 Profile Photo
#35Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 10/30/17 at 2:03am

Yikes. If you check Broadway.Coms twitter it is not going well. They messed up it seems and people are not having it. I would hate to be the guy who wrote the article!

"Why was my post about my post being deleted, deleted, causing my account to be banned from posting" - The Lion Roars 2k18

hork Profile Photo
#36Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 10/30/17 at 2:20am

orangeskittles said: "dramamama611 said: "Outing a closeted person is not the same thing as sweeping pedophilia under the rug."

As I recall, the thread made mention of Kevin Spacey using his power and fame to prey on younger men. No one brought up underage victims, but again, people were more concerned with us outing Spacey than they were about his inappropriate actions. I wonder how those defense posts hold up in a post-Weinstein world.

I don't recall anyone being "concerned with us outing Spacey" (why would they, since nobody here knows Spacey and couldn't actually out him?). They were just defending his right to not come out. It was two different issues: "Kevin Spacey is a sleaze who preys on men," and "Kevin Spacey is a closeted gay man and a terrible example to young gay people," which were basically separate arguments.

Updated On: 10/30/17 at 02:20 AM

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#37Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 10/30/17 at 2:25am

It has been generally known for years that Kevin Spacey is bisexual, and is now “mostly gay.”

What he did to Anthony Rapp was gross and wrong.

That said, it was 31 years ago.

Soaring29 Profile Photo
#39Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 10/30/17 at 3:59am

The story has the ring of truth, given all the people he told in the past that are corroborating his story. 

We'll see how the rest of it plays out. 

SweetLips Profile Photo
#40Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 10/30/17 at 4:43am

Can I just say--sex with an under age male or female is against the law.

The way this story reads, yes something happened and no, nothing happened.

Has this mentally scarred this guy for life, did it turn him gay, has he become a gay basher, we don't know but to speak up now---get off the band wagon,Beula.

I was sexually molested at 12 and 14 by a minister and a teacher[both known to me] and a stranger. I was a rather pretty boy. I never flirted, wouldn't have know how, but was taken advantage of at camp{?} and a public toilet.

Has it had any lasting affects-not in the least. Every situation is different--it happened, life goes on[I wasn't raped-just fiddled with] and sure have no reason to cause those guys harm for all those years ago.

Just sharing my thoughts.



BuddyStarr Profile Photo
#41Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 10/30/17 at 5:48am

SweetLips said: "Can I just say--sex with an under age male or female is against the law.

The way this story reads, yes something happened and no, nothing happened.

Has this mentally scarred this guy for life, did it turn him gay, has he become a gay basher, we don't know but to speak up now---get off the band wagon,Beula.

I was sexually molested at 12 and 14 by a minister and a teacher[both known to me] and a stranger. I was a rather pretty boy. I never flirted, wouldn't have know how, but was taken advantage of at camp{?} and a public toilet.

Has it had any lasting affects-not in the least. Every situation is different--it happened, life goes on[I wasn't raped-just fiddled with] and sure have no reason to cause those guys harm for all those years ago.

Just sharing my thoughts.

Sorry for what you have gone through.  You are one of the lucky ones to not have had lasting effects.  Everyone is different and processes actions against their will differently.  It does appear that this has affected Anthony Rapp and he finally needed to get this out.  Keeping a secret like this for years can eat you from the inside out unless you deal with it and can move it.  It's possible but can take a lot of time.  

I know you say "have no reason to cause those guys harm for all those years ago" however, most likely you were not the only one they touched or affected. Likewise, they could stil be committing these offenses now on someone else.  

These past actions on survivors does make this who we are but we still have to live with it for the rest of our lives and indeed have been robbed of an innocence at an early age.  No one should be able to take that from  anyone.

#42Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 10/30/17 at 7:13am

Oh my God Dave28282.
A man says "Gee, I can't remember if I came on to a fourteen year old or not" and you are concerned about his victims lack of tact. You then accuse him of being jealous.
But Spacey didn't commit the ultimate of sins, Bringing Race Into This©, so I guess everything else is forgiven.

BuddyStarr Profile Photo
#43Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 10/30/17 at 7:24am

Dave28282 said: "Aside from the fact that I know Anthony is a very sexual and weird person himself (forgive me my language), wouldn't it be more classy to give Kevin a phone call and ask him in person why he has done this terrbible thing that has upset him for all these years and what he himself has to say about it, instead of doing this in a public tweet/press release?

We are talking about a single drunk incident more than 30 years ago here.

"But as Spacey's star began to rise through the 1990s and 2000s — including a Tony Award, two Oscars, a decadelong run as the creative director of the Old Vic theater in London, and six seasons and counting on the hit Netflix seriesHouse of Cards— Rapp's frustration, anger, and incredulitywith him grew as well."

Wait, what? I'm beginning to get the feeling the frustration comes from something else...

It may hay have been a single drunk incident for Spacey but it was obviously a pivotal moment for a 14 year old Anthony Rapp.  You cannot discount what he went through and yes, it is important for people to speak out publicly to give others the power to tell their long held secrets out loud too. Too often victims stay silent because people either don't believe them or tell them they were the cause.   Then you also get people who say "Why do you have to tell other people, can't you keep this to yourself?" protecting the abuser.

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#44Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 10/30/17 at 7:45am

BuddyStarr said: "Then you also get people who say "Why do you have to tell other people, can't you keep this to yourself?" protecting the abuser."

That's not the point here. This is a very personal issue, and a good conversation with the abuser can clear a lot. I understand that is not easy for a 14 year old, but it is for a 47 year old.

Organizing a press conference is all great, but I wonder when the most important thing is going to happen. Sitting down with him and talking.

devonian.t Profile Photo
#45Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 10/30/17 at 7:52am

And do we really still think Rapp was the only victim of this man?

BuddyStarr Profile Photo
#46Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 10/30/17 at 7:56am

devonian.t said: "And do we really still think Rapp was the only victim of this man?"


BuddyStarr Profile Photo
#47Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 10/30/17 at 8:00am

Dave28282 said: "BuddyStarr said: "Then you also get people who say "Why do you have to tell other people, can't you keep this to yourself?" protecting the abuser."

That's not the point here. This is a very personal issue, and a good conversation with the abuser can clear a lot. I understand that is not easy for a 14 year old, but it is for a 47 year old.

Organizing a press conference is all great, but I wonder when the most important thing is going to happen. Sitting down with him and talking.

Confronting your abuser directly is never easy regardless of how old you are (and yes, I am speaking from personal experience).  IMO, I would never want to even be the same room with the person let alone have a "one on one" conversation with them. And why should he?  He was the victim here.

Steve C. Profile Photo
Steve C.
#48Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 10/30/17 at 8:11am

Someone said this is very "Frank Underwoodlike". Absolutely! Working on "House Of Cards", very detailed NDA's are required.

IMO, this is "probably" not the only person that this has happened to ; all the stories, over the past years, well, this may open the flood gates...

Personally, I'm glad Anthony Rapp had the balls to come forward. This is "probably" not the only guy, and however many years ago does not matter. Maybe more people will come forward.

Also I agree, someone of Spacey's regard and stature has done NOTHING for the LGBTQ community and shunned any association with us. I think he's a pretty good actor on screen and stage, and an excellent "actor" in real life. 

IMO, on a scale of 1 to 10, I've been giving Spacey a - 500 for several years. Conflating this with coming out is abhorrent!  

I Can Has Cheezburger With This?

#49Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 10/30/17 at 8:30am

Spacey "chooses" to live his life as a gay man?!
Way to support some of the worst stereotypes, set back our progress, and give us another reason to believe you're among the scum elite.
