Broadway Legend Joined: 12/29/08
Redeemed points + cash for Wicked in November. I was given Orchestra Row V seats 2, 4, 6, and 8. Have to say - those are by far the furthest seats from the stage I have been given from AR. Yikes! Lol.
For OUR TOWN at the end of September, I got Orchestra K 7
Chorus Member Joined: 12/17/15
Hairspray0901 said: "Redeemed points + cash for Wicked in November. I was given Orchestra Row V seats 2, 4, 6, and 8. Have to say - those are by far the furthest seats from the stage I have been given from AR. Yikes! Lol."
I'm really sorry to hear that. When we went in April, we ended up getting Orch R, Seats 13-19 and they were excellent. In hearing this, I'm afraid to roll the dice on other shows I've had my eyes on.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
Hairspray0901 said: "Redeemed points + cash for Wicked in November. I was given Orchestra Row V seats 2, 4, 6, and 8. Have to say - those are by far the furthest seats from the stage I have been given from AR. Yikes! Lol."
I'm pretty sure it's random locations. I sat in the very last row, very last seat of the Gershwin and was able to fully see everything onstage. Those are great seats!
AR has been giving orchestra row V at Wicked for years.
Stand-by Joined: 1/14/17
Recent redemptions:
Orch A2 for Hills of California (!)
Orch P1 for Great Gatsby
Orch J117 for The Roommate
Orch J5 for Stereophonic
Stand-by Joined: 10/29/22
I did points + cash for The Roommate- seat M101. I was able to choose.
I got K101 for The Great Gatsby. for an October performance.
Recent redemptions
Stereophonic - J5 & J7
Hills of California BB1 & BB3
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/26/16
My last two redemptions from August for the 500 points + cash on-line redemptions were:
The Outaiders Orch L8
Hell's Kitchen Orch N8
Pretty sure those are the same 4 seats reserved for AR tickets for each performance of those shows, Outsiders, Orch L 2-8 and Hell's Kitchen Orch N2-8
I just bought 2 tickets to Tammy Faye on AR and th seat locations are:
ORCH ROW Q - SEATS 118-120
lets see how they are!
I am also seeing The Outsiders through AR next week and they are Orch Row L - Seats 6 & 8
These are absolutely locked for this show (L 2-8) I sat in 2 & 4 a few months back and friends have gotten the same seats as well.
The Magic Flute at the Met - Orchestra X21,23 (500 points +$72)
X21,23,25,27 seem to be the Audience Rewards seats for all Met Opera performances this year. I got the same seats for a performance of IlTrovatore. Last year they had center orchestra.
Swing Joined: 12/13/17
Got those row X seats for Rigoletto, but was assigned Orchestra Prime in row O for Hoffmann and Tosca.
It's a bit disappointing. For the 22/23 and 23/24 seasons, they gave much better seats. I was usually given Orchestra Prime, much closer to the stage.
Will be seeing "Tammy Faye" & "Death Becomes Her" in mid November through Audience Rewards. My "Tammy" ticket is row S in the Orchestra. My ticket for "Death," is row M in the Orchestra. Great seats.
I decided to go back to see Solea in Moulin Rouge in November and got Q101,102.
Updated On: 9/22/24 at 09:14 PMUnderstudy Joined: 4/30/14
Water for Elephants - Orch L1
La Boheme - Orch L14
Moulin Rouge - Orch F2
Stand-by Joined: 5/5/17
Death Becomes Her on Wed mid November Orch S 8
Broadway Star Joined: 1/24/14
Just got a ticket to Gypsy in the spring on a Saturday night. Got orchestra E9 for 9500 pts and $72
Understudy Joined: 7/18/19
I just have to say the new website design is AWFUL. Truly just jaw droppingly confusing to navigate.
Stand-by Joined: 7/17/19
Jordan Catalano said: "I just have to say the new website design is AWFUL. Truly just jaw droppingly confusing to navigate."
I emailed them yesterday afternoon and they replied within minutes because I couldn't find my activity history. I did see the activity for shows I have tickets to see in the spring and one nice feature they added was the number of points I will receive once those performances take place (even though they said future activity was not yet available in their response). I did mention that the old site was easier to navigate. Their reply was:
Thank you for reaching out. Yes, our system went through a major update and not everything is back online just yet. At this time past and future activity is not visible but that doesn't mean that it isn't linked in our system. Unfortunately, we do not have an estimated time when this will be corrected. Our team is very aware of this and is working to iron out the "kinks" in our new system.
Chorus Member Joined: 12/17/15
So is the 500 points + cash deal over now? I'm only seeing a couple shows that still offer this incentive.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/29/08
Logged in for the first time this morning since the update - WOW. Awful all around. And why do we have to now call for most offers Vs just doing it online? Inconvenient.
have also noticed for the past few years - points / cash ratio is wild. What happened to the days of 500 points + $35. Now it’s 9,500 points and $72, some even more, only a handful less. Wild.