Here’s J. Oconer Navarro’s epic story of how he made his Broadway conducting debut last night. He was never supposed to conduct Caroline, or Change! The show would not have gone on if he didn’t hop a flight from Chicago yesterday morning. What a wild scenario. Not like the show is all music…ha!
Looks like he’s conducting again tonight, in case anyone has tickets.
HeyMrMusic said: "Here’s J. Oconer Navarro’s epic story of how he made his Broadway conducting debut last night. He was never supposed to conductCaroline, or Change! The show would not have gone on if he didn’t hop a flight from Chicago yesterday morning. What a wild scenario. Not like the show is all music…ha!
Looks like he’s conducting again tonight, in case anyone has tickets."
He had played the show before, to his credit. But still a crazy story.
I think conducting and being a sub pianist (he’s not even the regular player) is a totally different thing. Not anyone can just conduct a show. It’s like asking a sub assistant stage manager who works stage left to call a show from the stage manager booth.
Ain’t Too Proud has been cancelled on Monday. Perfs resume Tuesday
Arena Stage has cancelled their last performances of "Seven Guitars" due to Covid.
So far 6 out of my last 8 subscription tickets to various venues in the dc area have been cancelled due to illnesses. I doubt if I will buy any subscriptions next year.
HeyMrMusic said: "Here’s J. Oconer Navarro’s epic story of how he made his Broadway conducting debut last night. He was never supposed to conductCaroline, or Change! The show would not have gone on if he didn’t hop a flight from Chicago yesterday morning. What a wild scenario. Not like the show is all music…ha!
Looks like he’s conducting again tonight, in case anyone has tickets."
Incredible story!! Thanks for sharing. With so much bad happening all around, it's great to see someone getting such an incredible opportunity.
Waitress has played its final performance.
itsjustmejonhotmailcom said: "Waitress has played its final performance."
Confirmation please? I still see tix on sale thru 1/9 beginning on Christmas Day.
itsjustmejonhotmailcom said: "Waitress has played its final performance."
They're still selling tickets from Dec. 25 through Jan. 9.
itsjustmejonhotmailcom said: "Waitress has played its final performance."
I've heard the same. Although I will stop short of "confirming" it, until the tickets are offline.
BroadwayRox3588 said: "itsjustmejonhotmailcom said: "Waitress has played its final performance."
I've heard the same. Although I will stop short of "confirming" it, until the tickets are offline."
We shall be hearing the announcement - Here soon
They just posted on social media. Confirmed.
At the very least, it provides more time for load out and for setting up Paradise Square.
Now when is the proshot getting released?
Their website has been updated to say Waitress played their final Broadway performance December 20th.
The closing is posted on their website now, the home page says "Waitress played its final Broadway Performance December 20th"
itsjustmejonhotmailcom said: "Waitress has played its final performance."
Gawd damn. Ciara Renee has to go through this twice? How devastating.
Broadway Grosses Drop 26 Percent as Many Shows Cancel Performances The surge in coronavirus cases comes at a tough time for the theater industry, which traditionally relies on the holiday season box office.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/6/21
Call_me_jorge said: "itsjustmejonhotmailcom said: "Waitress has played its final performance."
Gawd damn. Ciara Renee has to go through this twice? How devastating."
My thoughts exactly. I feel so bad for her.
poor girl, can't catch a break.
sign her up for wicked please and thank you!
They need to tell Telecharge to stop selling tickets.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/16/21
This breaks my heart. I saw one of Ciara's first performances as Jenna and she was phenomenal.
Sad. Is this the first show to have Covid Shutdowns completely end their runs on both Broadway and the West End?
I was rooting for this almost-all-Black principal cast. So sad they won’t be able to complete their run.
Flying Over Sunset for the rest of the week.
Seeing reports on social media that Thoughts Of A Colored Man canceled tonight?
thecometbringsnofear said: "Seeing reports on social media that Thoughts Of A Colored Man canceled tonight?"
I originally saw just one tweet from a guys who looked like he had a few fries short of a Happy Meal, but then I bounced over to the BwayToday sight and it seems to be off tonight and tomorrow (12/24)
EDIT: The show was cancelled tonight, confirmed on Da’Vinchi’s Instagram. Also, Garrett Turner (u/s) posted he will be on every performance through 1/4 and that Dyllon Burnside has been sidelined with COVID.
As of now, the only shows they have listed as “ON” tomorrow are Clyde’s and Company