Leading Actor Joined: 1/26/08
I'm fully vaccinated and boosted, and I'm just trusting that and taking precautions the best I can. I missed NYC so much for the year I was essentially locked out, and I'm not taking it for granted now. Luckily, none of my shows have been canceled yet, but I'm buying everything with a fear that they could be.
Updated On: 12/17/21 at 01:36 PM
That article mentions that for those who are vaccinated, Omricon infection can feel like the common cold. That concerns me because I’ve been having cold symptoms (my regular allergy meds not helping much) for the last several days and been trying to tell myself it’s just allergies although my allergies are usually well controlled in the winter (we have had a mild season thus far though so likely lots of pollen still out there, I suppose?). I’ve been more cautious than many here lately, but I guess It’s time to get tested again."
It's so hard to know. I've had exactly those kind of cold symptoms... runny nose, sneezing, but I've had them for weeks. It wasn't until I had a direct Covid exposure end of last week that I got tested. It was negative, thankfully, especially given that I'm supposed to take the train up tomorrow. I'm triple-vaxxed, I'll take all precautions, but even so the rapid infection rate is a concern. Though the vast majority end up with a mild case, not everyone does. Rolling the dice, I should be fine. But I'm still changing my mind every five minutes.
Matinee preview of MJ cancelled today. Evening performance is still on for now.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/25/20
Mrs. Doubtfire is on a hiatus through next week.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/16/16
I’m going to the last two weeks of Caroline or Change. Fingers crossed everyone is able to stay healthy.
Updated On: 12/16/21 at 02:56 PMBroadway Star Joined: 10/6/21
Just remembered I have an Amtrak voucher that expires sometime in January 2022. I’d rather not be out the voucher so I think I’ll try and go on 1/8 or 1/15 and hope for the best. I’ll purchase a ticket closer to one of those dates.
perfectlymarvelous said: "Wick3 said: "If a performance is canceled last minute due to covid, I know patrons get a refund. However, do cast members and ushers/theater/stage workers get paid too? or not?"
yes, we do. it's in our union contracts that we get paid in the event of a last-minute cancellation."
People who work smaller jobs than that are also compensated. I don’t technically qualify as crew and am still paid.
BCfitasafiddle said: "Mrs. Doubtfire is on a hiatus through next week."
Pure speculation, but I'm guessing the kids in the show have COVID and they're experiencing symptoms.
Well, I got my PCR test scheduled at CVS in less than 30 minutes from now. Fingers crossed!
Leading Actor Joined: 5/8/19
ACL2006 said: "BCfitasafiddle said: "Mrs. Doubtfire is on a hiatus through next week."
Pure speculation, but I'm guessing the kids in the show have COVID and they're experiencing symptoms."
I think Analise Scarpaci confirmed on her Instagram late last week that she did. Her understudy made her principal debut last weekend.
Well, I got my PCR test scheduled at CVS in less than 30 minutes from now. Fingers crossed!
Broadway Star Joined: 10/6/21
Miles2Go2 said: "Well, I got my PCR test scheduled at CVS in less than 30 minutes from now. Fingers crossed!"
Good luck! I had covid in October 2020. What I thought was a 3 week sinus infection was actually covid. No symptoms other than a headache that went away by noon and constant congestion. Only found out when I had an antibody test and tested positive in November 2020. Have the same set of symptoms right now and tested negative last Thursday. I’m going to test again before Christmas just to confirm.
I am going back to NYC to see COMPANY on the 26th, I know all shows are off on Christmas Day. Do you think I should be ok or prepare to get a refund?
Dylan Smith4 said: "I am going back to NYC to see COMPANY on the 26th, I know all shows are off on Christmas Day. Do you think I should be ok or prepare to get a refund?"
17 (used to be 18 before Diana announced its closing) Broadway shows have performances on Christmas Day!
Dylan, We are literally in a place now where nobody will be able to answer that question for you. You’ll know your show is on when you were sitting in the seat and the lights go down. Everyone with tickets to a show now has to be prepared for the fact that it might not happen.
Jordan Catalano said: "Dylan, We are literally in a place now where nobody will be able to answer that question for you. You’ll know your show is on when you were sitting in the seat and the lights go down. Everyone with tickets to a show now has to be prepared for the fact that it might not happen."
Jordan, I am well aware and hope it does not happen to me, but I am prepared. Just know that I am not complaining. I am just expressing my concerns. I do have the same show planned for two weeks later.
I wasn’t saying you were complaining. I was just saying to be prepared for anything to happen. That’s all.
Dylan Smith4 said: "I am going back to NYC to see COMPANY on the 26th, I know all shows are off on Christmas Day. Do you think I should be ok or prepare to get a refund?"
I'd probably prepare for a refund. Judging by what I'm seeing, I think this current outbreak is going to be sticking around for a couple more weeks at least. In the minutes between my last message, I found out that I myself got exposed and need to get tested, and I have not even been working at the recently cancelled shows. It's spreading very quickly.
BCfitasafiddle said: "Mrs. Doubtfire is on a hiatus through next week."
Maybe just a grammar thing, but hiatus is through this week. Performances (hopefully) resume next Tuesday 21st.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/6/21
Dylan Smith4 said: "I am going back to NYC to see COMPANY on the 26th, I know all shows are off on Christmas Day. Do you think I should be ok or prepare to get a refund?"
I would have a back up show in mind just in case you arrive at the theatre and they cancel. That seems like the pattern- cancelling within the hr before start time.
adotburr said: "Dylan Smith4 said: "I am going back to NYC to see COMPANY on the 26th, I know all shows are off on Christmas Day. Do you think I should be ok or prepare to get a refund?"
I would have a back up show in mind just in case you arrive at the theatre and they cancel. That seems like the pattern- cancelling within the hr before start time."
I am prepared for that as well. I am sure there will be plenty of shows available if the one I am going to gets canceled. There are two shows right next door.
Goodness. So many shows…. This is going to cost all these shows a ton of money as this keeps happening. I guess it would cost them more if it was shut down again though…
The question is where and how are cast or crew getting exposed?
Are there clauses in place to ask those involved in the shows to not engage in risky behaviours? I can’t imagine they want this to continue, but I don’t know how you prevent this, apart from really creating a bubble and not letting anyone socialize outside of it… which isn’t really possible given people have families, kids, etc.
Not sure what they can do… and I fear many shows closing if they constantly have to cancel several shows.
Luminaire2 said: "Goodness. So many shows…. This is going to cost all these shows a ton of money as this keeps happening. I guess it would cost them more if it was shut down again though…
The question is where and how are cast or crew getting exposed?
Are there clauses in place to ask those involved in the shows to not engage in risky behaviours? I can’t imagine they want this to continue, but I don’t know how you prevent this, apart from really creating a bubble and not letting anyone socialize outside of it… which isn’t really possible given people have families, kids, etc.
Not sure what they can do… and I fear many shows closing if they constantly have to cancel several shows."
As someone who literally just got exposed in the past 24 hours, I don’t think it’s the risky behavior you’re thinking of. We wear our masks and get tested almost daily. What I think is being forgotten is that many people including myself don’t just work at one show, we work at multiple. If someone is infected and not gotten to quick enough, they can spread it to multiple shows within hours.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/9/04
A local IATSE member is speaking out and has some pretty shocking allegations. https://twitter.com/MikeSington/status/1471527676082941956?s=20