At the end of October, Glenn Close gave an update on the status of the proposed 'Sunset Boulevard' musical movie, which she had originally hoped to start filming the movie this past October. Here's an excerpt from the VOGUE interview:
Your film adaption of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Sunset Boulevard musical was in preproduction before the pandemic hit. What’s the latest update on Norma Desmond?
We have a fantastic script. I’m starring as well as producing, so I’ve been in the trenches with that one. We’re just waiting for an absolute green light, and I hope it’ll happen in the new year because we’re ready. I used to think I needed to play Albert Nobbs before I died, but now I think I need to do this. I can’t really put Norma to rest until I’ve explored her on film, so I hope that that happens.
What appeals to you about translating a character you explored on Broadway every night to the screen?
In theater, if you analyze the songs, some of them are very internal. It’s what’s going on in her head. So that, to me, will be fascinating, because how your face looks when you’re singing a high note in front of a theater will look very different when you see it in close-up. To me, it’ll be a great experiment. I personally think it’s Andrew’s most beautiful score. To bring the emotionality of the music with that iconic story to the screen would be simply hair-raising. That’s something I’m looking forward to.
Glenn Close - VOGUE 2020
Eek this sounds like something that could easily fall through, especially if budgets are tight after what I assume is a disastrous year for production studios. I hope she gets her wish - I am not really a fan of her Norma (very poorly sung) but it might work better on film when it's closer up and focusing on the acting - plus the studio can help her through the vocals.
Your film adaption of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Sunset Boulevard musical was in preproduction before the pandemic hit. What’s the latest update on Norma Desmond?
Um, it wasn’t in preproduction. Close even acknowledges they only have a great script and she hopes it gets greenlit. In order for ANY preproduction to begin, the project needs to be greenlit first.
Should this run as a double feature with Streisand's Gypsy, or Wicked?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/19
Maybe if she gets her Oscar it’ll add some fire to it
SouthernCakes said: "Maybe if she gets her Oscar it’ll add some fire to it"
She won’t with her latest film.
BrodyFosse123 said: "Your film adaption of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Sunset Boulevard musical was in preproduction before the pandemic hit. What’s the latest update on Norma Desmond?
Um, it wasn’t in preproduction. Close even acknowledges they only have a great script and she hopes it gets greenlit. In order for ANY preproduction to begin, the project needs to be greenlit first."
I believe they have the director signed on, as well. I guess it's all a matter of who is defining 'preproduction' ?
I believe they have the director signed on, as well. I guess it's all a matter of who is defining 'preproduction' ?
As someone who works in the industry, preproduction begins WHEN we receive confirmation that the project is happening and creative teams have been assigned, contracts negotiated and other little details are sorted out. THEN we start having meetings and putting the pieces of the puzzle together. No one ain’t lifting a finger until all of that is finalized. Having a director means zero right now as they haven’t even been given the greenlight to get things going.
Yes, back in February of 2019, it was announced that Rob Ashford would be directing the film version, with filming starting in October of 2019. No other updates were ever announced as far the cast or anything like that.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/10/11
I wish they had made a movie of this 15 years ago...I think it could have been really good. That said, reading the initial post makes me wonder whether Glenn Close is in danger of morphing into Gloria Swanson's Norma Desmond...Close's 'zeal' seems akin to Norma's desperation to play Salome. They had a script for that too.
It is silly to feel 'sad' for two people who have achieved the level of success that she and Streisand have, but I can't help feeling sad when I read that she is still trying to get it made. At least we don't still read how Streisand is still trying to get Gypsy remade, at least I have not read anything.
Jarethan, 4 & 1/2 years ago the funding for "Gypsy" fell through. It was the 2nd time it happened during all the years of trying to get it made. Since then, Barbra refers to "Gypsy" in the past tense. Including her London, NYC & Chicago concerts last year. And, when she was on "The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon." Alec Baldwin was also a guest on the episode, and she said she wanted him for Herbie,
Barbra was interviewed last week by "The NY Times," and she mentions that Sondheim, who controls the rights, didn't want Barbra starring and directing the movie. He had no problem with her starring, but not directing. Add that to funding being pulled, and it was just one of many reasons that it never came to be.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/15/07
Sondheim is FAMOUSLY open to interpreting/modifying his work and speaks so fondly over the joys of collaboration. It must say something he didn't want her directing.
nealb1 said: "Yes, back in February of 2019, it was announced that Rob Ashford would be directing the film version, with filming starting in October of 2019. No other updates were ever announced as far the cast or anything like that."
Close was interviewed in late Spring, while she was quarantined. At that time, she said production was expected to begin in late October of this year, finishing in January. That was the last update until a few weeks ago.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
They should just film it in the manner of Cats/Joseph/JCS from the late 90's, early 2000's.
I believe I recall Sondheim saying in an interview it was Arthur Laurents who first said he'd let Streisand do it only if she didn't direct. Sondheim initially didn't have a problem with it, but thought Laurents was probably right and also made the stipulation.
As for SUNSET, it doesn't sound like a cheap movie, so I'm skeptical it gets greenlit after a year rough couple years. But I hope it does, for her sake and ours. It's likely the only way we'd ever get a film version and I think one could work.
They should have just filmed the last revival. The b-roll looked pretty stunning and cinematic.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/10/11
nealb1 said: "Jarethan, 4 & 1/2 years ago the funding for "Gypsy" fell through. It was the 2nd time it happened during all the years of trying to get it made. Since then, Barbra refers to "Gypsy" in the past tense. Including her London, NYC & Chicago concerts last year. And, when she was on "The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon." Alec Baldwin was also a guest on the episode, and she said she wanted him for Herbie,
Barbra was interviewed last week by "The NY Times," and she mentions that Sondheim, who controls the rights, didn't want Barbra starring and directing the movie. He had no problem with her starring, but not directing. Add that to funding being pulled, and it was just one of many reasons that it never came to be."
I am happy that she stopped saying it 4 1/2 years ago. It doesn't change my argument...4 1/2 years ago, she was too damn old to play Mama Rose, who starts out with 2 kids who are under 10. It was sad then...happy that she was not able to make it; on the other hand, it is sad that she didn't try to make it 30 years ago, when she was age appropriate...that was 29 years after the Rosalind Russell movie, more than a respectable time interval to re-do it, with someone who could sing the score.
CATSNYrevival said: "They should have just filmed the last revival. The b-roll looked pretty stunning and cinematic."
It wasn’t just the beautiful B-roll... I saw that revival live. Close was magnificent, nailing her big numbers (“stunning and cinematic” as ever) and iconic lines, and getting a well-deserved standing-O after “As If We Never Said Goodbye” that didn’t seem to end for some time. For a few hours, she WAS Norma Desmond, the greatest star of all, and she had triumphantly come (back) home at last.
Michael Xavier was a nice second lead as well, and had quite a solid voice for his B’way debut.
The downfall of this film will be Ashford at the helm - if he's still attached. I mean what are his film credentials? Peter Pan Live?
Can you imagine someone like Todd Haynes directing this?
Regardless, I hope they release it in black & white.
Having seen Close a few times in the original Broadway run of SUNSET BLVD, I truly hated her new return/take on the role in the recent concert-style revival. She played it for laughs and was mugging on that scaffolding set like Carol Burnett’s Nora Desmond. Doing the crazy eyes and mouth expressions. Horrible. Yeah, her voice did what was required but her new interpretation was such a detour from how she played the role 20 years earlier. Her new line readings were getting laughs which weren’t there before and she played the entire finalé for laughs. The audience was roaring which pissed me off. No dramatic arc whatsoever. My only take-away from this revival was how gorgeous the score truly is. Close was a hot mess.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/22/14
From the post about her latest more comedic take on the role, nice to know she can play funny. She's so known for these very intense, dramatic roles.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
BrodyFosse123 said: "Having seen Close a few times in the original Broadway run of SUNSET BLVD, I truly hated her new return/take on the role in the recent concert-style revival. She played it for laughs and was mugging on that scaffolding set like Carol Burnett’s Nora Desmond. Doing the crazy eyes and mouth expressions. Horrible. Yeah, her voice did what was required but her new interpretation was such a detour from how she played the role 20 years earlier. Her new line readings were getting laughs which weren’t there before and she played the entire finalé for laughs. The audience was roaring which pissed me off. No dramatic arc whatsoever. My only take-away from this revival was how gorgeous the score truly is. Close was a hot mess."
That would be such a departure from the stage adaptation, which was based on the original Billy Wilder classic. I have seen that film noir and it is truly tragic. Norma was such a lost character & her finale was one of the greatest and iconic scenes in a movie!
If Ms Close choses to play her as more comical - then I will pass... even if Sunset Boulevard is one of my favorite movies and the score is one of my best-loved work of Andrew Lloyd Webber.
Ashford is still attached to this?
Not only film, it’s been a bit he’s directed for the stage, correct?
They should bring on Damian Chazelle or Alfonso Cuarón
I saw the 2017 Broadway revival twice. That's so interesting that when you saw it, you had that experience.
The nights we saw it, there was no mugging, playing it for laughs, or having the audience laugh. We didn't experience that at all. Having seen her in the original version multiple times, and knowing the cast album by heart - for the most part, it was so wonderful to see her Norma, being done in a different take/style. She was fantastic!