How can people on ATC complain that the score does not sit well with Bette or more generally complain about her vocals? Channing barely sung a single note. The role is not Rose, Edie, Mrs Lovett etc. - I don't understand why some of the ATC people are trying to carefully analyse her vocal performance here - the show is a farcical/whimsical/frivolous old fashioned American Broadway musical. Not a pretentious technical showcase for a singer or actor. You need an engaging, warm larger-than-life personality with good comic timing - and it's hard to ask for more than Bette or from Bette (curious how Donna Murphy will go). Just weird.
And to the people on ATC claiming the show feels 'tired' - it just makes no sense. The cast are probably having the time of their lives right now in a recently-opened show, playing to bigger and more enthusiastic audiences than they have ever experienced in their lives. I can't help but feel it probably reflects more about themselves than the show.
Brantley wasn't nearly as crazy about the production as he was about Bette.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
iStage Door Sally said: "I just went give Dollypop and others on here a big hug. I have never been so emotionally engaged in a Broadway production before, I didn't think tears of joy would be welling up again....
Thanks for the Hug, Sally. Returning it and sharing it with the whole world???
Ha, Brantley devoted like four sentences total to other performers or design elements of the production. He gave Pierce good praise, but otherwise, it was all about Bette.
qolbinau said: "How can people on ATC complain that the score does not sit well with Bette or more generally complain about her vocals? Channing barely sung a single note. The role is not Rose, Edie, Mrs Lovett etc. - I don't understand why some of the ATC people are trying to carefully analyse her vocal performance here - the show is a farcical/whimsical/frivolous old fashioned American Broadway musical. Not a pretentious technical showcase for a singer or actor. You need an engaging, warm larger-than-life personality with good comic timing - and it's hard to ask for more than Bette or from Bette (curious how Donna Murphy will go). Just weird.
And to the people on ATC claiming the show feels 'tired' - it just makes no sense. The cast are probably having the time of their lives right now in a recently-opened show, playing to bigger and more enthusiastic audiences than they have ever experienced in their lives. I can't help but feel it probably reflects more about themselves than the show.
"I've never been on ATC...who's the audience on that board? That tells a lot!
Did He Like It is updated. So annoying that WSJ is included in the final consensus.
I am going to bed happy and full of warm fuzzys.
I've been paying to see Midler in concert since I was 26. Suffice it to say, not yesterday. Have seen every iteration since, both the Majestic and Radio City in NYC. This review is a career high for her, and though I haven't seen the production yet, it wrings tears just to read such a loving appreciation of her gift, and its fit in this show. Not going til August, but never felt happier for any beloved performer.
That NYT review!!! I am SO HAPPY right now. Congratulations to all involved!!!!
To Ben Brantley's love letter and the wonderful RAVES by other critics:
But yeah, screw Terry whats-his-face.
Robbie, thanks for posting all those wonderful photos.
Sadly have to wait till Jan to see it
rosscoe(au) said: "Robbie, thanks for posting all those wonderful photos.
Sadly have to wait till Jan to see it
"Me too but a 2nd pleasure!
I'm so happy about these reviews and the ones for The Little Foxes. It's been far too long since I've felt the world is full of wonderful things.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/03
Let's just put the ATC thing in perspective. That board has always been filled with toxic jerks. I stopped posting there ages ago because of them (and I was one of the first people to post on that board when they first began). First of all - Jesse. He's a guy. He posts there. He's NOT a critic any more than anyone else who posts there is a critic and yet he has, for years now, acted like he's an official critic. Matthew Murray - I like him as a person, but he's an odd "reviewer" - and he's not paid to review anything, just like people on Broadway World aren't paid to review - they're just people who want free tickets and have a site to post their thoughts. I get it, but... Perhaps Talkin' Broadway will make Jesse their "critic" once Matthew departs. I'm sure that would warm the cockles of his egocentric little heart.
And yes, you knew the bitching by the usual suspects would begin the minute this show got praised everywhere else. They can't help themselves. And Jesse is merely one of that pack, IMO.
I am also seeing this tomorrow. Pal Joey, I'll be the one w the five champagne sippie cups
Broadway Star Joined: 9/2/11
Musical Master: speaking of Armond White, he has written an article about how brilliant he thinks the Dolly! film is. Always the contrarian.
This really is a superb revival on all levels. Glad the critics got it right. Are we sure Terry Teachout was at the right theatre? Maybe he saw the Great Comet. This was the best production of Dolly I have ever seen!
Did anyone really expect a fair review from a newspaper owned by Rupert Murdoch? He is pouring millions into bolstering our very own Agent Orange, and Bette is one of his most vociferous critics. Mystery solved.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/20/15
The only ones who need to lighten up are the ones who were starting to plummet into a meltdown over one controversial review. You knew the rest would be super, just as we all knew when Bette announced her casting as Dolly that she was the shoo-in for the Tony, as would the production be. Bette's involvement was going to secure this production with the brightest and best of Broadway. As I said, there was no need to worry, folks. It got the reviews we all knew it would.
DAME said: "No consern . Just having fun and excited . Lighten up.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/14/13
Public User said: "Did anyone really expect a fair review from a newspaper owned by Rupert Murdoch? He is pouring millions into bolstering our very own Agent Orange, and Bette is one of his most vociferous critics. Mystery solved.
This is one of the dumbest statements on here. There's no "conspiracy." The NY Post is owned by the Murdochs and they it was absolutely glowing towards her:
I wonder how After Eight -- who considers Teachout our best critic, btw -- isn't shattered by this response. It is in every way a violation of the agenda he ascribes to the theater intelligentsia.
adamgreer said: "Brantley wasn't nearly as crazy about the production as he was about Bette.
Then again he LOVED Groundhog Day. SMH