Everything we've heard sounds great so far! I can't wait to do a full listen-through. Just over an hour left here in Central Europe!
FYI, tickets are now on sale through June 10, the day before the Tonys.
Just finished listening and this album, like the show, is just wonderful and so special. I love this show so much and the album captures it so well.
My favorites from seeing it live are still my favorites (Father Time, This Time, How to Wash a Check, Great Adventure), but I definitely think there are songs I appreciate a lot more listening to them than seeing them. I never paid much attention to Now before listening to it, but absolutely loved it on the album.
Victoria is just amazing. There is nobody like her. She just imbues so much emotion and authenticity into every song.
The whole supporting cast is nailing it though. They all sound great.
I def want to shout out the high schoolers too, they're so much fun. I want to specifically shout out Fernell Hogan. He has a gorgeous voice, although he only gets to really showcase it in two songs (Skater Planet Reprise and Our Disease)
The only things I can remember that is missing are the mini reprise of Skater Planet from the first scene at school (the one that starts with "it's Tuesday morning" and Kimberly's message to Carmelita that should be between Before I Go and Great Adventure. I guess they were just too short to include. I'm curious if there's anything else I forgot.
I can't wait for everyone else to get to listen!
The full album has dropped! Keep those thoughts coming, everybody.
Swing Joined: 1/14/23
Kimberly Akimbo super fan here (note my username, hahaha). Just finished the album and I found it very enjoyable. Many different acting choices than the ones I’ve seen on Broadway! Which is both exciting and a bit sad, as the previous choices are ingrained in my head and the reason I’m obsessed with the show. But even with these new choices, the emotion of the show still comes through.
Overall, the songs sound great. Almost too good. My favorite parts of the show on Broadway were the quirkier, rougher moments, and this album feels a bit too perfect at points,
On to my singular real dislike on this album: the spoken parts are almost entirely absent. One of Jeanine Tesori’s most important contributions to the musical theatre is her integration of music into scenes. Kimberly Akimbo is the crowning achievement of this: the music tells you how to feel and it magnifies the events of the scene even though nobody is singing. The shortening of the dialogue in Inevitable Turn, Now, and the removal of the final scene (the kiss) before Great Adventure made me rather sad. They are some of the best parts of the show, and I feel they were cut to make the songs feel more like ‘classical’ musical theatre songs. I feel like a Fun Home style recording would have suited the show a bit better in that respect. Overall, it’s still a wonderful album for an equally wonderful musical!
I have to disagree with you, The Bittersweets. I think the cuts/edits for the album absolutely work to make the listening experience enjoyable and complete without having to give too much context, exposition, or spoilers. For example, going straight into “Great Adventure” is such a satisfying segue on the album.
I love hearing the orchestrations and vocal arrangements so clearly on the recording. They’re very well written and performed.
I think this album could convert those who didn’t connect with the score when watching the show live. The elimination of dialogue shows how strong the score is on its own. This isn’t a Fun Home or Caroline; these songs can be taken out of context and enjoyed.
How lucky we are to have an album this good. The show deserves this exquisite of a recording.
Loving the album so far. It keeps making me misty-eyed. Really enjoying getting to hear the score and orchestration so clearly, as good as it sounds live.
As someone who was not a huge fan of Fun Home and pretty much hated Caroline, or Change, I have to say that this album is winning me over. I am looking forward to seeing the show for the first time in April!
I need a synopsis but the songs are lovely.
Beautiful and heartbreaking, just like the show itself. Everyone sounds fantastic and I feel very lucky we have such a gorgeous recording. Bravo!
Broadway Star Joined: 4/3/17
My favorite tracks:
Hello, Baby
The Inevitable Turn (the heart monitor!)
Great Adventure
HeyMrMusic said: "I have to disagree with you, The Bittersweets. I think the cuts/edits for the album absolutely work to make the listening experience enjoyable and complete without having to give too much context, exposition, or spoilers. For example, going straight into “Great Adventure” is such a satisfying segue on the album.
I love hearing the orchestrations and vocal arrangements so clearly on the recording. They’re very well written and performed.
I think this album could convert those who didn’t connect with the score when watching the show live. The elimination of dialogue shows how strong the score is on its own. This isn’t aFun HomeorCaroline; these songs can be taken out of context and enjoyed.
How lucky we are to have an album this good. The show deserves this exquisite of a recording."
100% agree. When I walked out of the show the 1st time, I thought the music was mostly just ok (and that the star was the book and performances). I then saw it another 3 times and really fell in love with it. Listening to Anagram and Better the last few months helped me appreciate those songs so much more too (you can def find posts of me expressing distaste for them specifically from back in October and November). Just listening to the album today, there are already songs growing on me!
Stand-by Joined: 5/23/21
God this cast album is just glorious. Saw the show twice last time I was in New York and fell in love. This recording is such a great reminder of all the reasons why.
The whole album is great but my favorites are Anagram, Our Disease, Before I Go, and Great Adventure, but the whole score is so great. I can't wait for this show to (hopefully) sweep the Tonys.
This score feels like an hourlong thesis statement on Tesori's career as a Broadway composer thus far, and in the best possible way. I hear the classical influences of both Fun Home and Caroline, or Change, the old-school sass of Caroline, the country-tinged twang of Violet, and the driving, accessible pop of Shrek — the jaunty, ukelele-driven closer "Great Adventure" reminds me of "Travel Song." Lindsay-Abaire's lyrics are not too shabby either.
Man, I just love when John Clancy unleashes the Farfisa in a few songs on this album — as he also has in shows like Mean Girls, The Prom, and Diana. I'm sure he loves it too!
The entire cast shines. Clark, Cooley, and Milligan give extraordinary performances. Alli Mauzey sounds crystal-clear, and Steven Boyer gets the best patter song I've heard in a new musical since "What's Gonna Happen." The four high schoolers are insanely talented.
I dare you to get the hook of "Skater Planet" out of my head for the next several days.
What a great Valentine's Day present this album is. Oh how I wish I could come downtown to Bergen County for the first time, hopefully soon!
Chorus Member Joined: 11/8/12
Good Lord. Saw it at The Atlantic, took two friends to see it at the Booth on Saturday, and Father Time STILL wrecked me, just now.
My favorite song from a musical in a long while.
I wonder if there will ever come a time when I don’t get fully choked up at Great Adventure.
So happy this is out!
Featured Actor Joined: 12/7/21
ThaDudeAbides said: "Good Lord. Saw it at The Atlantic, took two friends to see it at the Booth on Saturday, and Father Time STILL wrecked me, just now.
My favorite song from a musical in a long while."
My favorite too, and I knew it would be once I saw it. Just gorgeous.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/25/20
A perfect album. Nothing could be improved upon. Just glorious.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
Came out of this show thinking the music was fine but nothing special, but the album really gives it a whole new light. I've been a little mixed on Tesori scores in the past and I think it's because so much of what makes it special is really in the lyricism and how the songs tell the story, rather than the specific melodies (though there are certainly some great melodies in this), so hearing it isolated on the album really helped me appreciate it.
Father Time was probably the song that stood out to me the most in the show and it's just as great here, if not better. But Skater Planet (both versions), Better, This Time, and Before I Go are much better than I remember them being. I had always considered How to Wash a Check Bonnie Milligan's standout number, but I think so much of that one has to do with the staging and visuals, whereas Better works better (ha) in a solely audio format. I laugh every time at Justin Cooley's "that was my breakfast" during Happy for Her, it's just such a funny line reading.
Also, I had pre-saved the album on Apple Music before it was fully released, and one of the tracks was originally Hello Sister, which it seems got cut. Does anyone happen to know what happened to that one?
Understudy Joined: 5/7/11
Also, I had pre-saved the album on Apple Music before it was fully released, and one of the tracks was originally Hello Sister, which it seems got cut. Does anyone happen to know what happened to that one?"
I noticed that too, but I think since it is the same music as Hello Darling, Hello Baby, and Hello Darling #2, they thought possibly too redundant. Plus Hello Sister just ends and goes into dialogue before going into Great Adventure.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/29/13
Beautiful. I wonder if it will work as well for people who have not seen the show?
My mother hasn’t seen the show, but I recommended this album to her and she enjoyed it. She most definitely didn’t get the full arc of Act 2, as she was surprised by Great Adventure, but I’m glad she found this album as lovely as I did the show.
I have not seen the show yet (seeing it in April), but I love this album. I know the general premise of the show, but not the full detailed plot. That being said, "Before I Go" breaks my heart upon every listen. And that's BEFORE I even hear/see it performed within the context of the actual show!
Love that this beautiful score was recorded! Does anyone know if there will also be a physical cd release? Some of us love having the physical collectible album too