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KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?- Page 10

KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#225KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/20/13 at 6:18pm

Totally fair point, Kelly.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.
Updated On: 5/20/13 at 06:18 PM

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#226KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/20/13 at 6:19pm

Maybe there were Snuggies in those VIRGINIA WOOLF brochures! That would explain everything!

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#227KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/20/13 at 6:27pm


Arizona Broadway Theatre is it's own thing. Broadway Palm West is now a new theater devoted to musical parodies, it's called Silver Star or something.

bdn223 Profile Photo
#228KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 5/20/13 at 6:40pm

In the film adaptaion at least as well the Demise of Trenchbull occurs the day after Matilda breaks into Miss Trenchbull's bouse grabbing some of Miss Honey's possesions. During Matilda's time in the house she discovers Trencbull's fear of her brother and uses it to escape. While escaping Matilda looses her ribbon, found by Trenchbull, and Trenchbull's confrontation of Matilda the following day at school is whatsets up her ultimate demise since Miss Honey finally grows a backbone and stands up for herself and Matilda.

Both the stage adaptation and the film adaptation deviate from the novels ending because it countinues after Trenchbull's demise. The stage adaptation is much more faithful to the novel in regaeds to Trenchbull's demise than the film. In my opinion since neither countinue much further into the story after Trenchbull's demise the film does a better job in building up anticipation for it, with the additional plot point of Matilda breaking into Trenchbull's house. In the stage adaptation there is no real build up other than finding out Trenchbull is the escapologist's sister, Miss Honey's aunt, and Matilda has magical powers. There is no real "action" that sets her demise in motion. Updated On: 5/20/13 at 06:40 PM

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#229KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 6/3/13 at 9:37pm

To the people who say that ALL of the Tony voters are voting for Kinky Boots for Best Musical is either lying or wrong or confused because my friend's teacher is a Tony voter and she hasn't seen either yet

Updated On: 6/3/13 at 09:37 PM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#230KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 6/3/13 at 9:48pm

You people throw around the phrase "feel-good musical" as if it were something easy to achieve.

It ain't.

And between West Side Story and The Music Man, which do you think won the 1957 Best Musical?

The artistic achievement or the feel-good musical?

Kad Profile Photo
#231KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 6/3/13 at 9:57pm

"To the people who say that ALL of the Tony voters are voting for Kinky Boots for Best Musical is either lying or wrong or confused because my friend's teacher is a Tony voter and she hasn't seen either yet."

Uh, I imagine the cutoff point is rather soon.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#232KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 6/3/13 at 10:19pm

I can tell you from the 4 TONY voters I know on a personal level, each of them voted Kinky Boots for Best Musical and 3 out of 4 voted for Billy Porter.

John Adams Profile Photo
John Adams
#233KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 6/4/13 at 12:47am

The two award outcomes I would be happy with would be Kinky Boots for "Best Musical" and Matilda for "Best Score".

I'd be ecstatic if Matilda won both (and I think it should), but since "Best Musical" seems to be very open-ended in terms of criteria for voting, "It made me feel good" is just as valid as any other reason for winning. It certainly seems to be a widely shared feeling.

I think the "Best Actor" category could go either way in spite of any quantitative arguments ("Billy is on stage more", etc.). It's possible that either actor could win based on the body of their work, instead of just this role (it's happened before). It's also possible that the inclusion of Stark Sands in the category might divide the KB votes enough that Carvel wins.

I think "Best Book of a Musical" should definitely go to Matilda. When Fierstein chose to re-shift the film's original focus of saving the business to the relationship between Charlie and Lola, he ended up creating a book that's very trite. The message about two men being able to accept each other is good, but it no longer requires the same amount of emphasis today that it did in the last century. "We're the same, Charlie boy, you and me" is something many people already understand.

"Best Featured Actress" I hope will go to Angela Martin, so no rivalry issues there. Same for "Best Direction" (I hope Paullus will win)

In the "Choreography" and "Orchestrations" categories, I think other shows are frontrunners. (...and that banjo in "Take What You Got" and all the ELO runs are "critical errors" for me.)

I think Matilda deserves to win for "Scenic Design". I mean, c'mon... Even if you hated the show, that set is really creatively designed to the point that it's almost another character in the show.

"Costumes" and "Lighting Design" aren't categories where I would automatically put Kinky Boots and Matilda as the top two, so I don't find a rivalry there, either.
Updated On: 6/4/13 at 12:47 AM

fingerlakessinger Profile Photo
#234KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 6/4/13 at 1:45am

The other thing that bothers me (that was probably mentioned earlier) is Matilda's powers. They seem to just come out of the left field and are not really addressed properly.

"Life in theater is give and take...but you need to be ready to give more then you take..."

John Adams Profile Photo
John Adams
#235KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 6/4/13 at 2:10am

>> The other thing that bothers me (that was probably mentioned earlier) is Matilda's powers. They seem to just come out of the left field and are not really addressed properly.

I think that's because they DO come out of left field - even to Matilda. Matilda is an atypical book when it comes to her magical power. Unlike other magical characters in books, she isn't "born into" them, does not seek them out or ask for them, doesn't cast any spell, or encounter any magical talisman to receive them. They just appear. That's Dahl's doing.

They also completely disappear just as abruptly once Matilda moves in with Miss Honey.

#236KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 6/4/13 at 7:16am

But it's not really me anyway. I basically agree with both the above points. Matilda's powers do come out of left field and should have been a surprise to her as she was not looking for magic.

That said, I think if I had not known the book and/or original movie, I would not have understood what was presented on stage in terms of Matilda's magic. Low key is one thing - but for me it was so nonchalant, that I didn't really understand what happened or why.

#237KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 6/4/13 at 8:47am

What a Tony season this has turned out to be! Both shows are obviously major contenders.

Does this video suggest a groundswell of Kinky love?

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Kinky Homage

jetts7 Profile Photo
#238KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 6/4/13 at 9:24am

I have seen "Matilda", not "Kinky Boots". Im rooting for "Matilda" to win because I feel like "Kinky Boots" will sweep the rest of the awards. I am hoping to see "Kinky Boots" very soon!

Famebroadway2 Profile Photo
#239KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 6/4/13 at 9:33am

I want Kinky to win, but i have a gut feeling that Matilda is going to take most of the awards. I hope i am wrong come Sunday!

John Adams Profile Photo
John Adams
#240KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 6/4/13 at 10:04am

>> Does this video suggest a groundswell of Kinky love?

No, not at all. It suggests well-deserved love and respect for Cyndi Lauper as a person. That's very different.

If KB wins best score this year, I'll be very disappointed. It would mean that Lauper would be awarded for being a well-liked person instead of for writing the best score this season.

I think Lauper deserves the well-wishes. On her first attempt, she's earned a nomination that also happens to come with some historical significance regarding female composers in musical theater. Because she is so respected, she deserves to be congratulated and celebrated - for the nomination. That in itself is a very laudable accomplishment.

That doesn't mean the score she wrote was "the best" of this season, however.

newintown Profile Photo
#241KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 6/4/13 at 10:06am

Sing out, John Adams. You hit it right on the head.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#242KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 6/4/13 at 10:07am

It would mean that Lauper would be awarded for being a well-liked person instead of for writing the best score this season.

No, it wouldn't. That's a false assertion.

If it wins best score, it means that a majority of Tony voters decided that it was the best score.

D2 Profile Photo
#243KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 6/4/13 at 10:10am

"It would mean that Lauper would be awarded for being a well-liked person instead of for writing the best score this season."

Good point, but it's not like that doesn't happen quite frequently. And not just with the Tony Awards.

Cheyenne Jackson tickled me. AFTER ordering SoMMS a drink but NOT tickling him, and hanging out with Girly in his dressing room (where he DIDN'T tickle her) but BEFORE we got married. To others. And then he tweeted Boobs. He also tweeted he's good friends with some chick on "The Voice" who just happens to be good friends with Tink's ex. And I'm still married. Oh, and this just in: "Pettiness, spite, malice ....Such ugly emotions... So sad." - After Eight, talking about MEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so honored! :-)

#244KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 6/4/13 at 10:16am

I personally would like Kinky Boots to win best musical because as a production, I think KB as a whole succeeds more in what it is trying to do.

I would not object if Matilda however wins certain individual items such as book and/or score (not saying that's my preference or not). But on paper, Matilda has a lot of strengths and I wouldn't really be happy if either show takes ALL the awards. They should both be honored.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#245KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 6/4/13 at 10:25am

As we have oft heard, not seeing a show is hardly reason for not voting for it.

I love when folks state that any award is given for "x" reason: other than the voters felt it was deserved. I'm certainly not saying that it doesn't happen (and maybe it happens a lot) but no one has anything other than suspicions that that is the case.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#246KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 6/4/13 at 10:31am

'And between West Side Story and The Music Man, which do you think won the 1957 Best Musical?

The artistic achievement or the feel-good musical?'

Anyone who thinks The Music Man isn't a towering artistic achievement as well as a feel-good musical should have their head examined.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#247KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 6/4/13 at 10:44am

Oh, I do, but, then again, I also think of West Side Story as a feel-good musical.

I was speaking of what common people people speak, not tony cognoscenti like you et moi.

John Adams Profile Photo
John Adams
#248KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 6/4/13 at 10:44am

>> I love when folks state that any award is given for "x" reason: other than the voters felt it was deserved. I'm certainly not saying that it doesn't happen (and maybe it happens a lot) but no one has anything other than suspicions that that is the case.

I think that's always going to be true with the Tonys.
I'm definitely not implying that the League should establish specific criteria for voting (as if this were a classroom, and voters were 'grading' the nominees), but because there aren't, any opinion offered regarding why a nominee should/did/might win will always be nothing more than a suspicion.

Even the reasoning of "the voters felt it was deserved" must have some support regarding "why?" behind it.

newintown Profile Photo
#249KINKY BOOTS to win the Tony over MATILDA?
Posted: 6/4/13 at 10:45am

Comparing Kinky Boots to The Music Man is like comparing Spam to Chateaubriand. Spam is certainly fine in some situations, but there's undeniably lower quality there.
