DTLI Consensus: Though streamlined and much improved from the solid Off-Broadway incarnation, Suffs has still not yet marched its way to a great product.
5 positive, 5 mixed (including the NYT).
Not raves but definitely liked well enough comparatively in this season to get a Best Musical nod
That is about what I was expecting from these reviews. Just hope this can sell really well and pick up some Tony Nods.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/13/22
Mr. Wormwood said: "Not raves but definitely liked well enough comparatively in this season to get a Best Musical nod"
Bingo. They have an advertising campaign that will launch them into double digit nominations, i'd guess, with that stacked cast. wishing it all the best.
Time Out is positive, but is not included on DTLI, yet:
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
Holdren in Vulture is positive:
"for all its seriousness, Suffs is full of nerve and spark. Under the steady direction of Leigh Silverman, the show’s large ensemble glows with the gutsiness and visible affection that come from a good-faith process. When actors really believe in what they’re doing, it tends to show."
PipingHotPiccolo said: "Mr. Wormwood said: "Not raves but definitely liked well enough comparatively in this season to get a Best Musical nod"
Bingo. They have an advertising campaign that will launch them into double digit nominations, i'd guess, with that stacked cast. wishing it all the best."
This is highly unlikely, but wouldn't be incredible if Shaina won the Triple Crown? Book, Score, and Lead Actress.
Sorry but the Times is mixed on this but gave “Elephants” a critics pick? I just don’t understand reviews anymore.
PipingHotPiccolo said: "Mr. Wormwood said: "Not raves but definitely liked well enough comparatively in this season to get a Best Musical nod"
Bingo. They have an advertising campaign that will launch them into double digit nominations, i'd guess, with that stacked cast. wishing it all the best."
I’m not expecting a lot of acting nominations here. All but one of the actresses are in what looks to be one of the more competitive acting categories this year, and I don’t really see a strong enough consensus on the favorites to think they won’t be splitting a decent number of votes.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/9/11
Dylan Smith4 said: "This is highly unlikely, but wouldn't be incredible if Shaina won the Triple Crown? Book, Score, and Lead Actress."
Highly unlikely? I think How To Dance In Ohio has a better chance of winning the Pulitzer.
RUkiddingme said: "Dylan Smith4 said: "This is highly unlikely, but wouldn't be incredible if Shaina won the Triple Crown? Book, Score, and Lead Actress."
Highly unlikely? I think How To Dance In Ohio has a better chance of winning the Pulitzer."
I think it’s likely Taub will be taking home at least one Tony come June and at least be nominated in all 3 categories. Actress is probably the biggest lift, but Book and Score seem like sure bets to be nominated and would be favorite to win.
It’s a weird year! Two major front runners won’t be eligible for score and one doesn’t have a traditional book (Illinoise) and the other’s book is its weakest element (Hell’s Kitchen). The rest of the new musicals have… been what they are.
I could see this getting 0 Acting nominations, which is one of those problems when you have a uniformly strong ensemble cast with one lead and a dozen supporting ladies.
Or perhaps it gets up to 3 acting noms (lead + 1 to 2 supporting). Jenn Colella or Nikki James seem most likely for noms.
I don't think it cracks double-digits...9 at best?
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/13/22
i think theres alot of politics involved (not in a bad way as much as in a "they like to make statements" kinda way) and a big well-enough reviewed show that tells such an important, compelling, topical story, will be a favorite of nominators, is my theory. id be shocked if Nikki James, Jenn Collella and Shaina Taub arent nominated---the latter, at the very least, for score.
That's a very good piece of critical writing from Jesse Green (if not exactly what the show wants).
It may spawn some yelling about his "men" comments.
I did leave the show wondering how it would have been with male actors as the male characters. Would Purlie as effective if the Jay O. Sanders character had been played by a Black actor playing a white character, for example? Hard to say. Or, in Clare Boothe Luce fashion, omit all male characters entirely.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/24/14
I mean, not a single negative review? Wow, I think only ''Merrily'' and ''Days'' were able to do this in this season as of now.
It's the best reviewed original musical of the spring and unless something very unlikely happen and they love Hell's Kitchen, will stay with the title.
It's getting a lot of Tony noms and seems it can win book and/or score, for sure!
Here Lies Love is similar from the fall. 1 negative review, of 12, from the Daily Beast ... with more positive. Suffs has 10, with no Daily Beast yet.
We far preferred HLL to Suffs. It was far more unique and creative in its approach and music even if not perfect, like Suffs. Hope it can be remembered.
Sara Holdren is positive, and also not on DTLI:
ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "That's a very good piece of critical writing from Jesse Green (if not exactly what the show wants).
It may spawn some yelling about his "men" comments.
I did leave the show wondering how it would have been with male actors as the male characters. WouldPurlie as effective if the Jay O. Sanderscharacter had been played by a Black actor playing a white character, for example? Hard to say. Or, in Clare Boothe Luce fashion,omitall male characters entirely."
I think they could have omitted Pres Wilson entirely. Wilson’s second wife, the First Lady during his second term, also didn’t support the suffrage movement and there was also the NAOWS (anti suffrage org led by women.)
Some critics were slightly more muted than I expected, but still great reviews. And with a series of just "so so" reception to musicals this spring, I think it still sits atop the pack for the Tonys.
Illinoise might be the only one left that gets truly rapturous reviews. But Suffs stands an enormous chance of winning Score AND Book. So I just can't see them rewarding Illinoise instead, which isnt original music. Justin Peck would need to win both director and choreography for his show to claim best musical I think, and I don't see him taking down Maria Freidman in directing.
I think The Outsiders still has a good enough reception to join these two. Then...who knows. Maybe they just go back to the closed shows and Here Lies Love and Days of Wine and Roses BOTH get in? Hell's Kitchen and Water for Elephants are possible but far from sure things.
The tricky thing for Suffs will be featured actress. There are just so many options. Its hard to imagine such an incredible ensemble getting shut out of acting nominations. But will they rally the wagons around one person, or end up vote splitting?
I’m firmly of the camp that, short of the categories expanding in any respect, A LOT of shows are going to come up short because the wealth will be spread and fail to cause any meaningful impact.
I'm not sure I understand your point. Wouldn't "spreading the wealth" involve more shows having noms?
I think what Quizking is saying is that one or two nominations (because them being so spread out) won’t be enough for a struggling show to get a huge uptick in sales.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/11
It's so weird to read Sara Holden's review of SUFFS. It's not her at all. Usually, even in a rave, she's very analytical. She literally is just fan-girling over this show!
MayAudraBlessYou2 said: "Justin Peck would need to win both director and choreography for his show to claim best musical I think, and I don't see him taking down Maria Freidman in directing.
I think The Outsiders still has a good enough reception to join these two. Then...who knows. Maybe they just go back to the closed shows and Here Lies Love and Days of Wine and Roses BOTH get in? Hell's Kitchen and Water for Elephants are possible but far from sure things."
This feels right to me. I'd say it's Illinoise, Suffs, Outsiders, Wine and Roses, and either Hell's Kitchen or Elephants.
No clear front runner in that, but I think box office for Illinoise will be a big factor, too. The industry (and all awards) tend to love a hit. If it does big box office, that'll be a factor. But I don't think it has an outsized amount of love in the industry. But then, neither does anything else just yet.