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THE PROM Previews

#200THE PROM Previews
Posted: 11/6/18 at 3:49am

HugoP said: "There is a difference between depicting a few 'famous' Broadway stage actors as over-the-top egomaniacs and depicting an entire community as close-minded, homophobic and unsophisticated. If the townspeople of THE PROM included a range of people then maybe I'd see things differently, but the show asks you to believe that this one single lesbian student has not one ally in the whole region (and seemingly can't locate one on the internet either). that includes the entire high school, her own grandmother, all the parents, all the counselors, the local press....etc. I guess one school administrator is somewhat mildly compassionate...but completely ineffective. Even the real-life story that likely would have inspired this plot had a lot more layers to it."

I think I get what you're saying. Do you think the story would have been better if it wasn't a generalized statement about the region but maybe a vocal group of MAGA hat wearers and a bunch of bystanders who fell in line but then the bystanders had their minds changed and/or realized the importance of standing up for others and not being such a silent majority?

#201THE PROM Previews
Posted: 11/6/18 at 6:16am

I would have preferred if the show recognized that smaller towns in America today, even primarily conservative ones (I work in one, and most of my co-workers live in that town or an adjacent small town), are part of today's world-- they are well aware that there are gay children in their midst, even if some of the parents and administrators (and press, evidently) are uncomfortable with that;   and those gay kids usually find each other, in their own high schools or in adjacent ones.     At least in the version of the show I saw, Social media was used selectively and when it was convenient, but it really defines how high school kids live (I've raised several) and how parents and high school admins 'make the rules'.  I won't go into spoiler-ish details, but THE PROM suffers at times from a plausibility issue around how it handles this.    We'll see...I want it to be successful and I believe no matter how it is received on Broadway it will have a life in colleges and high schools because it looks like so much fun to produce (it's stronger, say, than THE WEDDING SINGER, which gets produced all the time these days!)

#202THE PROM Previews
Posted: 11/7/18 at 10:18am

I arrived at the Longacre this morning at 9am and was first there for rush tickets. By the time the box office opened there was maybe shy of 15 people. I got front row balcony for $40 each. They’re marked partial view but I don’t think they’ll be problematic seats.

Sincerely Werk! Profile Photo
Sincerely Werk!
#203THE PROM Previews
Posted: 11/7/18 at 11:14am

HugoP said: "I would have preferred if the show recognized that smaller towns in America today, even primarily conservative ones(I work in one, and most of my co-workers live in that town or an adjacent small town), are part of today's world-- they are well aware that there are gay children in their midst, even if some of the parents and administrators (and press, evidently)are uncomfortable with that"


This is true. I just recently left my primarily- conservative hometown. Even though I've ran into some anti- lgbt conservatives (I'm a lesbian), people there are still well aware that gay people exist. 


#204THE PROM Previews
Posted: 11/7/18 at 7:54pm

seanmcdonagh121 said: "I arrived at the Longacre this morning at 9am and was first there for rush tickets. By the time the box office opened there was maybe shy of 15 people. I got front row balcony for $40 each. They’re marked partial view but I don’t think they’ll be problematic seats."

really you were first in line and got front row balcony? thats odd.

i wonder why they stopped doing front row

#205THE PROM Previews
Posted: 11/8/18 at 9:47am

Saw this show again for a second time since the first preview. Nothing major has changed but damn, I’m in love with this show.
The best part of this show is the book. It’s truly hilarious and the cast are killing it. It’s certainly even funnier than Mean Girls.
The score is good with some standout numbers (The Lady is Improving, Breath, Tonighrs belongs to us, Build a Prom) and the heart wrenching ‘Unruly Heart’
The cast at giving it everything and I’m certain Leavel will get a nomination.

This show for me is simple and traditional and the story means everything to me. To see my life experiences on stage really hits home.
It’s by no means a *perfect* show but in my eyes it’s more than enough.
The theatre appeared to be around 95% full and there was an immediate standing ovation once the show ended.
It’s worth noting that earlier that morning when I was getting rush tickets there was an Australian visitor as well as visitors from around the country who all said they were seeing the show because they heard great things about it. Will this word of mouth be enough? I’m not sure, but I hope this show has a healthy, decent run.

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#206THE PROM Previews
Posted: 11/10/18 at 10:45pm

To anyone who has seen the show, could you possibly shed some light as to why they have removed seats in the front row -- Is it to make room for an extension to the stage, or perhaps, for the pit? Just curious. The seating chart on Telecharge cites that Seats 105-107 have been removed in the front row.

CT2NYC Profile Photo
#207THE PROM Previews
Posted: 11/10/18 at 10:52pm

LimelightMike said: "To anyone who has seen the show, could you possibly shed some light as to why they have removed seats in the front row -- Is it to make room for an extension to the stage, or perhaps, for the pit? Just curious. The seating chart on Telecharge cites that Seats 105-107 have been removed in the front row."

It's for the pit:

Sho-Tunes-R-Us Profile Photo
#208THE PROM Previews
Posted: 11/11/18 at 8:34am

Sixth and final show on my visit, The Prom was funny, charming and upbeat. And the cast was an absolute hoot. Tuneful score, with Zaazz being my favorite number. A sweet windup to my NYC vacation.

#209THE PROM Previews
Posted: 11/11/18 at 10:24am

Sho-Tunes-R-Us said: "Sixth and final show on my visit, The Prom was funny, charming and upbeat. And the cast was an absolute hoot. Tuneful score, with Zaazz being my favorite number. A sweet windup to my NYC vacation."


Yay! Zazz was my fave too! the way she delivers the punchline "HOW fuc*ing old do you think i am?!" i was in TEARS!

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#210THE PROM Previews
Posted: 11/11/18 at 11:47am

I saw the show this past week and cannot recommend it enough. I absolutely loved it. A top-rate cast; an actually good score full of hilarious parody numbers, irresistible dance songs, and earnest ballads; a book that had me crying from laughter and from the amount of heart in the story... the list goes on. It’s a thrillingly fresh breath of air and the best original musical to come out in quite some time.

#211THE PROM Previews
Posted: 11/11/18 at 7:33pm

Just saw the HD broadcast of "Everybody's Talking About Jamie" this afternoon.  OMG, what a glorious, moving, life-affirming musical.  It's the show "The Prom" could have been had it taken itself seriously.

#212THE PROM Previews
Posted: 11/11/18 at 7:40pm

I had the opposite reaction. I kept thinking about how I wished Jamie was more like The Prom. I never once got bored during The Prom but Jamie dragged at Points to me. I think The Prom did exactly what it set out to do.

#213THE PROM Previews
Posted: 11/13/18 at 11:43pm

Every March 10 of us come to Broadway to see about 5 to 6 shows for my birthday... I choose The Prom as one of the shows prior to the previews.   I was so afraid that it would close before March, I went to see it tonight... and frankly fell in love with it’s humor and the hard work that each of the cast members put into the show. Is it a perfect show? No, but it is a great, fun night.  I had a smile on my face the entire evening and loved it over all.. A really fun night in the theater and and I haven’t laughed this much in a musical since “Something Rotten!” which I really enjoyed.. Can’t wait to see it again. 


JudyDenmark Profile Photo
#214THE PROM Previews
Posted: 11/14/18 at 12:01am

I saw this tonight and laughed as much as I thought I would, but was surprised at how moving it also was! It's over the top in seventeen different ways, but I ate it up with a spoon. I keep wanting to single out one person, but the casting was flawless all around. 

Loved the whole thing, and I hope it gets raves on Thursday. I can't stop smiling. 

Edit: I am going to single out person, and that is Michael Potts as the principal. All of the other supporting roles are so much flashier, and I know they'll be given a ton of (deserving) praise, but I thought he played it so beautifully. 

Updated On: 11/14/18 at 12:01 AM

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#215THE PROM Previews
Posted: 11/14/18 at 1:24am

JudyDenmark, I absolutely agree about Michael Potts. He has the least flashy of the featured characters, but he is giving a lovely performance. Not that the other scenery chewers aren’t standouts; everyone in the principal cast is a standout with a great, diverse ensemble as well.

Here I Am Profile Photo
Here I Am
#216THE PROM Previews
Posted: 11/14/18 at 1:49am

For anyone who doesn’t think small towns like this exist, take a trip to Alabama in the Trump era and then come here and post.

Homophobia is, unfortunately and unforgivably, more rampant than it has been in years under the current administration and this show is alive on Broadway at the PERFECT time. It’s everything that we need to see right now.

Lot666 Profile Photo
#217THE PROM Previews
Posted: 12/7/18 at 9:39am

This show is currently on sale through October 2019. What's the general consensus about that; are they being overly optimistic? I'm considering a trip in mid-June - how likely is it that The Prom will last that long?

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

BJR Profile Photo
#218THE PROM Previews
Posted: 12/7/18 at 10:26am

Here I Am said: "For anyone who doesn’t think small towns like this exist, take a trip to Alabama in the Trump era and then come here and post.

Homophobia is, unfortunately and unforgivably, more rampant than it has been in years under the current administration and this show is alive on Broadway at the PERFECT time. It’s everything that we need to see right now.

Yes, but NYC isn't that town. I feel like this show is needed today, but in NYC, it's preaching to the choir. And so, feels overlong doing it. 

#219THE PROM Previews
Posted: 12/7/18 at 10:28am

This show is going to be a huge award contender. I’d buy those tickets now If I were you. 

VotePeron Profile Photo
#220THE PROM Previews
Posted: 12/7/18 at 10:42am

Lot666 said: "This show is currently on sale through October 2019. What's the general consensus about that; are they being overly optimistic? I'm considering a trip in mid-June - how likely is it that The Prom will last that long?"

I would imagine this is a prime contender to close on Tony Sunday. If sales keep going at the rate they are, it will lose a ton of money until nominations come out. If it gets nominated for Best Musical (which it is not a predicted front runner for), it may get a boost in sales. But if there's nothing noticeable, they may cut their losses at that point.

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#221THE PROM Previews
Posted: 12/7/18 at 10:47am

The next few weeks will be most telling for their run. They definitely got a bit of a bump with largely positive reviews and exposure on the Macy's Thanksgiving telecast. However, their "bump" is only getting them to the mid-$500k range, which is still less than ideal for a big, new Broadway musical. It could well make it to June, but I wouldn't be surprised if they cut their losses and close mid-winter.

haterobics Profile Photo
#222THE PROM Previews
Posted: 12/7/18 at 11:44am

gdbkev said: "This show is going to be a huge award contender. I’d buy those tickets now If I were you."

Unless it's an award winner, it wouldn't matter.

I'm seeing it Saturday night, so I'm not waiting, heh.

ethan231h Profile Photo
#223THE PROM Previews
Posted: 12/7/18 at 1:09pm

I'm hoping this show can follow the same tracks at Gentleman's Guide....Not saying it will win best musical but open around the same time of year and push it through to award season. Its tough because its an original musical with no big star...They are probably hoping the message of the show carries along, similar to Come From Away.

#224THE PROM Previews
Posted: 12/7/18 at 1:22pm

What Come from away did, that I believe has helped them is they did a good job marketing the show before previews even started. The prom was dumb and waited till a week into previews to actually start marketing well. Which they are still struggling with as I see NOTHING around the city
