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Betsy Wolfe begins performances tomorrow in WAITRESS

Betsy Wolfe begins performances tomorrow in WAITRESS

#1Betsy Wolfe begins performances tomorrow in WAITRESS
Posted: 6/12/17 at 12:29pm

Hello Everyone! It's Betsy Wolfe's turn to begin performances in WAITRESS tomorrow night! If you're going to the show tomorrow, or one of Betsy Wolfe's performances, let us know how she is here! 

Updated On: 6/12/17 at 12:29 PM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#2Betsy Wolfe begins performances tonight in WAITRESS
Posted: 6/12/17 at 12:31pm

Isn't Drew finishing up the last week of Roman Holiday in SF?

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#3Betsy Wolfe begins performances tonight in WAITRESS
Posted: 6/12/17 at 12:31pm

Also, no, she begins performances tomorrow. Waitress is dark tonight.

#4Betsy Wolfe begins performances tonight in WAITRESS
Posted: 6/12/17 at 12:33pm

Betsy tomorrow night. The show is dark tonight. Drew will return on the 27th, as he is currently in SF with Roman Holiday. 

#5Betsy Wolfe begins performances tonight in WAITRESS
Posted: 6/12/17 at 12:33pm

Betsy starts tomorrow night. The show is dark tonight. Drew will return on the 27th, as he is currently in SF with Roman Holiday. 




Plannietink08 Profile Photo
#6Betsy Wolfe begins performances tonight in WAITRESS
Posted: 6/12/17 at 6:43pm

I'd love to see Jenna Leigh Green play Jenna next.

"Charlotte, we're Jewish"

#7Betsy Wolfe begins performances tonight in WAITRESS
Posted: 6/12/17 at 7:07pm

Still hoping for Lindsay Mendez to eventually take over the role

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#8Betsy Wolfe begins performances tonight in WAITRESS
Posted: 6/12/17 at 7:08pm

Crossing my fingers for Ruthie Ann Miles, lol 

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

#9Betsy Wolfe begins performances tonight in WAITRESS
Posted: 6/14/17 at 12:13am

Interested to hear how she and Joe Tippett were. Anyone there tonight?

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#10Betsy Wolfe begins performances tonight in WAITRESS
Posted: 6/14/17 at 1:18am

Gotta say, after seeing Chris (with Sara), I'm kinda bummed that Drew is coming back.

BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#11Betsy Wolfe begins performances tonight in WAITRESS
Posted: 6/14/17 at 1:41am

bjh2114 said: "Gotta say, after seeing Chris (with Sara), I'm kinda bummed that Drew is coming back.



I agree, actually. I love Drew, but there was something about Chris that was just infectious.

phan24 Profile Photo
#12Betsy Wolfe begins performances tonight in WAITRESS
Posted: 6/14/17 at 1:51am

found on IG from her first curtain call:


Betsy Wolfe begins performances tonight  in WAITRESS


gleek4114 Profile Photo
#13Betsy Wolfe begins performances tonight in WAITRESS
Posted: 6/14/17 at 1:23pm

Did anyone on here go last night?!?

#14Betsy Wolfe begins performances tonight in WAITRESS
Posted: 6/14/17 at 2:49pm

I went last night and thought Betsy was fantastic. I think she is a wonderful Jenna. Her voice is just unreal. "What Baking Can Do" was a real knockout. When the score allows her to belt, she goes for it and sounds amazing. I think there are still a few bits where she's finding the character, but overall she was in great voice. I didn't like her "She Used to Be Mine" as much as Sara's or Jessie's but I think it will be there after a few more performances. 

Chris Diamantopoulos had a funny flub last night where he dropped the prescription he is supposed to give Jenna into the first row of the audience. He got the person to hand it back to him and said "thanks nurse!"

Overall I was really impressed how fresh the show felt this long into the run. Christopher Fitzgerald really deserves major kudos for keeping his part as funny as it is. He still steals the show and the audience loves him. 

I liked Joe Tippett more than I did at ART and thought he did a nice job. I'm thrilled to see this show doing as well as it is and thought Betsy was great. I may have to go check her out again later in her run!


_IrisTInkerbell Profile Photo
#15Betsy Wolfe begins performances tonight in WAITRESS
Posted: 6/14/17 at 6:51pm

dave1606 said: "Chris Diamantopoulos had a funny flub last night where he dropped the prescription he is supposed to give Jenna into the first row of the audience. He got the person to hand it back to him and said "thanks nurse!""

Ha! He did the same when I saw it a week and a half ago. I now think this was an actual flub at some point that ended up being so funny that he's now doing it on purpose lol

#16Betsy Wolfe begins performances tonight in WAITRESS
Posted: 6/14/17 at 10:22pm

Does anyone know if Betsy's run has an end date?

#17Betsy Wolfe begins performances tonight in WAITRESS
Posted: 6/14/17 at 10:41pm

_IrisTInkerbell said: "dave1606 said: "Chris Diamantopoulos had a funny flub last night where he dropped the prescription he is supposed to give Jenna into the first row of the audience. He got the person to hand it back to him and said "thanks nurse!""

Ha! He did the same when I saw it a week and a half ago. I now think this was an actual flub at some point that ended up being so funny that he's now doing it on purpose lol



No he doesn't do it on purpose. As he says, the paper has a life of his own. When it does fall into the audience which happens occasionally, we usually  get  a "Thanks nurse", or "We have a new receptionist" line. 

This is better and safer than when it first happened early into the run when Chris fell head first into the first row and wound up on some laps. 

He'll also wipe it off, smooth it over or give it to Jenna in pieces depending on what happens with the paper each night. 

Updated On: 6/14/17 at 10:41 PM

Robbie2 Profile Photo
#18Betsy Wolfe begins performances tonight in WAITRESS
Posted: 6/14/17 at 11:31pm

EM55 said: "Does anyone know if Betsy's run has an end date?



6 month contract

"Anything you do, let it it come from you--then it will be new." Sunday in the Park with George

#19Betsy Wolfe begins performances tonight in WAITRESS
Posted: 6/15/17 at 12:31am

Robbie2 said: "EM55 said: "Does anyone know if Betsy's run has an end date?

6 month contract




Thanks Robbie2!


starcatchers Profile Photo
#20Betsy Wolfe begins performances tonight in WAITRESS
Posted: 6/16/17 at 12:48am

KathyNYC2 said: "_IrisTInkerbell said: "dave1606 said: "Chris Diamantopoulos had a funny flub last night where he dropped the prescription he is supposed to give Jenna into the first row of the audience. He got the person to hand it back to him and said "thanks nurse!""

Ha! He did the same when I saw it a week and a half ago. I now think this was an actual flub at some point that ended up being so funny that he's now doing it on purpose lol



No he doesn't do it on purpose. As he says, the paper has a life of his own. When it does fall into the audience which happens occasionally, we usually  get  a "Thanks nurse", or "We have a new receptionist" line. 

This is better and safer than when it first happened early into the run when Chris fell head first into the first row and wound up on some laps. 

He'll also wipe it off, smooth it over or give it to Jenna in pieces depending on what happens with the paper each night. 



Hahah. I was there that night. I agree that this is better and safer, but it was SO funny. It was one of his first performances. I actually texted a friend who had seen it the night before to ask if it had happened then, too, because it looked so smooth I thought he must've done it intentionally. 

the artist formerly known as dancingthrulife04 Check out my Etsy shop: And please consider donating to my Ride to Remember, benefitting the Alzheimer's Association:

#21Betsy Wolfe begins performances tonight in WAITRESS
Posted: 6/16/17 at 4:44pm

I was really looking forward to Betsy going in to the show and to be honest, I wasn’t all that impressed with her performance. She is a wonderful actress, just not right for this role. There is a grit and authenticity that both Jessie and Sara brought to the role. Betsy was too perfect and her voice is perky - which does not help sell the idea that she is in an unhappy marriage. 

#22Betsy Wolfe begins performances tonight in WAITRESS
Posted: 6/16/17 at 5:06pm

i haven't seen Betsy yet (a couple of broken wrist bones delayed me!!!) but the two people I spoke to who did see her loved her performance, especially her acting... and felt she brought a lot of depth to her interpretation of Jenna.

I guess I get what you are saying (and everyone is entitled to his/her own favorites for sure) but I don't think being perky or perfect means you can't be an emotionally damaged person. People cover up their feelings in a wide variety of ways.

Again, I'm not trying to change your opinion...especially since I haven't seen her yet, just thinking out loud. I've seen 4 Jennas so far - eagerly curious about adding a 5th to the mix. Hopefully soon.


ethan231h Profile Photo
#23Betsy Wolfe begins performances tonight in WAITRESS
Posted: 6/16/17 at 5:30pm

Seeing the show again in a few weeks, looking forward to seeing her performance. Loved her in Falsettos!

#24Betsy Wolfe begins performances tonight in WAITRESS
Posted: 6/26/17 at 12:01am

More of a lurker here, but since Ms. Wolfe is a new addition to the show, I thought I'd throw in my $.02.

Familiar only with the Jessie Mueller's vocals on the cast recording and various clips of Mueller and Sara Bareilles online, I would agree with those who said Betsy Wolfe's Jenna is a little less "gritty" than her predecessors.  That said, her voice on Saturday afternoon was beautiful.  While I had seen her a few years ago in "Edwin Drood," that show left very little impression upon me, so I took this as my introduction to Wolfe and I was thoroughly impressed as was the rest of the group of nine with whom I attended "Waitress" this past week.  Her acting, though less "gritty," worked for the character -- for me, at least.  

My only qualm which was agreed with by my brother was that the relationship between Jenna and Pomatter in Act I felt a little underdeveloped.  When "Bad Idea" rolls around, there wasn't quite that palpable sexual chemistry that seemed like was necessary for the song to really succeed.  When the curtain rose for Act II, however, and by the time "You Matter to Me" came into play, their relationship felt a little more grounded and fully realized.  I don't know if that's an issue with the play itself or with the performers still trying to get their connection down, but that was really my only issue with the production which, overall, was an incredibly enjoyable experience.

ethan231h Profile Photo
#25Betsy Wolfe begins performances tonight in WAITRESS
Posted: 7/1/17 at 11:15pm

Saw the show again today, let me just say that Betsy is PHENOMENAL. She sings the hell out of the score, her acting is incredible (especially for being very new to the role) and the last scene in the hospital, which IMO dragged with Jessie felt very alive today. What Betsy brought to the role was great! Also, Charity Angel Dawson was great as Becky, she really played with the comedic part of the script (Which is my favorite part of the otherwise bland script) Chris Fitzgerald still gets the crowd screaming...Overall the show is in great shape and Betsy is by far my favorite Jenna!
