Saw it again today and Lenk belted out the last note of Being Alive. Kind of wish she didn't as the previous take I saw was so haunting and just perfect. Unfortunately, my luck with Company audiences has been bad. This time, the gay couple sitting in front of me kept chattering throughout the show even with shushing and they literally turned to each other every DAMN minute or whenever there was something remotely exciting happening on stage, which was beyond annoying and distracting. Can people ever behave in theater?
I must admit when I brought a friend from out of town to Mr Saturday Night earlier this week, that was exactly what she did. She kept turning to me and commenting, trying to *start* a conversation(!): "Do you like the set?" "Have you seen them in X movie?". I kept saying, Later. At intermission. But she didn't fully get it. I was mortified.
I guess when you spend your life watching tv at home, it's not as intuitive and obvious as we think.
I still cannot get over the fact that COMPANY is closing this week! This show deserved so much more! I honestly thought it would run till the end of the year or have a new cast. I was planning on seeing it one more time this fall but that can't happen now. I will cherish the memories I made with this show!
Broadway Star Joined: 6/3/18
BJR said: "I must admit when I brought a friend from out of town to Mr Saturday Night earlier this week, that was exactly what she did. She kept turning to me and commenting, trying to *start* a conversation(!): "Do you like the set?" "Have you seen them in X movie?". I kept saying, Later. At intermission. But she didn't fully get it. I was mortified.
I guess when you spend your life watching tv at home, it's not as intuitive and obvious as we think."
quoting David "I think maybe it depends on a person's constitution"
Square Peg2 said: "So glad I returned to the show the other night before it closes. I saw it during previews and then once while Nikki Renée Daniels played Bobbi (and a host of other understudies). It was thrilling to see (and especially to hear!) how Lenk's performance has grown, and I agree with some other assessments - I recall being blow away by Conte during previews, less so this week.
I also wanted to come here and give a little shout out to Terrence Archie. Larry can be such a thankless role, and each time I've seen it Archie has been a presence that absolutely added to the piece. It must have been hard for them to find someone who could match LuPone with so little written material, and Archie is perfection.
Jeff Kready was also wonderful- a perfect example of what a swing can be, different to Fitzgerald but still completely charming and dropped in.
I’m so glad someone else said this about Terence Archie.
When I first saw the show in January - the first of eight times - I was so moved and in awe of his perfectly calibrated performance. He focuses so intensely on Patti while she sings in the club, making her look all the more important, yet his perspective is informed, weary and true and therefore strong as hell - he is not diminished one bit, even by Patti LuPone singing “The Ladies Who Lunch.” And yes, as his been suggested here, the quality of his delivery suggests so much nuance about their relationship, so when he finally talks about just why he loves her, and takes her difficulty with good humor, it rings so true emotionally. This isn’t a man suffering her foolishness but loving her through it because he has been trained to do this by life experience.
I thought this was a throwaway role before, but Terence Archie showed me what a great actor can do with only a few inches of space to work in. I’m sure Marianne had a lot to do with that, too.
To stand out like that and be moving in your own right as you share the stage in the shadow of a legend giving a thunderstorm of a performance? That’s some talent this man has.
Feb. 28 - Looped, Feb. 28 - Next to Normal, March 4 - Hair, March 11 - A Little Night Music, March 24 - Time Stands Still, April 6 - La Cage Aux Folles, April 10 - Anyone Can Whistle (City Center), April 10 - Looped, May 9 - Enron, May 15 - A Little Night Music, May 15 - A Behanding In Spokane, May 30 - A Behanding In Spokane, May 30 - A Little Night Music, June 20 - A Little Night Music, June 23 - Red, June 23 - Sondheim on Sondheim, July 13 - A Little Night Music, July 18 - The Grand Manner (Lincoln Center)
Rudy2 said: "Square Peg2 said: "So glad I returned to the show the other night before it closes. I saw it during previews and then once while Nikki Renée Daniels played Bobbi (and a host of other understudies). It was thrilling to see (and especially to hear!) how Lenk's performance has grown, and I agree with some other assessments - I recall being blow away by Conte during previews, less so this week.
I also wanted to come here and give a little shout out to Terrence Archie. Larry can be such a thankless role, and each time I've seen it Archie has been a presence that absolutely added to the piece. It must have been hard for them to find someone who could match LuPone with so little written material, and Archie is perfection.
Jeff Kready was also wonderful- a perfect example of what a swing can be, different to Fitzgerald but still completely charming and dropped in.
I’m so glad someone else said this about Terence Archie.
When I first saw the show in January - the first of eight times - I was so moved and in awe of his perfectly calibrated performance. He focuses so intensely on Patti while she sings in the club, making her look all the more important, yet his perspective is informed, weary and true and therefore strong as hell - he is not diminished one bit, even by Patti LuPone singing “The Ladies Who Lunch.” And yes, as his been suggested here, the quality of his delivery suggests so much nuance about their relationship, so when he finally talks about just why he loves her, and takes her difficulty with good humor, it rings so true emotionally. This isn’t a man suffering her foolishness but loving her through it because he has been trained to do this by life experience.
I thought this was a throwaway role before, but Terence Archie showed me what a great actor can do with only a few inches of space to work in. I’m sure Marianne had a lot to do with that, too.
To stand out like that and be moving in your own right as you share the stage in the shadow of a legend giving a thunderstorm of a performance? That’s some talent this man has."
I co-sign this. Terence Archie was one of my favorites in this show and he has gained a new fan!
It's sad that this show closes on Sunday.
Chorus Member Joined: 5/30/18
I know it’s last minute but Selling 1 ticket for tonight’s show, side Orchestra row H seat 14. Just looking for the $100 I paid. Dm me if interested can send pdf
At today's matinee they had technical troubles after "Barcelona" &;stopped the show for about 5-10 minutes. After that they sort of sped things up a bit compared to Thursday, eg: Ms Lenk didn't hold for applause very long after "Being Alive.."
Also no rain. Seems like they did indeed just bring it back for filming the other night.
I wonder do other shows with as much automation have as many problems? Like Phantom?
Something else I thought about today... I was comparing Into the Woods & Company - & they have a similar runtime, yet Company feels like everything is happening so quickly & you barely notice the time fleeting while sometimes with ITW the last acts seem to really drag on.
Swing Joined: 1/10/14
I’m truly so sad to be posting this, but I’m so sick and unable to go to the closing performance tomorrow. I have 1 ticket available: Orchestra O, Row H, Seat 5. $200 (what I paid for it) or best offer. Please PM if interested!
edmondj5 said: "I’m truly so sad to be posting this, but I’m so sick and unable to go to the closing performance tomorrow. I have 1 ticket available: Orchestra O, Row H, Seat 5. $200 (what I paid for it) or best offer. Please PM if interested!"
Messaged you. Am I too late?
I don’t even know where to start. This revival has meant so much to me as a person and as an aspiring director. Marianne Elliott had a vision to take this seemingly timeless classic and update it for modern-day audiences. That’s what I love so much about Marianne. Her directing style is truly one of a kind. What I would do to work for a woman like her, let alone just meeting her. Having seen this show twice, I will NEVER forget all the laughs and cheers I made while watching this. The cast itself was just spectacular! Katrina Lenk wasn’t exactly my first choice to play Bobbie, but she has proven to audiences again and again that she was meant for this role. Matt Doyle’s performance was absolutely iconic. No wonder he won a Tony! Same thing goes for the Queen herself, Patti LuPone! Folks, we may witness Patti’s final bow EVER on the Broadway stage. Her talent has captured the hearts of multiple generations of theatergoers. I cannot imagine the Broadway stage without Queen LuPone. Hope her very last “Ladies Who Lunch” will have the longest ever standing ovation! Her legacy will live on for a very long time! Same thing goes for the man who created this masterpiece, Mr. Sondheim! I am glad he took part with Marianne to update this for today’s audiences. I am also glad he got to witness this before his tragic passing. His legacy too will live on until the end of time! From the bottom of my heart, congratulations to the entire cast and crew on a spectacular run! You will always get the bragging rights “Chris Harper payed my salary”. I still can’t get that out of my head! I cannot wait to see this show again when it goes on tour! Hopefully, it’s as good as this production. Let’s be fair though, nothing can beat this production! We will never see something like this again. I just hope people use this version from now on. In conclusion, my favorite Sondheim song “Being Alive” really hit differently after seeing this show. Especially after the last 2 years. I want you all to NEVER take life for granted and be happy that you are here, and to enjoy life as much as possible. Happy closing to COMPANY! Thanks for listening!
Reading some comments, including this last one, refer to this as possibly Lupone’s last Broadway role. Has she made a statement stating this or is this just conjecture?
Last *musical Broadway role. Patti herself claimed that War Paint was going to be her last musical, so, unless something very special comes along, there's a chance that Company is it.
Updated On: 7/31/22 at 09:08 AM
Patti had publicly stated she was retiring from musicals after War Paint, but she couldn’t resist this offer from Marianne Elliot. I think some feel this will truly be her last musical, she also had some unusual absences during this run aside from covid, which isn’t like her. I think she will continue doing straight plays, but I can also see the right musical project tempting her again.
Updated On: 7/31/22 at 09:09 AM
If they ever mount Square One and Bernadette is not able to continue and Patti was given an offer I would be shocked if she wouldn’t say yes.
Featured Actor Joined: 2/13/22
So sad to see this one go. It was as good of a night of theatre as you could ever ask for.
Swing Joined: 6/15/22
Still gutted that this production is closing - was hoping to catch it another time later this year when I'd be in town. I'm left wondering what exactly led to the closure decision (if it was contract renewals, I still would've loved to see the show with replacements for Lenk and Lupone). But excited for everyone who's gonna be in the house tonight for the final bow - please tell us how it goes :)
It's a real shame they couldn't get a name to replace Lenk or LuPone to keep the show going. Really hope this does tour but I won't hold my breath.
It’s gonna be a rock concert tonight for sure. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are standing ovations after each number and keep the show stopped. No one wants to see this revival go so the audience will keep the show running as long as possible.
ACL2006 said: "It's a real shame they couldn't get a name to replace Lenk or LuPone to keep the show going. Really hope this does tour but I won't hold my breath."
It is going on tour in Fall 2023.
Dylan Smith4 said: "ACL2006 said: "It's a real shame they couldn't get a name to replace Lenk or LuPone to keep the show going. Really hope this does tour but I won't hold my breath."
It is going on tour in Fall 2023."
I'll believe it when it actually happens. Don't think this tours without a name.
This was quite possibly the finest Sondheim revival I’ve ever seen. It is truly disappointing it couldn’t run longer, and that we won’t be getting a recording of this cast.
I am so looking forward to today. :)
Who else is going today, besides me and Huss?
I'll be there! Sondheim weekend - Into the Woods on Friday and Company today. It's my first Broadway closing performance - so excited!