I believe that she went on tonight.
According to Telecharge she will only be doing the matinee tomorrow. No evening.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/12/18
Does anyone know who is replacing her? or will she extend?
Per her Instagram story, she is feeling a lot better but [her] chords are still swollen and shes under doctors orders not to sing the score twice in one day again until they are healed...
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
I did the student rush line for last night's performance. The guy at the window was letting everyone know that Laura wasn't going to be in that night. Having seen the show before I didn't want to see it without her so I left.
Now, persoanlly, I have mixed feelings about people getting upset or potentially thinking less of a performer for missing shows. The fact is, regardless of the potential of giving a given performer a pass because we like them or not, the fact is, they are human, they have lives. And, while I understand this feeling that we, as ticket holders should know what is going on because we spent money to see them, the fact is we have no right to know. The given performer is under no obligation to anyone to disclose what is going on in their personal lives that prevents them from being able to do a full eight shows or taking a temporary leave to take care of something. Yes, it's nice that they do that. But, there's nothing stating anywhere that they must do so to the public.
Waiting to go in for the matinee, Laura is in (1/6).
Know today is Norberts last day, which should be fun! Thought it was also Jordan Donicas last day, but the board says hes out... guess his last show already happened!
I wonder when theyll announce her replacement, since theres no way I can imagine her extending past 2/16, and the box office doesnt seem confident she will either. Depending on the grosses in the coming weeks, I can see this following TKAI and closing pretty suddenly this spring.
You know this is sort of an elephant in the room but with Lauren Ambrose I believe she missed four days prior to the Tony's because of an infection, and then she missed another few days because her father passed away. Her father was extremely ill during the run. She decided to have an alternate to "spend more time with family" which we now know was critical as her father was really ill.
She was roasted over the coals by Diana Rigg, Michael Riedel, and this board. Through it all she remained classy and professional.
Laura Benanti does have a medical condition and a young child at home. S__t happens and she will be sick. But the fact is her attendance sucks. Sje's only been in this show since late October and missed more shows (pre-planned and unplanned) than Lauren did during her entire run. But she's like a sacred cow around here.
I love Benanti and can't wait to take my mom to see her. But I do wonder if, say, Bette Midler missed this many shows how fans would have reacted.
I don't think it's right to go after either performer for missing performances. Both have legitimate excuses for not being there. Performing while sick has to be something that's done carefully because it can have career ruining results. It sucks to miss a performer that you want to see, especially if you're from out of town, but it happens. Hopefully Laura will be better soon and get back into the show because it's really something special to see her as Eliza.
Also, I didn't particularly care for Lauren Ambrose in the show, but it was wrong to come after her for every little thing. You can criticize her performance, but it's not fair to try and create drama around her personal life.
Forgive me if the logistics to a similar set of circumstances have already been addressed, but I was wondering if anyone has had luck post-dating with Lincoln Center, specifically with this production. My boyfriend bought us tickets for the Wednesday 1/9 evening performance through TodayTix as an anniversary present, specifically to see Benanti’s performance. Since we went through a secondary source, I would imagine our chances of transferring through the box office or telecharge are slim to none, and the TodayTix reps suggested post-dating as the most viable option. Any advice?
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/16/11
The official schedule on My Fair Lady's LCT page mentions that Benanti will be performing tomorrow but not the evening show on Wednesday (1/9).
Frumious Bandersnatch said: "Forgive me if the logistics to a similar set of circumstances have already been addressed, but I was wondering if anyone has had luck post-dating with Lincoln Center, specifically with this production. My boyfriend bought us tickets for the Wednesday 1/9 evening performance through TodayTix as an anniversary present, specifically to see Benanti’s performance. Since we went through a secondary source, I would imagine our chances of transferring through the box office or telecharge are slim to none, and the TodayTix reps suggested post-dating as the most viable option. Any advice?I
I think you need to stick with TodayTix to resolve your issue. Post dating seems like your best option. I think the box office or telecharge will not resolve your issue since the tickets were not purchased through them.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/16/11
I didn't want to create a new thread, but for those wondering about Harry Hadden-Paton, he just extended through July (!), but won't be performing on Wednesday nights!
Emmaloucbway said: "The official schedule on My Fair Lady's LCT page mentions that Benanti will be performing tomorrow but not the evening show on Wednesday (1/9)."
Heads up, TodayTix had tomorrow night on sale for $49, and I almost bought tickets but I thought to double check here first! Glad I did, as the price went up and Laura will be out.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/15/18
Weird that Hadden-Paton will only be performing 7 shows a week now. Higgins isnt by any means a physically or vocally demanding role...
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/22/14
Haha, running up and down those stairs 8 times a week must have taken a lot out of him. He and Ambrose joked about using step counters during the show.
natashalost said: "Weird that Hadden-Paton will only be performing 7 shows a week now. Higgins isnt by any means a physically or vocally demanding role..."
Probably a situation where "she has a young family and gets to do 7 shows a week, I want the same!" when he re-negotiated.
Stand-by Joined: 3/13/15
I LOVE that people who are gifted enough to be on Broadway and who are parents of young children are seeking balance in their lives. When I first went to the theater, there were no Sunday shows. Actors, musicians, crew had two fulls days off from their shows. So good for LB, HHP, and LA for setting a healthy standard. Plus, it gives younger or less well known performers a chance to do the show once a week and gives them experience and exposure.
LCT would be kidding themselves if they didnt replace Harry with Peter Dinklage
Call_me_jorge said: "LCT would be kidding themselves if they didnt replace Harry with Peter Dinklage"
Love Dinklage, but based on his performance in Game of Thrones, I don’t think his British accent is quite good enough. He can get away with it in fantasy series, but in a show about accents and phonetics it will be tough to ignore. Hope he returns to the stage in something soon, though!
LOL Peter Dinklages upper class English accent in GOT is so posh that he sounds like hes doing The Importance of Being Earnest. Fortunately it mostly works with his character.
Does anyone know when Harry Hadden is going to stop performing on Wednesday nights ?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/06
Broadway Flash said: "Does anyone know when Harry Hadden is going to stop performing on Wednesday nights ?"
Per Lincoln Center’s website, February 6th
Understudy Joined: 12/7/17
Has she been lately? Just got tickets for Saturday evening and would love to see Laura!
Swing Joined: 11/15/17
Yes, Laura was in (and sounding great!) when I saw MFL last Saturday night (1/12). :)
My friend that work at LC say that the houses have been really good in terms of numbers and they think the show will make it through the end of the 2019. This would make sense. Then Mary Poppins could start previews in March of 2020.