Understudy Joined: 4/15/18
I defy anyone to convince me that Tootsie is anything but the worst musical of the year. It is so clear that Yazbek did it for the paycheck. And that book. For all the talk of how funny I was told it was I was surrounded by audience members who barely laughed. I should add that when the show was over throngs of audience members got up and left without staying for the curtain call. Its an awful looking set with summer stock choreography performed by an ensemble that looked like they would rather be somewhere like Hadestown. I want my two and a half hours back.
"I defy anyone to convince me that Tootsie is anything but the worst musical of the year."
You already made up your mind. Why would you need anyone to convince you otherwise?
Nobody cares, bro. And no, we will NOT give you your two and half hours back.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/26/16
Mitch101 said: "I defy anyone to convince me that Tootsie is anything but the worst musical of the year."
In order to be willing to invest the time to do that, people would have to value your opinion.
I mean, I don't think this needs it's own thread, but I also thought that Tootsie was pretty godawful aside for the phenomenal performances that elevated the material. The book was funny aside for the plagiarized director dance scene that was taken directly from Robin Williams in The Bird Cage. Yazbeck's score has moments, but most of it falls flat and the set was ugly.
I think the show's biggest issue is the lowering of stakes. In the film, Dorothy is on live TV infront of millions. Michael becomes a nationwide phenomenon. Here, Dorothy is in a Broadway show infront of a much smaller audience. The stakes don't quite feel as high as they could.
It just amazes me when someone posts something like this. The first thing I look at is their status. Are you just posting stuff to get out of swing status ? This did not need its own thread. This show has other threads you could have participated in.
Do you not realize that people have their own opinions? How dare you defy other people's opinions as if you know it all and have the last word.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/10/19
uncageg said: "The first thing I look at is their status. Are you just posting stuff to get out of swing status ?"
Wait...that's a thing people do on the board? Why not just contribute like a normal person?
You already declared it the worst musical of the year. Why would anyone waste their time trying to convince you otherwise? Are you trying to ruin it for everyone who hasn't seen it? Or make someone who has seen and enjoyed it feel like they're an idiot for liking it? I just don't understand the need to start a thread for one person's negative opinion of a particular show, unless it's to draw attention to yourself.
uncageg said: "It just amazes me when someone posts something like this. The first thing I look at is their status. Are you just posting stuff to get out of swing status ? This did not need its own thread. This show has other threads you could have participated in.
Do you not realize that people have their own opinions? How dare you defy other people's opinions as if you know it all and have the last word.
You’re joking, right?
This is THEIR opinion. Yes, they have as much right as anyone else to post THEIR opinion.
And I’m not sure this person felt that their opinion was the last word on the subject. They were JUST VOICING THEIR OWN OPINION!!!!
You WERE joking, right? RIGHT???
uncageg said: "It just amazes me when someone posts something like this. The first thing I look at is their status. Are you just posting stuff to get out of swing status ? This did not need its own thread. This show has other threads you could have participated in.
Do you not realize that people have their own opinions? How dare you defy other people's opinions as if you know it all and have the last word.
You’re joking, right?
This is THEIR opinion. Yes, they have as much right as anyone else to post THEIR opinion.
And I’m not sure this person felt that their opinion was the last word on the subject. They were JUST VOICING THEIR OWN OPINION!!!!
You WERE joking, right? RIGHT???
The comment made by GeorgeandDot about the stakes being lowered is quite perceptive.
Stand-by Joined: 8/29/15
Mitch101 said: "I defy anyone to convince me that Tootsie is anything but the worst musical of the year. It is so clear that Yazbek did it for the paycheck. And that book. For all the talk of how funny I was told it was I was surrounded by audience members who barely laughed. I should add that when the show was over throngs of audience members got up and left without staying for the curtain call. Its an awful looking set with summer stock choreography performed by an ensemble that looked like they would rather be somewhere like Hadestown. I want my two and a half hours back."
I found the book to be very weak, as well. It certainly didn’t feel like a musical comedy to me. I also have to agree on the choreography. BORING. You won’t get your 2.5 hours back, but, your comments may deter another individual from wasting theirs.
Stand-by Joined: 8/29/15
uncageg said: "It just amazes me when someone posts something like this. The first thing I look at is their status. Are you just posting stuff to get out of swing status ? This did not need its own thread. This show has other threads you could have participated in.
Do you not realize that people have their own opinions? How dare you defy other people's opinions as if you know it all and have the last word.
He was defying anyone to convince him otherwise.
I never would want to change your opinion. But I give you permission to have hated it and begin your healing process.
Mitch101 said: "I defy anyone to convince me that Tootsie is anything but the worst musical of the year."
If you can categorically state that it is the "worst musical of the year," then you must be comparing it against every single other musical on Broadway because you've seen them all. True or not?
"It is so clear that Yazbek did it for the paycheck."
What proof do you offer to back up this claim?
"For all the talk of how funny I was told it was I was surrounded by audience members who barely laughed."
Must one laugh out loud to appreciate something that is funny?
" I should add that when the show was over throngs of audience members got up and left without staying for the curtain call."
Did these "throngs" tell you personally why they left when the show was over?
"Its an awful looking set with summer stock choreography performed by an ensemble that looked like they would rather be somewhere like Hadestown."
You could tell just by looking at them that they wanted to be somewhere else, like Hadestown? Are you psychic?
"I want my two and a half hours back."
If it was the worst musical of the year, you must have known that early-on. Why didn't you just leave at intermission, which would have saved you some of those two and a half hours?
Broadway Star Joined: 4/3/17
GeorgeandDot said: "I mean, I don't think this needs it's own thread, but I also thought that Tootsie was pretty godawful aside for the phenomenal performances that elevated the material. The book was funny aside for the plagiarized director dance scene that was taken directly from Robin Williams in The Bird Cage. Yazbeck's score has moments, but most of it falls flat and the set was ugly.
I think the show's biggest issue is the lowering of stakes. In the film, Dorothy is on live TV in front of millions. Michael becomes a nationwide phenomenon. Here, Dorothy is in a Broadway show in front of a much smaller audience. The stakes don't quite feel as high as they could."
Right on all counts, GeorgeandDot, especially the lowered stakes. Had the same thought about The Birdcage scene but agree the book is strong overall. Yazbek's score is completely forgettable aside from "What's Gonna Happen"- big letdown after Band's Visit. And while I agree the performances are strong overall, I confess Santino didn't wow me as much as I thought he would. Maybe it's because I didn't see him in Cinderella and I haven't watched much Crazy Ex-GF, but I think his likely Tony win will more be by default than a matter of him actually deserving it.
Who hurt you?
Tootsie is like my experience with Dear Evan Hansen in that I liked it at first but the more I listened and thought about it the more I began to dislike it. It’s not the worst because Pretty Woman exists, but I really do not understand the love for it. Sarah Stiles deserves her own show though, and a tony for a better written role
Mitch, feel free to have that opinion, but there are about 5 existing Tootsie threads, your view truly did not need its own.
Do you mean the worst musical of the 2018-2019 season, or of the calendar year (2019)?
If it's the season, King Kong and Gettin' the Band Back Together say hi.
Understudy Joined: 5/27/18
Mitch101 said: "I defy anyone to convince me that Tootsie is anything but the worst musical of the year."
Where is that person who said Beetlejuice killed his soul or something?
Featured Actor Joined: 4/16/07
Mitch101 said: "I defy anyone to convince me that Tootsie is anything but the worst musical of the year. It is so clear that Yazbek did it for the paycheck. And that book. For all the talk of how funny I was told it was I was surrounded by audience members who barely laughed. I should add that when the show was over throngs of audience members got up and left without staying for the curtain call. Its an awful looking set with summer stock choreography performed by an ensemble that looked like they would rather be somewhere like Hadestown. I want my two and a half hours back."
Mitch, have ye been drinking the stout again tonight? Insane screed.
Well I will never see Tootsie but I did see that performance on some TV show.
Now that would NOT want me to buy a ticket and if I were Mr Fontana would certainly not have performed in that space. The whole thing looked like a scene out in Times Square with the chorus rushing about and pushing props for the big 'reveal'--and as for their 'costumes'??
There's something that doesn't seem 'right' about Mr Fontana whether it's his Tootsie clothes or his manner, and as I have said previously, how do eye glasses make one more feminine? Tootsie should look more Mrs Doubtfire, it would be funnier and be able to address he/she totally in a different way.
Maybe the next Tootsie will have the balls to do that.
Enjoyed it immensely. You don't like it that's your privilege but what the hell do we have to talk to you about it for?
Go cry to your mascara runs off your face.