Stand-by Joined: 5/29/10
Lots of tickets being put in by Theatre at very Low prices, Whats that all about ? Could it be the 8oclock curtain that's killing the Demand ?
Frozen is primarily a family school and school is in session. I'm sure it will pick up in the summer months, just like how it and other shows pick up during breaks. It's not that deep or anything to worry about as Disney isn't in the same world as other Broadway shows.
i’ve heard bad things about it, that may be why
Leading Actor Joined: 10/14/15
Are you talking about the $79 partial view tickets?
The show is garbage. They are counting on summer sales when all the children come to NYC and their parents want them to be distracted for a couple of hours. But, again, the show, like the movie, is awful.
EllieRose2 said: "the movie is awful."
Why no demand? It's uh. terrible.
Negative word-of-mouth during its out-of-town tryout in Denver. Lots of talk about how things would be changed once it arrived on Broadway brought some hope to may excited to see the show. Nothing really changed. Negative word-of-mouth continued when preview performances started. Show opened to mostly negative reviews and continued bad word-of-mouth so interest in the Broadway musical adaptation of Disney's FROZEN dissipated quickly hence why ticket sales has dropped and ticket prices are being lowered. Seems that most of the ticket sales were done prior to the show's first performance when people thought this would be the biggest Disney hit to open on Broadway. Nope.
stevie3 said: "Lots of tickets being put in by Theatre at very Low prices, Whats that all about ? Could it be the 8oclock curtain that's killing the Demand ?"
Same as every show. They hold back to add premium seating, and if they can't sell it as premium, it becomes regular. If you look on weekends, I'm not sure where you would get the impression there is no demand, seats are hard to come by... now, we know scalpers overbought and deals are to be had, but that isn't a lack of demand, but a separate issue.
Nobody cares about hearing someone bleating and shouting that terrible melodyless song anymore, I think.
Maybe people like to hear music and singing voices instead nowadays?
Broadway Star Joined: 6/16/17
Out of curiosity I went to check tickets. I'm in Europe and the site came back as restricted. Maybe tourists aren't able to buy tickets
Gizmo6 said: "Out of curiosity I went to check tickets. I'm in Europe and the site came back as restricted. Maybe tourists aren't able to buy tickets"
That happened to me when I tried to purchase from a new block of Hamilton tickets while visiting family in South Korea.
Stand-by Joined: 7/27/11
Part of the situation may be that Frozen in overexposed. The movie was a huge hit for Disney but they have franchised it in just about every way. There are currently no less that 4 stage versions of Frozen--on Broadway, on one of the Disney Cruise ships, at Disney World in a short sing along version and at Disneyland/California Adventure with a fully staged version (which does have a giant ice staircase). It is just possible parents (and even some little girls) are ready to 'let it go"
Dave28282 said: "Nobodycares about hearing someone bleating and shouting that terrible melodyless song anymore, I think.
Maybe people like to hear music and singing voices instead nowadays?"
Assuming that you're referring to "Let It Go", please explain how it is "melodyless" (sic). Also, I don't think many would agree with your assertion that Caissie Levy "bleats" and "shouts", or that she lacks a "singing voice".
I'd wait until Tony nominations to come out before making any more conclusions. Even if this show gets a few nominations, its marketing team will make a big deal out of it and a lot more people (especially non-Broadway know-it-alls) will buy tix. A lot of tourists and casual showgoers normally look at the Tony's as a way of justifying paying $200 per ticket. Imagine for a family of 4 the parents would have to pay $800 for good seats? Ok so there are partial view and cheaper tickets but from what I recall even the last row of balcony at the st James is $129 each (or is it $99?)
I agree with the other poster that the box office tends to block out premium seating until 1-2 weeks before the performance. Watch for $300+ premium seats to open up after the Tony awards.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
bowtie7 said: "Part of the situation may be thatFrozen in overexposed. The movie was a huge hit for Disney but they have franchisedit in just about every way. There are currently no less that 4 stage versions of Frozen--on Broadway, on one of the Disney Cruise ships, at Disney World in a short sing along version and at Disneyland/California Adventure with a fully staged version (which does have a giant ice staircase). It is just possible parents (and even some little girls) are ready to 'let it go""
Let's not forget the touring version ON ICE which has been around the past few years to add to the over kill:
As a parent of a 7 year old little girl - I have seen so many versions of Frozen I am done with it - however - this current Broadway version (even with the boredom moments) was the first time I felt emotion for the characters at the big moment - when Anna froze.
After paying for the movie in the theater, owning the DVD and CD, going to the On Ice (version)...that might just be where parents draw the line. Overkill might be the reason the demand isn't there - along with the ticket prices.
Audiences seem to be responding to three things in Frozen:
1) Caissie Levy's well-screamed (but admittedly painful to my ear) Eb;
2) Her trick costume:
3) The reindeer.
If this spells "good show" to you, we may not be seeing eye to eye on the definition of "good."
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/18/17
bowtie7 said: "Part of the situation may be thatFrozen in overexposed. The movie was a huge hit for Disney but they have franchisedit in just about every way. There are currently no less that 4 stage versions of Frozen--on Broadway, on one of the Disney Cruise ships, at Disney World in a short sing along version and at Disneyland/California Adventure with a fully staged version (which does have a giant ice staircase). It is just possible parents (and even some little girls) are ready to 'let it go""
I don't blame you at all. I do like the movie yes and only seen it once. But I don't like it enough to support everything Disney does with Frozen. No hypocrisy intended. The overexposure was tough to handle for me. Which is why I wasn't looking forward to this Broadway version much and cautious about the sequel. On the other hand, Olaf's Frozen Adventure was fun.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/2/14
newintown said: "Audiences seem to be responding to three things in Frozen:
1) Caissie Levy's well-screamed (but admittedly painful to myear)Eb;
2) Her trick costume:
3) The reindeer.
If this spells "good show" to you, we may not be seeing eye to eye on thedefinition of "good.""
Sadly this is kind of accurate. During call it kind of seemed like Sven got the most applause LOL. And yeah the dress trick. They've basically built that whole song around the dress moment and it didnt happen the night I saw it (last Wednesday) it kind of didnt work at all. If they had a real ice castle I think it would have been better but idk.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
newintown said: "Audiences seem to be responding to three things in Frozen:
1) Caissie Levy's well-screamed (but admittedly painful to myear)Eb;
2) Her trick costume:
3) The reindeer.
If this spells "good show" to you, we may not be seeing eye to eye on thedefinition of "good.""
Its not an Eb, it’s a D as they lowered the key to G. Unless they raised it again? I kinda hope not, singing it in Ab 8 times a week is unenviable, G is still hard but a great deal less destructive.
Also keep in mind many of those low prices are the resale scalpers who thought this would be a Hamilton. But I have indeed seen lower prices even for actual empty seats...goes to show that marketing will always show the good reviews. And certainly over saturation doesn’t help it’s case. Three musicals, one park sing a long, and the ice show...among mmaaannyyy other things. I’m less excited by the day to see it, it still kills me how much potential this has/had, and isn’t going well it seems.
Probably has to do with the show utterly blowing.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
stevie3 said: "Lots of tickets being put in by Theatre at very Low prices, Whats that all about ? Could it be the 8oclock curtain that's killing the Demand ?"
I guess now we know summertheater's username on BWW.
The show is 90% sold out through Mid August, and is 95% sold out for the weeks of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Even in late August its about 60-70% sold. The only shows with better advances currently are Hamilton, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, and Springsteen on Broadway. I don't know what you mean by lack of demand. Is the show perfect? No, nor is it a disaster along the lines of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Addams Family. If this is someone complaining about the lack of this show on the secondary market for scalpers, who cares? Its on scalpers fault for not understanding how a family show sells. Frozen was never going to be a Hamilton, nor was anyone expecting it to be.
Its a show critics going in had their list of "Let It Go/Die" and Ice themed puns pre-written to pan the show, but very few actually used them. Were critics as surprised as they were for Aladdin? No, but they also along the lines of The Little Mermaid whose reviews were titled New 'Little Mermaid' musical is Beached on Great Wet Way (NYDAILY NEWS) or Little Mermaid: ON Broadway Just Fish out of Water (Wash Post), or Tarzan that the NYTime's review opened with "The tree-surfing title character is not the only creature sailing through the air in "Tarzan," the giant, writhing green blob with music that opened last night at the Richard Rodgers Theater."
Disney's marketing team got great reviews to work with for pull quotes. The show will likely also get a minimum of 5 Tony nominations for Costumes, Set Design, Lighting, Sound, and Score. The show is not a Ghost, Spiderman, or Finding Neverland, where the nominating committee will seem bent on snubbing it. That will be either or both Escape to Margaritaville and Summer. Disney's only real competition for the technical awards is Spongebob, which I am sure no one thought would last into 2018, nor would it be the 2nd best reviewed musical of the season. Overall though, it looks like Frozen is in pretty good shape, but we will truly know how well its doing come September/October as it eats through its initial advance.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/19/08
The answer is since the reviews were terrible, Frozen will only appeal to families with young girls. It's not like Lion King which is an artistic masterpiece and Aladdin which has a story that reaches all ages.