MemorableUserName said: "HenryTDobson said: "Besides Jordan, was anyone else actually there tonight or are we all writing off their performances based on two bootleg audio clips?"
There are a lot of reactions at the Reddit thread at the top of this page. They're all over the place. "Aaron is great!" "Aaron is terrible!" "This is Sutton's show!" "Sutton was...not good!" It's a real roller coaster ride."
Thank you for sharing! I had a feeling we would get lots of different opinions on these two. I'll be interested to read more thoughts.
MemorableUserName said: "HenryTDobson said: "Besides Jordan, was anyone else actually there tonight or are we all writing off their performances based on two bootleg audio clips?"
There are a lot of reactions at the Reddit thread at the top of this page. They're all over the place. "Aaron is great!" "Aaron is terrible!" "This is Sutton's show!" "Sutton was...not good!" It's a real roller coaster ride."
No, most are terribly negative, certainly not mixed.
I think everyone needs to chill a little bit. It was their first performance. Let them get settled.
Stand-by Joined: 6/18/22
I was there tonight and thought Sutton was fantastic. Maybe the first 30 minutes or so she was a little iffy, but once she was going she was GOING.
Aaron was wholly mediocre. Sang the songs about how you'd expect him to and didn't really do anything interesting acting-wise (and seemed like he forgot to act at all in a few scenes).
Joe Locke is a STAR.
ljay889 said: "I think everyone needs to chill a little bit. It was their first performance. Let them get settled."
At $250 a pie? No way.
I would love to hear more, and, like other posters here, don't want to judge their entire performances based on two short audio clips. But...both of them sound pretty bad in these clips, especially Sutton. I'm shocked.
Updated On: 2/10/24 at 12:32 AMBroadway Star Joined: 7/18/11
Yeah, you’d think with all the times both of these lead actors have been replacements in shows over the years that they’d be used to being replacements and totally perfect on their first public performance. Also, the roles are so easy and the score so basic. How dare they not meet the expectations of people on the internet who are known for always being so kind and supportive.
I think it’s wild to judge her “Worst Pies” without seeing it in connection with the vocal. It’s clear from the audience reaction that she’s doing a lot during it and they seem to be enjoying it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/25/20
My prediction: Sutton grows beautifully into the role over these next few early performances. Whereas, Aaron will remain where he is.
She has proven herself time and time AGAIN how reliable she is. I didn't expect to lover her in The Music Man and I didn't love what I heard of her in audio, but SEEING her performance I fell in love with her Marian.
I didn't love the clip of her in Mattress, but then I saw the show and didn't stop smiling anytime she was onstage.
I truly believe she is just one of those "you have to be watching them and in their presence" performers.
No doubt, her voice is tired after closing Mattress 5 days ago and jumping back into this. She'll adjust quickly. I have no doubt.
EDSOSLO858 said: "quizking101 said: "A little taste of Epiphany"
Sounds like they transposed it up a semitone for Tveit. Same with Locke and his “Not While I’m Around.”"
Joe Locke sings “Not While I’m Around” in the original key (which is up a half-step from where it was in this production, so you’re correct).
Perennial reminder that the SWEENEY keys have shifted a lot over the years. Patti LuPone, George Hearn, Dorothy Loudon, Denis Quilley, and others have all had various numbers transposed to best fit their voice. That's not a concern to me.
I do have some other concerns from this audio. But I'm reserving judgement and interested to see how they grow into these roles.
Of course, there she is again, apparently there are no other talented females on Broadway; and it's doubtful that SS would have wanted an overgrown twink tenor for this role, but hey he's dead now (and spinning).
Sutton’s accent sounds better to my ears than Annaleigh. I think she sounds fine I’m just not crazy about the placement. I’m not an expert by any means, but I think it’s the switch to head voice that isn’t working for me, and I kind of want to hear what it would sound like if she sang it like Sutton Foster and not so much of the Angela Lansbury head voice. Aaron is at least singing the score how Aaron would, jumping up the octave. That’s exciting to me.
Mmm something is not sitting well in Sutton's Foster voice...should they lower the key or something?
They have a lot of seats to fill in the next couple of weeks
MemorableUserName said: "Reddit already pulled it, so if you missed it:
And...yeah. Oof."
I don't get it. I find her normal voice to be one of the most unappealing sounds out there. Like nails on a chalkboard. I thought that was why they chose her. But in this clip it sounds like she is imitating a granny (in an insincere way unfortunately), but now she uses head voice in some notes that make them sound prettier than she has ever sounded before. I'm confused. Her normal voice would fit the role much better. She does the exact opposite of what is needed for each role.
I agree; it’s the Lansbury head voice, or an approximation. Can’t decide if it’s successful or not without hearing another number. But in places it feels, um, uncomfortable for her. I saw Lansbury six times and she achieved that signature effortlessness In performance every time, even a Sunday when she returned after a Saturday off with a cold. There’s one wince inducing moment here where it feels so overly characterized, rather like Jean Stapleton's Edith Bunker. Maybe this vocal clowning is what was expected. The audience sounds in every way delighted by the synergy of business and singing. Her voice is a formidable instrument and she knows how to place and protect it. Perhaps it's first performance first scene jitters, the sense that she’s pushing for effect.
Just as i feared, Tveit is taking the score up. That wasn't horrible, but indeed disappointing.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/29/14
Updated On: 2/10/24 at 08:15 AM
IdinaBellFoster said: "I think it’s wild to judge her “Worst Pies” without seeing it in connection with the vocal. It’s clear from the audience reaction that she’s doing a lot during it and they seem to be enjoying it."
You may be right, but I would never judge a performance's quality based on an audience's reaction. Especially this one - where the crowd sounds like hundreds of teenage girls at a Justin Bieber concert.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/30/22
binau said: "Mmm something is not sitting well in Sutton's Foster voice...should they lower the key or something?"
I think lowering would probably make the low notes too low to sustain. As they stand, the low notes seem hard for her to “be loud” on with her voice type. In fact, raising the key might have a more positive effect and the “is THAT JUST dis-GUST-ING” bits could be easier to pop up to, although I’m guessing the poor music team tried everything (or at least discussed it among themselves).
This key and vocal sound is possibly the lesser of all the evils.
Some people are claiming Sutton has a cold right now. It certainly sounds that way in her voice. Pretty hard to listen to.
Was surprised to see it on Tkts for today's matinee.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
More photos and
FANtomFollies said: "IdinaBellFoster said: "I think it’s wild to judge her “Worst Pies” without seeing it in connection with the vocal. It’s clear from the audience reaction that she’s doing a lot during it and they seem to be enjoying it."
You may be right, but I would never judge a performance's quality based on an audience's reaction. Especially this one - where the crowd sounds like hundreds of teenage girls at a Justin Bieber concert."
It’s kind of what it reminded me of, yes. When I got home I had such a headache from the screaming I took more ibuprofen than I had in a while. But besides that - Sutton did some truly hilarious work last night especially in “Worst Pies” and the earned every bit of laughter she got.