The hospital spokesperson is the one who quoted him as in "Serious Condition" so I'm gonna guess thats the most reliable source :/
I hope this just sounds worse then it actually is.
Julie Taymor? More like Julie Slay-more, amirite?
Disney owns ABC. Disney owns Marvel Comics. Consider those two sentences when wondering why ABC is reporting "minor injuries".
Stand-by Joined: 1/16/08
In response to adamgreer's post, Alice Ripley vs. Julie Taymor cage fight anyone?
but in all seriousness, broken ribs and [internal?] bleeding? this is awful and my thoughts are truly with Tierney and his family and I wish him a speedy recovery. Glad to hear equity has halted performances until further safety methods are in place. Though I can't help but feel maybe the best safety method at this point would be closing this mess.
An article on MSN this morning said that, according to an anonymous actor in the show, actors are responsible for attaching their own harnesses for flying and stunt sequences. (I'm trying to find the link to the article, but I can't find it.)
If this is true, WHAT???!! Not only are they asking actors who are not professionally trained stuntmen to do these stunts, but they are asking them to hook up their own safety harnesses!
Accidents happen in every show. Actors understand that there is an element of risk. HOWEVER (and this is where SPIDER-MAN differs from all the other shows mentioned in this thread), there is a responsibility on the producer's side to take every possible precaution to make the stunts as safe as possible, and they must make it clear that the actors' safety is the top priority. SPIDER-MAN has not done that, otherwise there would be trained professionals behind every harness, rope, and connection, and nets and padding under the actors (like in the pit) just in case something like this happens.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
"I was expressing concern about the adequate rehearsal time being given, given that the show's technical complexity and the show still being in previews and plagued with issues."
Flying/stunt rehearsals began well over a year ago. While the specifics were clearly not being rehearsed at that point the basic vocabulary and adjustment to the various rigs were being built into the performers' bodies since then. Obviously some have been with the show longer than others and will be more well trained. I'm sure there are some people who want to believe that there will be swing/understudies performing who have never been in these harnesses and attached to these rigs I sincerely believe, knowing the reputation of the two PSMs on this production, that that is not the case.
On a personal note, I think the reason I find the assumptions that nobody is looking out for the safety of the cast and crew on this show to be offensive is because it then implies that the stage management team is not doing their jobs properly. We are talking about two of the best PSMs in the business, and there is no doubt that the five stage managers they have assembled are also amongst the top. To suggest that these people are not doing their job is, quite frankly, a bit insulting.
An example of the work the stage managers are doing. Part of the delays was the instillation of an automated cue light system. The PSM said there was no way to run the show without it. It was installed, at the cost of two weeks' time after the show had already gone into tech. Does that sound like decisions being made with "no consideration of safety"?
I don't know if you were directing your post at me, but I want to clarify: I do not think that no one is paying attention to safety. I just think that safety is not the top priority, and it should be. I am sure the stage managers and stagehands are doing everything they can, but if there are not enough of them to oversee every stunt, then the producers need to hire more. If they cannot afford to hire more, than they cannot afford to produce this show. Period.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/20/07
In AMERICAN IDIOT, there is a Professional person {Sorry, I don't know the tech name for them} who MUST be there every performance, to check the rigging, harness etc or the Actors do not fly.And the same holds true for BILLY ELLIOTT , the 2nd time I saw that show, he did not Fly, and I was told it was bec the Person who had to be there to assist, was not. I just hope that the TOP PRIORITY for this show is the performers safety. Updated On: 12/21/10 at 01:06 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
Adam Pascal had this to say on his Facebook page:
I have to weigh in on Spiderman. They should put Julie Taymor in Jail for assault! I know what its like to fall and get hurt in front of 2000 people. It's no fun, but at least it was the one time it happened. I hope whoever was hurt is ok and sues the **** out of Julie, Bono, Edge and every other asshole who invested in that steaming pile of actor crippling ****!
Swing Joined: 4/10/10
Chris is doing well. He has some very serious injuries but he's talking and in good spirits.
Ripley just ripped into it (in all caps, duh) on her twitter as well.
jonartdesigns- I'm sure that abc being Disney-owned is not accounting for the subtle wording in their news coverage. I have experience with several major broadcasting companies, and I have never seen direction such as that received. Granted, abc was not one of them, but I would assume it's the same policy. While parent companies occasionally ask their news divisions to cover certain events or publicity, it's highly unethical and unusual for them to dictate how they are covered.
This is a mess. I really hope the report sounds worse than it really is. That video is pretty frightening.
First off, Adam Pascal is an idiot.
Second, for anyone that thinks safety is not the most important element of this (or any other technically complex) show, knows nothing about how a large-scale production works (ie. what happens backstage before and during a performance).
And AEA SM, I agree with and understand pretty much everything you say (we have the same careers) but I'd contest that the use of CueVision for the purposes outlined in the Variety article are for artistic and not safety reasons.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/19/06
Matt Lauer and the 2 women he was talking with showed the video and they were laughing..and then said maybe i should go see this now...what the F---!!!
I feel horribly bad that this occurred when we keep pushing the envelope with special effects and 'more" entertaining hoopla these things are going to happen.
I pray that he is ok and that everything works out for both him and the show...No matter what the show is employing many people and the actors really want this to work...PRODUCERS AND DIRECTORS should make sure they are safe at all times
Broadway Star Joined: 10/30/06
I saw some video at the stage door, but I couldn't tell --
Was there any cast signing?
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
No, my post was not specifically addressed to you, Yero, just to the general attitude on these boards.
Again though, just because an actor says they are responsible for putting on their own harness and attaching themselves to the rig does not mean that there is nobody there who is checking the system pre-show and monitoring it during the performances. We all know how easy it is for the media to misrepresent a statement, either by selectively quoting, or even just putting it into the wrong context.
I've done shows with ZFX. All actors are trained in every aspect of putting on their harness and knowing how to attach themselves to the lines, mainly because there are going to be times when they have to do that due to staging, ie, needing to attach themselves to a line in the middle of a scene where the crew can not get to them.
Any actor who is doing stunt work without fully understanding the stunt, and the workings of any apparatus associated with said stunt, should not be doing stunt work, including flying.
Tag, I assumed it was for a mix of safety and aesthetic. He did flat out say there was no way he could run that sequence and keep an eye on the actors without it.
but the thing does not appear if the fault of the incident was related to where he would hook himself up to the appears in the video as if it breaks to where ever it is anchored.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Seriously, Adam? Bono and The Edge? I'm pretty sure the backlash to the backlash starts here.
Adam Pascal really is an idiot. Remember people, we DON'T know what happened. We have some reports and different voices stating what happened and who's fault, blah,blah,blah. Lets not blame certain people until we know, unless any of you were in the crew or backstage.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
Maybe Hunter Foster or Jen Cody will start another Facebook group to get Julie Taymor off of Broadway.
Adam Pascal's status is just ridiculous. I'm sure it was worth making that status for the four people who know who the hell he is and for the two people who give a crap.
On a personal note, I think the reason I find the assumptions that nobody is looking out for the safety of the cast and crew on this show to be offensive is because it then implies that the stage management team is not doing their jobs properly. We are talking about two of the best PSMs in the business, and there is no doubt that the five stage managers they have assembled are also amongst the top. To suggest that these people are not doing their job is, quite frankly, a bit insulting.
Although I agree that most posts regarding the accident may be dramatic and misinformed, yours are coming off as condescending.
Of course most don't understand the complicated technical aspects of a show like this and I don't doubt that everyone working at the show wants nothing but to be safe and excel at what they do, but I personaly find your attitude as if accidents in a technically complex show are common and MUST be expected.
I'm sorry, but no performer should go onstage to fear broken ribs and internal bleeding, no matter the situation.
I don't doubt their intentions are good, but a few productions elements are still too risky to be giving regular performances - no matter how prepared, professional or well-trained the team might seem, they really are not quite there - the environment is just not safe.
Seriously, Adam? Bono and The Edge? I'm pretty sure the backlash to the backlash starts here.
Oh, I've been on that train since about 1am.
I know since Adam has no career left, it's of no concern to him, but bringing down all of Broadway in lawsuits is not going to solve any problems.
Chris is doing well. He has some very serious injuries but he's talking and in good spirits.
GBoF, you aren't allowed to post any remotely positive news, even if it is true and you know better. Only ridiculous speculation should be discussed, like a rabid theatre snob internet version of Telephone.
"Julie Taymor sued for $80 bajillion purple monkey dishwasher!"
Broadway Star Joined: 8/9/04
Christopher Tierney suffered broken ribs and internal bleeding. Ouch.
I'm so glad to hear that, GBoF. Praying for a full recovery for him.