Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
From the moment they announced their casting in the Real Housewives? style? we should have known this was a show that would be camp, and not take itself seriously. I personally think Linedy sounds amazing so far from the clips that have been shared and the full version of "Bad Cinderella" that she sang with ALW at the piano....on a talk show? People have got to give shows a chance. Don't say bad things without even seeing the show. It's rude and ridiculous. You can just have FUN at a show! Updated On: 2/22/23 at 10:47 AM
Does anyone know what the sight lines are like on the side orchestra aisles? Is it partial view at all or how much?
People are dissing the press materials the show released. Not a bootleg. It's what the show WANTS us to see, so I don't think there's anything wrong with criticizing it. Everyone's points are "it's campy, it doesn't makes sense, but it's fun" which might work for some people. Some people want more. That's all.
RippedMan said: "People are dissing the press materials the show released. Not a bootleg. It's what the show WANTS us to see, so I don't think there's anything wrong with criticizing it. Everyone's points are "it's campy, it doesn't makes sense, but it's fun" which might work for some people. Some people want more. That's all."
It makes as much sense as it needs to make. It's not trying to be freaking Proust. It's colorful, extremely entertaining, and laugh out loud funny. Parade is right across the street if you're looking for something serious. This is not that, and that's fine. That's all.
I think the show could be solid by opening. The following would be my suggestions:
Just some more technical observations that I found interesting:
I can't figure out how to upload the image, so I'll write out the list from the first preview on 02/17.
Act One
Scene 1: Belleville Town Square
Scene 2: The Woods
Scene 3: Cinderella's Chateau
Scene 4: Palace
Scene 5: The Woods
Scene 6: Palace - Queen's Boudoir
Scene 7: Belleville Town Square
Scene 8: Cinderella's Chateau
Scene 9: The Godmother's Shop
Act 2
Scene 1: Palace - Ballroom
Scene 2: The Woods
Scene 3: Cinderella's Chateau
Scene 4: Belleville Cathedral
Scene 5: Church
Scene 6: Street Party
Scene 7: Cinderella's Chateau
(None of the formatting saved, so my apologies to everyone)
Stand-by Joined: 4/25/17
I saw the show tonight and while I might not be adding anything new, I must concede that “Bad Cinderella” might be one of the worst shows I have ever seen.
Let’s start with my biggest issue: the music and lyrics. Some of the melodies are absolutely gorgeous; I could hear some Phantom and Sunset at times. But the lyrics are downright embarrassing. Never before have I really noticed such a difference between music and lyrics but it was very apparent to me tonight. I also do not think each of the characters needs multiple solo ballads throughout the show. It became very repetitive (and frankly, boring).
Next, the book. It is very messy and disjointed. However, I think it is fixable should the creative team want to fix it.
Some issues I have:
-What makes Cinderella “bad”? She’s an outsider sure, but is that it? I realize the town is very vain and materialistic, but nothing about the character as written felt like she deserved the treatment is getting.
-Cinderella and the Godmother spend too much time focusing on the importance of the locket. Well, by the time the curtain falls, we never find out why it mattered. Was it purely sentimental? Probably. That’s fine, but I felt like it was supposed to lead to something more profound and it did not.
-Give the Godmother something to do. She’s there for what, two scenes?
-Marie was sure quick to turn on her mother, right?
-What is the Queen’s secret that the Stepmother holds over her? I thought we would get some sort of reveal but nothing.
-What is the point of everything related to Prince Charming? I feel like that entire subplot could be cut.
Regarding the sets and costumes. I did not hate them (particularly the costumes) as much as some other posters. But the sets were a big letdown. I did like the cathedral set though.
The cast is doing its best.
Carolee Carmello deserves to be the show’s sole representative during awards season. She was genuinely excellent. Grace McLean was nearly on par with her.
I was disappointed by the rest of the principals. I loved Jordan Dobson in “A Beautiful Noise.” He was probably one of the highlights in that show for me. But tonight, I felt like he really struggled. He sounded amateurish and frankly, he couldn’t seem to hit many of the notes throughout his songs.
As for Linedy Genao, at no point did I ever feel like she was the star. She sounded like a talented college student trying to impersonate Mimi from “Rent.” Her vocals just were not there and her star quality was lacking. She never made Cinderella feel like the protagonist. Part of that issue stems from the book, but a lot of it was also hers.
As you can probably tell, I did not enjoy the show. But maybe I am not the target audience for it. I hope you take the time to see this if it piques your interest. Perhaps you will like it more than I did. And if my comments dissuade you from seeing this, just know that there are many other excellent shows currently playing across New York.
Chorus Member Joined: 10/6/22
pollster2 said: "I saw the show tonight and while I might not be adding anything new, I must concede that “Bad Cinderella” might be one of the worst shows I have ever seen.
Let’s start with my biggest issue: the music and lyrics. Some of the melodies are absolutely gorgeous; I could hear some Phantom and Sunset at times. But the lyrics are downright embarrassing. Never before have I really noticed such a difference between music and lyrics but it was very apparent to me tonight. I also do not think each of the characters needs multiple solo ballads throughout the show. It became very repetitive (and frankly, boring).
Next, the book. It is very messy and disjointed. However, I think it is fixable should the creative team want to fix it.
Some issues I have:
Regarding the sets and costumes. I did not hate them (particularly the costumes) as much as some other posters. But the sets were a big letdown. I did like the cathedral set though.
The cast is doing its best.
Carolee Carmello deserves to be the show’s sole representative during awards season. She was genuinely excellent. Grace McLean was nearly on par with her.
I was disappointed by the rest of the principals. I loved Jordan Dobson in “A Beautiful Noise.” He was probably one of the highlights in that show for me. But tonight, I felt like he really struggled. He sounded amateurish and frankly, he couldn’t seem to hit many of the notes throughout his songs.
As for Linedy Genao, at no point did I ever feel like she was the star. She sounded like a talented college student trying to impersonate Mimi from “Rent.” Her vocals just were not there and her star quality was lacking. She never made Cinderella feel like the protagonist. Part of that issue stems from the book, but a lot of it was also hers.
As you can probably tell, I did not enjoy the show. But maybe I am not the target audience for it. I hope you take the time to see this if it piques your interest. Perhaps you will like it more than I did. And if my comments dissuade you from seeing this, just know that there are many other excellent shows currently playing across New York."
Agreed with all of this—Carolee Carmelo should get some kind of humanitarian award for the aid she delivers to this production. Grace McLean also shines. Casting is not this show’s issue (except for poor Jordan Dobson who really seems to be struggling with the music). The problem is that ALW is lacking in taste and there is no one who can say no to him. Every song is too long and many feature reprises that happen seconds after the song itself has ended. Drop all the reprises, cut two or six choruses out of every song, remove some of the out of place blue humor (truly a lot of handjob jokes), and you would vastly improve the show.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/14/21
signorafosca2 said: "Carolee Carmelo should get some kind of humanitarian award for the aid she delivers to this production."
This sentence had me literally LOL'ing.
ignorafosca2 said: "Carolee Carmelo should get some kind of humanitarian award for the aid she delivers to this production."
Best. Comment. Ever.
They’ve had time to change the book, I wouldn’t expect any drastic changes unfortunately.
Is she bad? Nah she’s boring. Saw the show tonight and it was not good at all.
First the theater was 100 degrees, and it didn’t help the audience.
The opening number and set looked like it was from Something Rotten. It was all over the place.
The songs…same thing over and over again, and it was VERY pitchy at times.
All the talk about the ball, and it was was just DULL A disco ball? You couldn't give us an amazing set or costumes? Just dull. Where did all the money go?
The Prince Charming scene went on and on and on the audience behind me was saying, “Where is Bad Cinderella? She must of disappeared”
Thank goodness for Carolee she is giving 100 percent with that terrible exit.
The biggest sin of the night belonged to Cinderellas Act One finale dress. She looked like a House Wife that dressed up as Storm from X-men, terrible.
Understudy Joined: 8/7/18
I saw the show tonight as well. Wasn't a fan. There's not much I can add here that hasn't already been said. But I swear to God, if I see one more Broadway show where a character does a vocal fry "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaas" to get a laugh I'm going to lose my ****.
WldKingdomHM said: "Thank goodness for Carolee she is giving 100 percent with that terrible exit. The biggest sin of the night belonged to Cinderellas Act One finale dress. She looked like a House Wife that dressed up as Storm from X-men, terrible."
I was thinking more Elsa from Frozen, but either way she's dressed like someone who can control the weather.
For me the biggest problem with Bad Cinderella is just how unlikable Cinderella and Prince Sebastian are as characters. Sebastian's brother comes back from being presumed dead and at no point does Sebastian express joy or relief to see his brother. Other than some concern about Sebastian marrying someone he doesn't love, which is really about her anyway, Cinderella doesn't express empathy towards any character in the story.
As written, they're two very self absorbed people, and when they kissed at the end, I realized I didn't actually want them to be together. For a show very clearly going for a happy ending, that's not great.
RippedMan said: "They’ve had time to change the book, I wouldn’t expect any drastic changes unfortunately."
I agree that they probably won't make many changes during previews, but I bet after the reviews come out, they'll shut down for a short period, retool the show and open a new version just like they did in London.
CATSNYrevival said: "RippedMan said: "They’ve had time to change the book, I wouldn’t expect any drastic changes unfortunately."
I agree that they probably won't make many changes during previews, but I bet after the reviews come out, they'll shut down for a short period, retool the show and open a new version just like they did in London."
A retool wouldn't be enough. They need to remove all pens from the tool that wrote it, to prevent anymore dross.
What they need to do is up the production value. If you give us something interesting to look at we won’t care what’s actually being said. But they seemed to have gone cheap on this and shot themsleves in the foot.
im going to assume they cast the lead and the others because they can pay them scale or close to. These are business people trying to make a buck I don’t think they care about the art.
RippedMan said: "What they need to do is up the production value. If you give us something interesting to look at we won’t care what’s actually being said.
I there are a great many closed shows that would be beg to disagree.
RippedMan said: "What they need to do is up the production value. If you give us something interesting to look at we won’t care what’s actually being said. But they seemed to have gone cheap on this and shot themsleves in the foot.
im going to assume they cast the lead and the others because they can pay them scale or close to. These are business people trying to make a buck I don’t think they care about the art."
Seriously? I'm pretty sure something pretty to look at does not make a show.
I saw the show Wednesday night - I went in with low expectations (but hoping for at least a little, fluffy fun) and it was, unfortunately, worse than anticipated.
The songs are repetitive and each one feels much too long. The lyrics are elementary. The book is generic, unfunny, and often makes no sense. The direction feels aimless (so many times the characters kept crossing back and forth at the front of the stage for seemingly no reason other than movement). There's little to no character development (beyond having a different "style," what does Cinderella stand for? What does she enjoy doing? Who is she as a person beyond being an "outcast"?).
While McLean and Carmello are certainly the best on the stage, even these two excellent actors can't overcome the material. Genao and Dobson particularly struggled with both acting and vocals (Dobson especially with his vocals - he blatantly couldn't hit many of his notes and was off pitch quite a bit).
Perhaps the worst of all, however, is just that I found the entire evening boring. I'd see "Diana: The Musical" any day of the week over this - at least that was entertaining.
I do believe this was the worst musical I've seen on Broadway - I've certainly disliked my fair share of shows I've seen throughout the years, but I am usually able to find at least one redeeming quality. Unfortunately, for "Bad Cinderella," I couldn't pinpoint one thing I actually enjoyed.
Understudy Joined: 12/16/22
I saw someone point out on Twitter that ALW has had several instances of attempting to throw his leading ladies under the bus when a show fails. It certainly seems like he tried to do that with the West End Cinderella, but Carrie has enough of a fanbase that everyone pretty unanimously came to her defense.
I hope Linedy is able to move on from this without taking too much of a fall. Not that I disagree with a lot of the critiques I've been seeing about her, but I still hope she's able to move on to a role she's a better fit for.
MarilynMonroeSmash said: "Does anyone know what the sight lines are like on the side orchestra aisles? Is it partial view at all or how much?"
I was 5th or 6th row, far side orchestra and had a perfect view! No obstruction. :)
Featured Actor Joined: 8/27/22
Hmm. I have tix for end of April. At this rate, I’m not sure if this show is salvageable. The word of mouth isn’t great so far. I think the reviews will make or break this show. I wonder if it would close early if the reviews are bad? Like K-pop or Ain’t no mo?