does anyone think they're gonna make a ton of changes during previews? I really want to see the show ASAP, but if they're making drastic changes during previews I'd rather wait until it's in it's full form. Thoughts? and when I say "soon" I mean seeing the show next Tuesday opposed to the Wednesday after opening night.
At this point, anything opening now is unlikely to close before the Tonys....or at least the nominations.
From that first hip shake in the "Bad Cinderella" clip they released, I could tell that Linedy was not the right choice for this show, and, by nearly all accounts, it sounds like that's the case. I'm not seeing it for a few weeks, but I'm very curious to hear how her alternate fares, when she finally goes on. I mean, she has to be better, right?
Updated On: 2/24/23 at 08:09 PM
TaffyDavenport said: "From that first hip shake in the "Bad Cinderella" clip they released, I could tell that Linedy was not the right choice for this show, and, by nearly all accounts, it sounds like that's the case. I'm not seeing it for a few weeks, but I'm very curious to hear how her alternate fares, when she finally goes on. I mean, she has to be better, right?"
After seeing it Wednesday night, they need to give Linda a day off just to rest her voice. The song she sing in the beginning of act 2, she couldn't hold out the ending and from there on her voice just seemed tired. I mean rehearsals all day and performing in the evening. It is an insane schedule. I so hope the alternate gets a chance in previews.
Might bring something different to the table.
But I will say that Jordan Dobson had some major vocal troubles as well. Just gave me high school theatre vides, and I know he is better than that!
The hip shake was alive and well..and out of nowhere! Thanks Taffy
dramamama611 said: "At this point, anything opening now is unlikely to close before the Tonys....or at least the nominations."
New York, New York might due to abysmal ticket sales.
HunterK said: "TaffyDavenport said: "From that first hip shake in the "Bad Cinderella" clip they released, I could tell that Linedy was not the right choice for this show, and, by nearly all accounts, it sounds like that's the case. I'm not seeing it for a few weeks, but I'm very curious to hear how her alternate fares, when she finally goes on. I mean, she has to be better, right?"
"The hip shake was alive and well..and out of nowhere! Thanks Taffy "
Leading Actor Joined: 9/30/07
Perhaps the worst of all, however, is just that I found the entire evening boring. I'd see "Diana: The Musical" any day of the week over this - at least that was entertaining.
Wow! Just…wow.
Sutton Ross said: "ignorafosca2 said: "Carolee Carmelo should get some kind of humanitarian award for the aid she delivers to this production."
Best. Comment. Ever."
Honestly, this is a remarkably hilarious and on-point comment because it’s so true. Carolee, the Hunks, and Grace McClean are truly the saving graces, performance-wise, in this overly campy, but otherwise banal show.
Nobody really asked for yet another modern revisionist retelling of the Cinderella story, and so the creative team had a responsibility to really make a strong case for its existence - and they did not succeed. The biggest issue is the sheer length of the show - 2:35 last night. We all know the Cinderella story and so you could see what has been added and feels ultimately like padding that prevents the show from reaching the inevitable conclusion.
The leads, I’m sorry to say, didn’t meet the moment. They both are overpowered by the orchestra for a good part of the show and it’s hard to make out what they are singing when you can hear them. On top of that, their characters are so poorly written that I never felt like I had protagonists worth rooting for.
Honestly, only the moments where the show leaned HARD into the high camp of it all - so basically anything Carolee or Grace did, as well as all of the Hunks - made the evening worthwhile.
Side Note: My God, that male ensemble is UNREAL. Their physiques combined with the homoerotic and aggressively horny choreography set off a wave of hot flashes that could keep 45th Street warm on a cold winter’s night. If the show was just Carolee camping it up while Ray Baynard and Cameron Loyal were just her shirtless backup dancers, I would paying premium time and again
Thanks Taffy…that hip shake has had me cackling for the last ten minutes.
Understudy Joined: 7/9/22
Has anyone seen rush tickets available after the initial 11am release?
When I check, it says "Tickets are not available at this time. Additional rush tickets may become available later today." Curious if this typically happens and if there are any time-related patterns. Thank you!
PegasusOasis said: "Has anyone seen rush tickets available after the initial 11am release?
When I check, it says "Tickets are not available at this time. Additional rush tickets may become available later today." Curious if this typically happens and if there are any time-related patterns. Thank you!"
I haven't tried it for BAD CINDERELLA yet, but I know this happened a lot for A STRANGE LOOP (which I believe was the first time a Shubert house did digital rush through Telecharge). The downside is that it never states when it's "sold out" of rush for the day.
PegasusOasis said: "Has anyone seen rush tickets available after the initial 11am release?
When I check, it says "Tickets are not available at this time. Additional rush tickets may become available later today." Curious if this typically happens and if there are any time-related patterns. Thank you!"
Yeah, on Thursday I got a digital rush ticket for a pretty decent orchestra seat off the site around 3pm. I had been trying throughout the day, so they didn't add additional rush tickets significantly earlier. However, I don't know if that's consistent timing.
I knew we were in for a long night when there was a "We don't eat carbs here" joke in the first 5 min.
2006 called, and wants it's joke back.
Just checked (4:16 pm)and there were some available for tonight’s show - was offered 2 tickets row 5 of section 1. I’m seeing the show Friday so I did not purchase.
Leading Actor Joined: 1/3/07
ALW has written 4-5 of my favourite shows (though I've not really rated anything he's done since Sunset) and yet this one was just one of the worst things I'd ever seen when I saw it in London. I did not go in with high expectations and yet it managed not even to meet those. I was incredibly surprised they had investors for a Broadway production so when it was announced, I thought that they must, despite ALW famously never doing this, have to make SOME structural changes or at least get a new creative team. And And I am not surprised by the reaction here at all.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/20/08
Wow…I really went in with low expectations hoping I could find some enjoyment, but that was just…not good…at all…
Stand-by Joined: 10/25/15
I just got out of the show. And I am literally speechless. It is truly terrible. The songs - the book- the set - the costumes this is an awful show. I knew I was in trouble 15 mins in …just an awful awful awful night. Not as bad as Lennon but will go down as the second worse show I’ve ever seen… yikes!
I also saw this tonight and found myself surprised. In my opinion, this show is in no way shape or form the dumpster fire some of y'all say it is. Not that it's incredible by any means. But the worst show ever? Hard disagree. I actually really liked the score and I found myself admiring the sets. I found myself humming many of the songs on my way out (and that 18-piece orchestra was a joy to listen to).
The real problem I found is that the characters of Cinderella and the Prince are in a completely different show from everyone else and everything around them. The moment I walked in, the audience seemed to be ready for a wacky, over-the-top camp fest and at first it seemed as though they were getting it. It was whenever Cinderella and the Prince weren't on stage, I could feel the audience wanting to let loose and have unabashed fun. But every time Cinderella and the Prince took the stage, everything fizzled.
I don't blame that on the two performers by any means. I thought both Linedy Genao and Jordan Dobson were fine but were being completely overshadowed by the rest of the cast and production. If the two of them were directed to match the zaniness, energy, and comedic masterclasses being given by Carolee Carmello and Grace McLean (and the two Step-Sisters to a lesser extent), the show would have really hit its stride. The show is desperate to reflect what the marketing is portraying it as: an over-the-top parody of the fairytale. The cast is working hard to make the audience laugh and have a good time but everyone around me seemed conflicted, wanting to succumb and have fun but felt that they couldn't because Cinderella and the Prince were being played so straight and grounded that it prevented them from doing so.
I was into much of Act One but Act Two loses steam. And as much as I really like the song, "Far Too Late" stops the show dead. It's a wonderful song and I thought Genao sang it beautifully, but I thought it went on too long and brought the pace of the show to a grinding halt.
I don't think most of the problems really lie in the material itself and do hope that they release a new cast recording. The show simply needs to fully embrace that it is an unadulterated balls-to-the-wall camp-fest. Have everything and everyone match what Carmello and McLean are giving and I'd stop by for a second visit.
Do we know if the book writer, Emerald, is there working on the show? Has she seen it yet?
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/20/08
Interesting, as my friend and I thought the entirety of the mess was due to the material. Don’t even get me started on the godawful lyrics. And we had whiplash from the completely unmelodic songs. Every now and then you’d get a glimpse of what ALW is capable of, but never during and actual song. I’m fact by act two, every time a song started my friend and I said “oh god, here we go again”…not something you want from a musical? Not that the book scenes were any better. Even the choreography was just…boring. And neither act had a strong ending? Like, both times the curtain came down and I was thought, “wait, what? That was the act ending?”
Updated On: 2/26/23 at 08:55 AM
I got a $30 rush ticket in the third row of the orchestra today.
Carolee Carmello + Abundant Man Meat + Poor Impulse Control = Me
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
quizking101 said: "I got a $30 rush ticket in the third row of the orchestra today.
Carolee Carmello + Abundant Man Meat + Poor Impulse Control = Me"
I was drawn in by the clip they posted of Linedy singing the title song. NO control either.
Understudy Joined: 9/17/22
Ive been following the conversation around this show ever since it opened in London.
It seems as though they made none of the alterations that needed to be made to make this show better. All the complaints I saw about the west end production are echoed over here, or worse
West End: Cinderella needs to be more "Bad" to justify why everyone hates her.
Broadway: She is conventionally prettier, visually blends in with the rest of the town, and is less "bad"
It reminds me of when the show briefly closed in London to "retool" the show and make some necessary changes. What changed when it reopened? A choreographed curtain call, different marketing material, and larger focus on a social media presence.
Similarly, the "changes" they made when bringing the show to Broadway seemingly did nothing to improve the show, just made it an even more incoherent mess.
^^^I could not agree more with this!^^^
Chorus Member Joined: 9/28/06
DJD4 said: "Ive been following the conversation around this show ever since it opened in London.
It seems as though they made none of the alterations that needed to be made to make this show better. All the complaints I saw about the west end production are echoed over here, or worse
West End: Cinderella needs to be more "Bad" to justify why everyone hates her.
Broadway: She is conventionally prettier, visually blends in with the rest of the town, and is less "bad"
It reminds me of when the show briefly closed in London to "retool" the show and make some necessary changes. What changed when it reopened? A choreographed curtain call, different marketing material, and larger focus on a social media presence.
Similarly, the "changes" they made when bringing the show to Broadway seemingly did nothing to improve the show, just made it an even more incoherent mess."