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BAD CINDERELLA to close on June 4- Page 17

BAD CINDERELLA to close on June 4

Lot666 Profile Photo
#400BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/18/23 at 1:06pm

musikman said: "Lot666 said: "Does anyone know the name of the song they used here (I'm assuming it's *not* from the show)?

Please tell me you’re jokingcrying

that’s Sam smith and Kim Petras singing Unholy. It just won a Grammy a few weeks ago

Why would I be joking? I have little interest in most of the schlock that passes for pop music these days and I haven't watched the Grammys for more than a decade. The excerpt from this particular song sounded unique from the norm. 

Thanks for answering my question.

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage
Updated On: 3/18/23 at 01:06 PM

musikman Profile Photo
#401BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/18/23 at 1:50pm

Lot666 said: "musikman said: "Lot666 said: "Does anyone know the name of the song they used here (I'm assuming it's *not* from the show)?

Please tell me you’re jokingcrying

that’s Sam smith and Kim Petras singing Unholy. It just won a Grammy a few weeks ago

Why would I be joking? I have little interest in most of the schlock that passes for pop music these days and I haven't watched the Grammys for more than a decade. The excerpt from this particular song sounded unique from the norm.

Thanks for answering my question.


I don’t listen to it either, but it’s hard to avoid the song It’s played in commercials, in grocery stores, etc…


-There's the muddle in the middle. There's the puddle where the poodle did the piddle."

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#402BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/18/23 at 4:44pm

Per Linedy, the show is now frozen. 

Well, I’ll be. That bird really did it.

Charley Kringas Inc Profile Photo
Charley Kringas Inc
#403BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/18/23 at 5:23pm

edit: decided to remove this given the news

Updated On: 3/19/23 at 05:23 PM

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#404BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/18/23 at 7:21pm

Andrew Lloyd Webber will not be there on opening night. His eldest son is in the hospital, critically ill and battling gastric cancer. Sending well wishes to all:

Well, I’ll be. That bird really did it.
Updated On: 3/18/23 at 07:21 PM

#405BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/18/23 at 7:24pm

Best wishes to the entire family.

chernjam Profile Photo
#406BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/18/23 at 8:17pm

Well this explains why the director and lyricist were defending ALW from the social media inferences that he dissed the cast, the crew, the creatives, etc....

"Be Kind - Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about"

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#407BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/18/23 at 8:29pm

Have there been any significant changes made during previews? Seems like it would be difficult to make any major changes if Webber hasn’t been able to attend.

MCfan2 Profile Photo
#408BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/18/23 at 8:31pm

Oh wow, sorry to hear that. Praying for his son. ALW didn't say anything about the illness in that Washington Post interview, which makes it sound like this was a very sudden turn for the worse. BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread 

Updated On: 3/18/23 at 08:31 PM

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#409BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/18/23 at 9:58pm

Awful thing for any parent to go through. Thinking of him. 

BroadwayNYC2 Profile Photo
#410BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/19/23 at 2:26am

Why would I be joking? I have little interest in most of the schlock that passes for pop music these days and I haven't watched the Grammys for more than a decade. The excerpt from this particular song sounded unique from the norm.”

I’m not like other girls, I’m worse

Lot666 Profile Photo
#411BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/19/23 at 11:02am

musikman said: "I don’t listen to it either, but it’s hard to avoid the song It’s played in commercials, in grocery stores, etc"

I don't watch TV live - only on DVR, where I can fast forward through commercials. Also, I spend less than 15 minutes per week in the local grocery store. I'd never heard the song prior to the Bad Cinderella social media post.

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

Scarlet Leigh Profile Photo
Scarlet Leigh
#413BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/19/23 at 10:26pm

When did lyrics for the title song revert back (at least in part) to the original West End lyrics? Has that been reported on yet because my friend went today and noted how "nasty girl, gutter rose" is back in the song.

BuddyStarr Profile Photo
#414BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/20/23 at 10:12pm

So I saw this show Saturday night, only because it was available via TDF because I really has no desire to see it.

Just a few comments:

  • "Bad Cinderella" is NOT "Diana: The Musical Good"  It seems like it wants to be camp but fails although I did enjoy the Hunks.
  • The cast appears to be really working hard with the material given to them.
  • The two leads were ok, but yes, boring.  Prince Sebastian could've gotten lost on the stage, he didn't really have any presence at all anytime he was on stage unfortunately, which I guess is part of the character?
  • The GodMother role seemed really out of place.  She wanted the locket?  Was she Ursula? I was getting Little Mermaid vibes with their interaction.
  • Not the worse show I've ever seen by a long shot (see "Hands on a Hardbody"BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
  • It was better than Back to the Future.

Oh, I do keep hearing "Bad Cinderella" in my head.  It's an ear worm that won't quit.

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#415BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/21/23 at 10:12pm

Bad Cinderella's press embargo lifts on Thursday at the stroke of midnight. Cute.

Shubert Alley Cat Profile Photo
Shubert Alley Cat
#416BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/21/23 at 10:30pm

Saw the show tonight.  Everyone was on besides Linedy.

The Good:

  • The cast - especially Grace and Carolee.  But I felt most of the supporting cast and ensemble were also pretty great.  The hunks were hot and talented.  Prince Sebastian was winning - I bought his arc - and he also gets the show's best song - ONLY YOU LONELY YOU got the biggest reception from the audience tonight.
  • The music - ALW can write a great melody - I left the show humming many of the tunes.
  • The design elements were terrific.
  • There were lots of laughs!  The show is fun.

The Bad:

  • The book - why is this Cinderella character so boring?  Literally every other character pops but our lead.  And she disappears for large parts of the show - and all of those parts were my favorites.
  • The standby/understudy was on for Cinderella.  She was having trouble with her big songs.  That's all I will say.  And if this character is going to be so dull the actress is just going to have to sing the hell out of the songs.  She's got some great melodies in ACT II but they weren't thrilling.
  • It was kids' night on broadway.  I wish I was seeing parade instead of this.  These families thought they were at the circus.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#417BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/22/23 at 11:15pm

Full cast back tonight for the final preview. They’ve made a few book changes that seem to explain a few things in the town more than before but I still wish it were more fleshed out. I can’t put my finger on it but the town hating Cinderella seemed to make more sense. Again, I can’t explain why exactly but I guess some book changes there helped. 

The curtain call ended with Carolee making a speech marking the shows final preview being on Webber’s Birthday and then the whole theater sang Happy Birthday to him, which was nice and I’m sure is already online to watch. 

The audience reaction was interesting tonight. This is the most vocal audience I’ve seen with this show so far and they seemed to overall like it a lot. I still think critics are going to do to this show what the stepsisters do to Cinderella’s dress in the Disney film. 

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#418BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/22/23 at 11:26pm

So many problems in this show could be solved by revisions to the first 10 minutes of the show and the last 30 minutes of the show, in the form of an opening number and some restructuring of act 2.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#419BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/22/23 at 11:39pm

Yet for such an imperfect show, I still find things to like about it. I went with a friend tonight who, at intermission, said it was “meh” but but when it was over he said it was fine. Not Webber’s best but also far from his worst. 

#420BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/23/23 at 12:15am

It was fine.

That quote needs to go on the poster. It may be the best option they have once reviews are out 

#421BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/23/23 at 12:59pm

ALW's son has been moved to a hospice.

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#422BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/23/23 at 4:03pm

Forgive me if this has been mentioned before, but has anyone else noticed that the chorus of the title song is almost melodically identical to “In my own little corner” from what I guess we can now call the Good Cinderella?

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#423BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/23/23 at 4:24pm

jonartdesigns said: "Forgive me if this has been mentioned before, but has anyone else noticed that the chorus of the title song is almost melodically identical to “In my own little corner” from what I guess we can now call the Good Cinderella?"

It’s an intentional homage, ALW has said. 

BroadwayNYC2 Profile Photo
#424BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/23/23 at 5:20pm

“Forgive me if this has been mentioned before, but has anyone else noticed that the chorus of the title song is almost melodically identical to “In my own little corner” from what I guess we can now call the Good Cinderella?”

ya thought you had a scoop here huh 
