LesWickedly said: "Well, this just about ruined my day, possibly my week. I’m on standby. Yes I’m being dramatic but I’ve been looking forward to this show ever since it was announced for the West End. Really hoping that I get a code through standby, but doesn’t look likely. I really hate this process. I’ve never had trouble getting tickets through general onsales on Ticketmaster. Sure, this will stop the bots/scalpers MAYBE, but shuts out so many fans."
Agreed. The scalpers are finding ways to get the tickets anyway.
TheSassySam said: "uncageg said: "Mine was for the 11:00 am slot and says it is only good for 2.5 hours. Only thing that bothers me is that we still don't know ticket prices."
Ticket prices are on the website. Cheapest is $20 for each show."
My bad! Just saw the prices on the website. I think I will try for the $70.00 tickets.
Got an email! My slot is for 12pm. So excited to see this show!!!!
I'm also on standby, as well. Oh well. :/
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/8/16
IdinaBellFoster said: "F*ck this ticket process. I'm on standby.
For anyone who has used verified fan before - do people on Standby have any actual chance?"
I was standby for the original Springsteen on sale date and then proceeded to receive a code for the second batch of dates that were announced.
Standby people have also received codes weeks afterwards when tickets have become available. Seems like a fair amount of the Springsteen tickets that were held back are being made available to those on the standby line.
Standby people do actually have a chance of getting tickets tomorrow. Keep your phone handy. Even if you dont receive a standby code tomorrow, the reality is that its possible they will open up another block of tickets once this first batch goes.
Don't lose hope.
Got one for noon! I’m so anxious. Anybody know how many slots there are? Is it only 11 and 12?
Updated On: 10/16/17 at 02:36 PM
Pricing (I do wonder where in the theater each price point is):
Current pricing for performances beginning April 25, 2018: $20, $40, $80, $130, $165 and $199 per part.
Current pricing during previews (March 16 to April 21, 201: $20, $40, $70, $120, $155 and $189 per part.
Premium tickets are also available for all performances. Standard Ticketmaster service fees apply.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/8/16
LesWickedly said: "Well, this just about ruined my day, possibly my week. I’m on standby. Yes I’m being dramatic but I’ve been looking forward to this show ever since it was announced for the West End. Really hoping that I get a code through standby, but doesn’t look likely. I really hate this process. I’ve never had trouble getting tickets through general onsales on Ticketmaster. Sure, this will stop the bots/scalpers MAYBE, but shuts out so many fans."
Les, I'm with you. I've never had trouble getting tickets. This system is flawed and that's putting it nicely. It does seem to shut out just as many fans as it does scalpers.
Stand-by Joined: 3/29/16
It is quite frustrating. Me and none of the 5 people I knew who were going to go together are going to get a code. I wonder how many dates this block of tickets will be? I'm probably leaving the city in May so I was hoping for this to be my last hoorah on Broadway but it's looking not likely...oh well :/
I still haven't received a thing. My husband got standby. So anxious!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
Still don’t have anything either way :/
Understudy Joined: 5/17/16
I got into the 12pm time slot, still really nervous, I really want $20-40 tickets, and I know those will sell first!
Broadway Star Joined: 6/15/17
Received my email at 2:06pm. Being granted an access code, for the 11am window. This whole process is anxiety inducing.
Understudy Joined: 8/1/17
My husband, parents, and I all got “standby” emails. Doesn’t feel very promising...
I will say, for Hamilton I got standby and received a code around 2pm EST...but my husband got an actual code in the morning so we had already purchased tickets with his code. My parents got no email, not even standby.
Anybody know when we might find out more re: the Friday Forty??
Chorus Member Joined: 9/15/16
AllThatJazz2 said: "Received my email at 2:06pm. Being granted an access code, for the 11am window. This whole process is anxiety inducing."
ditto this, exactly. 2:06pm, 11am window, crazy anxiety!
Standby!!! Does anyone know what time period is the block of tickets? Looking for tickets Memorial Day weekend?
This seems like a total crap show. Everyone I know got standby. Too bad people who will actually buy tickets can't.
Chorus Member Joined: 3/16/17
Both me and my wife got standby. I wonder what the odds were of getting a code...
Hopefully I can snag one of those Friday Forty tickets.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
Everyone I know has gotten an email either way and I still have nothing. Is that a bad sign?
I did get my email for the 12pm slot, but it's really annoying that they don't have any info on what seats are priced where. I would actually like to know what I want to buy before the absolute debacle that will be Wed at noon when everyone is on the site at once.
got the Standby email at 2:14.
Received the email for the 12:00 pm slot at 11:11 am Pacific. Seems like the 12:00 PM slot will be competing with the 11:00 AM slot since they have 2.5 hours to access? Excited and nervous because the Ticketmaster website seems to come to a screeching halt on sale days like this and we can spend hours not getting in.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/2/06
Since each code can purchase up to 6 tickets maybe we can help each other out.
Those who got a code and aren't in need of 6 tickets could buddy up with those on standby if they can go on the same dates at the same price point.
I feel very fortunate that my friends and I got enough codes to cover everyone, even if we have to split up dates. Good luck to those on standby who really want to see it!
Stand-by Joined: 12/3/13
BuddyStarr said: "got the Standby email at 2:14."
Same here. So much for getting my girlfriend tickets for Christmas. Hopefully standby get codes eventually too, but I’m sure tickets will be sold out.