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SUNSET BLVD. to transfer to Broadway- Page 11

SUNSET BLVD. to transfer to Broadway

#250SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
Posted: 4/6/24 at 5:08am

Hey, I got tickets for Sunset Boulevard but I wanted to change the date and seat. I messaged Seat Geek and they are waiting to hear back from the box office. Does anyone have the phone number for the box office so I can contact them directly?

QueenAlice Profile Photo
#251SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
Posted: 4/6/24 at 6:06am

Rachel is based in the UK and had a family with children. It would be a big lift to relocate to NYC for one performance a week. 

“I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#252SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
Posted: 4/6/24 at 9:14am

Elphaba2019 said: "Hey, I got tickets for Sunset Boulevard but I wanted to change the date and seat. Imessaged Seat Geek and they are waiting to hear back from the box office. Does anyone have the phone number for the box office so I can contact them directly?"

"Alternatively, email us at, or leave us a message at (212) 840-0479."

binau Profile Photo
#253SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
Posted: 4/6/24 at 10:32am

Whoever is in the audience for Nicole’s ‘With One Look’ is in for a treat. BROADWAY HISTORY WILL BE MADE WITH THE DEBUT OUR NEXT NEXT (:p) TONY BEST ACTRESS WINNER (and double Olivier award for the same performance no doubt). 

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000

#254SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
Posted: 4/6/24 at 11:39am

binau said: "Whoever is in the audience for Nicole’s ‘With One Look’ is in for a treat. BROADWAY HISTORY WILL BE MADE WITH THE DEBUT OUR NEXT NEXT (:p) TONY BEST ACTRESS WINNER (and double Olivier award for the same performance no doubt)."

How would she get a double Olivier award.  Is there some all-encompassing award as well??

#255SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
Posted: 4/6/24 at 1:47pm

I’d love to see Rachel step in for a few weeks if Nicole ever needs to leave for some sort of a TV/Film engagement.

I don’t know why the thought popped into my head, and at 39 she is still a bit too young, but I would be kind of interested to see what Anneliese Van Der Pol could do with this role. I’ve wanted to see her tackle something meaty for a while.

#256SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
Posted: 4/6/24 at 2:34pm

jacobsnchz14 said: "Elphaba2019 said: "Hey, I got tickets for Sunset Boulevard but I wanted to change the date and seat. Imessaged Seat Geek and they are waiting to hear back from the box office. Does anyone have the phone number for the box office so I can contact them directly?"

"Alternatively, email us, or leave us a message at (212) 840-0479."

Thank you!

Sally Durant Plummer Profile Photo
Sally Durant Plummer
#257SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
Posted: 4/6/24 at 4:15pm

Did the London production use the Close keys or the LuPone keys?

"Sticks and stones, sister. Here, have a Valium." - Patti LuPone, a Memoir

east side story Profile Photo
east side story
#258SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
Posted: 4/9/24 at 9:24am

Finally got tickets for December.  Would have loved to have seen this at the Savoy this past winter, but very excited for the NY run. 

Valentina3 Profile Photo
#259SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
Posted: 4/10/24 at 12:30pm

chernjam said: "Valentina3 said: "Robbie2 said: "Any idea who's the alternate Norma and which night?"

Just read a Kate Shindle interview of her stepping down as the Equity president. Think she will make a great Norma in this production.

You piqued my interest, so I checked this out as an audition :)
Kate Shindle sings "Losing My Mind" from Follies at 54 Below! (

I could see her in Sunset. Her voice sounds like it has the range, and you can see the acting there too - not an easy song to do simply with a piano and standing in one place

Oh she can saaang alright. She blew the roof off in Legally Blonde (Remix). Although the type of singing is very different in Sunset, I think she can easily pull it off, especially in this production.

It's funny I was thinking about her the other night because of this post, and rewatching White Collar on Netflix. There's like a 4 second scene in one of the early episodes she's in as a background extra, overacting the hell out of her single line mostly oggling Matt Bomer (who, if he could sing, would have been a great Joe...).

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

TaffyDavenport Profile Photo
#260SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
Posted: 4/10/24 at 12:42pm

Someone on ATC posted about how they'd like to see Mandy Gonzalez as Norma after hearing her sing "As If We Never Said Goodbye" at her concert, and a response was “ding ding ding,” like that was the correct answer to the alternate question. No idea if there’s any validity to it, but has anyone else heard rumblings about Mandy?

FANtomFollies Profile Photo
#261SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
Posted: 4/10/24 at 1:02pm

TaffyDavenport said: "Someone on ATC posted about how they'd like to see Mandy Gonzalez as Norma after hearing her sing "As If We Never Said Goodbye" at her concert, and a response was “ding ding ding,” like that was the correct answer to the alternate question. No idea ifthere’s any validity to it, but has anyone else heard rumblings about Mandy?"

No idea, but I feel like she would be perfect in this production.

QueenAlice Profile Photo
#262SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
Posted: 4/10/24 at 1:05pm

Mandy might be great but it is going to be very difficult to fill the St James Theatre once a week on her name. I was sort of expecting the alternate to be someone with a little more of a following.

“I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#263SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
Posted: 4/10/24 at 1:08pm

Would anyone mind sharing the 2024 London cast album preorder link?

Well, I’ll be. That bird really did it.
Updated On: 4/10/24 at 01:08 PM

FANtomFollies Profile Photo
#264SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
Posted: 4/10/24 at 1:10pm

QueenAlice said: "Mandy might be great but it is going to be very difficult to fill the St James Theatre once a week on her name. I was sort of expecting the alternate to be someone with a little more of a following."

Like who? I feel like she is known enough in the Broadway community to sell one show a week. Was Rachel Tucker more well known?

QueenAlice Profile Photo
#265SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
Posted: 4/10/24 at 1:36pm

Rachel has a major following in the UK. Partly from her work on TV. She is more well known there than Mandy Gonzalez is here. I guess I was thinking about when Donna Murphy was the alternate for Bette Midler- Murphy is a two time Tony winner and a Broadway star in her own right.  Casting an alternate with no box office power seems risky. They would probably be wiser to just do 7 shows a week rather than do 8 with someone who isn’t very well known. 

“I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#266SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
Posted: 4/10/24 at 2:28pm

EDSOSLO858 said: "Would anyone mind sharing the 2024 London cast album preorder link?"

TBFL Profile Photo
#267SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
Posted: 4/11/24 at 3:06am

QueenAlice said: "Rachel has a major following in the UK. Partly from her work on TV. She is more well known there than Mandy Gonzalez is here. I guess I was thinking about when Donna Murphy was the alternate for Bette Midler- Murphy is a two time Tony winner and a Broadway star in her own right. Casting an alternate with no box office power seems risky. They would probably be wiser to just do 7 shows a week rather than do 8 with someone who isn’t very well known."

Rachel is known in theatre circles in the UK, but not much else. What is this tv work that got her a major following?  I didn't even know she had done tv here!

I'd say Mandy Gonzalez is at a similar level of notoriety. They would be better off going with a US theatre name, IMO. Honestly, I was kinda disappointed in Rachel's performance in Sunset, if only because it was practically a copy of what Nicole was doing and I went in thinking she would do something different. She did it very well, but it wasn't as natural as it is for Nicole, because it's built around her.


#268SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
Posted: 4/12/24 at 8:22am

After watching 'Girls 5 Eva,' I'd love to see Renee Elise Goldberry in this production. Her character in Girls5 does have shades of modern-day norma in a different tax bracket.

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#269SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
Posted: 4/12/24 at 8:49am

I guess I was thinking about when Donna Murphy was the alternate for Bette Midler- Murphy is a two time Tony winner and a Broadway star in her own right.

Those Tuesday night performances would be quite different today due to her work on THE GILDED AGE. I know many people oblivious to anything Broadway and now know about her and her Broadway work thanks to her role as Mrs. Astor.

SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway

FANtomFollies Profile Photo
#270SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
Posted: 4/18/24 at 6:25pm

I splurged and got premium seats for this - has anyone seen a show at the St. James and done a package with the VIP lounge access? Curious what the experience was like and where the room is in the theater. Does the lounge have it's own restrooms? Any info is appreciated :)

#271SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
Posted: 4/18/24 at 11:22pm

FANtomFollies said: "I splurged and got premium seats for this - has anyone seen a show at the St. James and done a package with the VIP lounge access? Curious what the experience was like and where the room is in the theater. Does the lounge have it's own restrooms? Any info is appreciated :)"

It’s a tiny room on the left side of the stage as you go up from orchestra to mezzanine. There is no restroom there. I wouldn’t bother with it. 

#272SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
Posted: 4/19/24 at 1:19pm

QueenAlice said: "Rachel has a major following in the UK. Partly from her work on TV. She is more well known there than Mandy Gonzalez is here. I guess I was thinking about when Donna Murphy was the alternate for Bette Midler- Murphy is a two time Tony winner and a Broadway star in her own right. Casting an alternate with no box office power seems risky. They would probably be wiser to just do 7 shows a week rather than do 8 with someone who isn’t very well known."


Sorry but that's not true. She is known within theatre circles and has a decent following among theatre fans, but that's it. She has a reoccurring role in a minor daytime crime drama set in Northern Ireland that relatively very few people watch.

The search for Nancy show was a long and largely forgotten by most.

Super talented she may be, but not well known. 

Huss417 Profile Photo
#273SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
Posted: 5/23/24 at 7:27pm

Was curious if one side of the theatre is better than the other. I could go with either D1 or D2 orchestra.

"I hope your Fanny is bigger than my Peter." Mary Martin to Ezio Pinza opening night of Fanny.

MrsSallyAdams Profile Photo
#274SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
Posted: 6/13/24 at 11:09am

I'm still on the fence as to whether to attend this. I've seen two other productions and found the material underwhelming.

Petula Clark gave a U.S. tour in 2000 opposite Lewis Cleale. Clark played Norma as crass and angry, only turning on the glamor during her key songs. Cleale was directed to speak a lot of Joe's lyrics. Both were upstaged by their Max who sang with a booming opera-trained voice.

Hollis Resnik starred in a 2019 Chicago production. It was one of her last roles. She was solid but didn't offer many surprises. My best memories are actually of Billy Rude, a handsome young Joe who the production gleefully objectified.
Updated On: 6/13/24 at 11:09 AM
