I love Cynthia Erivo, but she's a bit out of control on Twitter.
Some remarks:
Producer: “As part of our sincere efforts to keep ‘Comet’ running for the benefit of its cast, creative team, crew, investors and everyone else involved, we arranged for Mandy Patinkin to play Pierre."
Cool, nobody benefits from a closed show.
"Mr. Malloy also said that the show made the cast changes out of financial necessity.
“The show was in desperate shape; sales after Ingrid leaving Aug. 13 were catastrophically low,” he said on Twitter. “Show would have closed.”
So the show was in desperate shape and would have closed. Is there anyone who thinks Oak's ego is more important than 100 people being out of work?
Producer: "Oak, who was scheduled to appear as Pierre for this period graciously agreed to make room for Mandy, and we sincerely hope that Oak will return to us in the fall or winter. He is a terrific Pierre."
It appeared Oak wasn't so gracious and did not really care for the benefit of the show, because if he would stay in it, there would be no show. Mandy could save his job. And this is also a very nice thing to say of the producers but it's business too.
Stand-by Joined: 11/3/16
Let me get this straight.. Mandy Patinkin, who is 64 years old, is supposed to play a role previously played by a 35 year old(Groban) and a 29 year old(Oak). why does this remind me of Joan Crawford stepping in to play Christina's part in a daytime soap?
It's sad to see how such a great show just got... thrown away. By the tw*tter teenagers and the producers. Really hope they find their footing soon, but by the way it's looking- it won't make it.
Swing Joined: 7/28/17
schubox said: "I know this won't happen, but I feel like the only thing that could save the show at this point is if Oak makes a statement saying he appreciates Mandy's support but that he doesn't want to see the show close over this and that he has his blessing to come in and play the part.
again, that won't happen and would take an incredible gesture from Oak, but it might work
I'd like this to happen, but I think the whole situation would look rather comical in a "you're welcome --- oh no, YOU're welcome" way. And the big gesture of Mandy withdrawing from the role will turn into nothing if he changes his mind. I hope I make sense. But once again... I would LOVE something to suddenly save Great Comet.
Except for Hugh Jackman. No Hugh Jackman, please
Dave28282 said: "Some other facts:
Producer: “As part of our sincere efforts to keep ‘Comet’ running for the benefit of its cast, creative team, crew, investors and everyone else involved, we arranged for Mandy Patinkin to play Pierre."
Cool, nobody benefits from a closed show.
"Mr. Malloy also said that the show made the cast changes out of financial necessity.
“The show was in desperate shape; sales after Ingrid leaving Aug. 13 were catastrophically low,” he said on Twitter. “Show would have closed.”
So the show was in desperate shape and would have closed. Is there anyone who thinks Oak's ego is more important than 100 people being out of work?
Producer: "Oak, who was scheduled to appear as Pierre for this period graciously agreed to make room for Mandy, and we sincerely hope that Oak will return to us in the fall or winter. He is a terrific Pierre."
It appeared Oak wasn't so gracious and did not really care for the benefit of the show, because if he would stay in it, there would be no show after Mandy would have left. And this is also a very nice thing to say of the producers but it's business too.
These are not "other" facts...they've been well established throughout this thread.
And yes, Green Waver, that's the case and he would have (likely) been wonderful. This, too, has also been covered in the original announcement thread.
This is so sad b/c all this was so NOT about replacing someone because of their race. It was hijacked and then twitter-versed, morphing into (for lack of a better term),"the race card". "Comet" is an incredible show in talent and diversity and doesn't deserve to die like this.
A few thoughts...
1) I'm sure that Mandy withdrew b/c he's the kind of person we should all aspire to be. IMO, he doesn't want any negative energy or bad "karma" associated with his performances or involvement with the show. He was so happy on the Today show, thrilled to be able to join the show. His integrity is admirable.
2) I think Oke is, whether intended or not, going to have a lot baggage getting new roles. His career may also crash, along with the show.
3) In today's PC world, everything goes out immediately and often interpreted in unintended ways. CE is an example of "45 like" outbursts and that's disappointing. (Glenn Close, Ben Platt,etc...not her business).
4) Words of irony come from Matt Stone and Trey Parker again, re: Cartman's "Token's Lives Matter", everyone gets sensitive and then insulted and things spin out of control. It's sad so many talented people will now have to pay the price; I really hope something or someone can turn this around.
Understudy Joined: 7/18/17
I also assume that Brittain stepped aside with little problems because it was for the great good of the show. She's been with the show from the start so it was likely easier for her.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/22/16
CallMeAl2 said: "So what's the lesson here? Once a role is played by a black actor a white actor can't be cast?
Wouldn't surprise me if the producers of the show tried blaming this on color blind casting.
This was just a series of really unfortunate events, to some people on twitter the problem was that they cut Oak's time short, to others it was because the new lead was white... obviously the producers didn't handle this well at all...
It's just funny that Mandy would tweet that he's not doing the show because he wouldn't take a job that would harm another actor. Well, his decision to leave the show will most likely harm EVERYONE in the show. Except for Oak.
Also, super confused to how Mandy stepping in harms Oak... yes, they treated him poorly, but harming him seems a bit much...
Forgive me if this tweet has already been shared, but Jackie Hoffman saying how it is. https://twitter.com/jackiehoffman16/status/891132830453026816
Swing Joined: 7/9/15
blaxx said: "VintageSnarker said: "blaxx said: I agree it has nothing to do with racism. This is the case of 'Don't do good things that look bad'. Of course people went nuts and tried to find their own reason behind the action. What I'm saying is that THEY can't be blamed for coming to their own conclusion when the production decided to take the desperate measure.
The fact that they didn't how awful it would look, makes me sympathize with the conspiracy theorists. Of course their assumptions were wrong, but I don't blame them for feeling the way they did when you take it from their perspective.
Um, no. Feel your feelings, sure. But starting a hashtag, being vile to Malloy and Chavkin and Patinkin, and who knows who else, heaping scorn and wishing terrible things on the production based on a conclusion that was easy to disprove with a tiny bit of thought or research. Heck, just even coming to this board. They have no excuse. They're on twitter so they clearly have an internet connection. I'm so tired of trying to have sympathy for people who live in a bubble and take one out of context or biased excerpt and use it to form their opinions instead of actually caring about facts and the truth.
I don't excuse the ignorance, nor approve of the extremist reactions; none of which would have happened had this been handled better. It was under the production's power to prevent the fiasco and they blew it. You can't hold an internet mob accountable for their opinions, you can't even assume they know how to do research on the matter.
What you should know as a professional theater producer is that social media can and will take your actions and statements at face value. Give them nothing to support you and they will create a monster out of it. Again, a professional producer can't assume the level of expertise or education from "the internet". Be clear, transparent, fair and people will likely side with you. Make a move that seems unfair and you're done. When people have been walked all over for a long time, they will accuse you of the worst unless you know how to articulate your actions much better than TGC producers did.
And I'm sure none of it was ill intentioned. But man, they failed at professionalism by trying to hide the "why" behind the move. You hide it, the mob will make you sure you'll hear from them; and if they are wrong, make sure it wasn't because you didn't give them enough information to begin with.
I'm so confused here. You absolutely seem to be giving the twitter hivemind an out. "You can't hold an internet mob accountable for their opinions, you can't even assume they know how to do research on the matter." Are people really expected to anticipate how uninformed idiots are going to take any change producers may choose to make? Should they really have been transparent and crapped on Oak's good name in the theater by saying he can't sell tickets? How do you envision the best press release to have been worded?
I agree, giving him the part was the mistake. The producers realize this now too. They should not have to apologize to anyone except Oak, because he's the one out of work. The only thing they should have done is make a statement which said that unfortunately they made a mistake by casting him, he turned out to be not meeting their expectations, and that's it. Their apologies to anyone racist who feels betrayed is lunacy. They should be above that.
Perfectly said. They thought they could cheat audiences w/ the HAMILTON connection. It didn't work. No one knows who this guy is. He is not big enough for public outrage or "controversy". A business misstep, and that's all.
Presuming an action is taken b/c of race says more about the presumer than anyone else.
PattyO'Furniture said: "
I agree, giving him the part was the mistake. The producers realize this now too. They should not have to apologize to anyone except Oak, because he's the one out of work.
Oak was being paid.
BroadwayConcierge said: "This is the biggest mess I've ever seen in my life. Oh my God.
Pick up a newspaper. The man you voted for for President I think has this beat.
Just saw someone on Twitter compare this to Trump's comments on transgender service members. Talk about not getting it...
All this behind-the-scenes drama and tweets at GC make the catastrophe of staff changes and tweets going on at the White House look like a comedy. How much longer before Trump starts blaming Oak for his screw-ups? (But that's another thread...)
Overall, I'm looking forward to seeing this tomorrow afternoon. But I do take the side with those saying it was purely a business decision and nothing more, because that's what it was - business. Ask Faye Dunaway and Patti Lupone about those business decisions.
If the money's not coming in - no matter who's the star - then immediate changes need to made to keep the play (or business afloat). Should the producers handled it better? Yes. Should they have stated the real reason (they were hanging by a thread to stay open) up front? Never. What good does that do other than keep a potential audience away? Did the twitter uproar help the matter? Of course not.
But tomorrow is another day, and if there's one thing that can be said about this whole situation - it's keeping the show in the headlines each day. And that's probably the silver lining in this very dark cloud.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/20/15
Well put, Steve C. I doubt that this can be undone now though. It was already a show, though well-liked by many, that was having some trouble financially. Add to the fact that we live in a time when all someone has to do is say something and it becomes truth to half the people. Whether it is or not.
Could things have been handled differently by the producers? Well, in hindsight, I suppose. Is it possible they tossed around the need to address the real reasons behind the change in casting, just in case? Possibly. But then maybe they decided not to because they know the truth.
Unfortunately the truth doesn't matter. It appears they should have done it. Because the "just in case" came to reality. Which in this day they probably should have anticipated.
Does racism exist? Of course. Is it the undercurrent of decisions that are made? Of course. Is this one of those situations? No, not in my opinion. Based on the show's cast alone.
But all it took was one person to suggest it and it flamed a spark into something huge. I'm sure the producers wish they had just been up front from the beginning. We live in a day when the "just in case" will have to be addressed every time now. I'm sure they realize that more than anyone.
I certainly understand why MP pulled out though. Especially when the "r" word was brought into the fray.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
so it appears that there's no big name coming in september and the writing was on the wall on comet closing anyway. While the producers certainly come off as horrifically bad communicators in that it seems like they weren't clear in their intentions to Onaodowan or Patinkin and definitely deserve their share of the blame, I appear to find more fault with how Onaodowan handled the situation than others did. It sucks that he was replaced but it was quite clear to any reasonable person it was because of financial reasons. It was no secret that the show needs a big name to last and was struggling, just go to the broadway grosses thread and see how it's discussed every week. The idea that a production that went out if its way to be diverse suddenly would decide that they actually don't want a black person to play the lead is ridiculous. Onaodown knows that. Still, he did nothing to quell the racial storm that was brewing which was tantamount to throwing the production under the bus and putting himself over the rest of the cast. Just egotistical and self-absorbed. When a very similar situation happened to Brittain Ashford, she didn't go crazy. She didn't say a word. Now the show is probably closing August 13 instead of a month or so later. I imagine this situation will have a very negative impact on Onaodown's career (as it should). He doesn't sell tickets and puts himself above the rest of the cast and the show as a whole. Why would anyone hire him? I certainly wouldn't.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/20/16
Once Manny's scheduling constraints became clear, I'm not sure how they could have fixed this to the satisfaction of Oak--I guess they could have offered him the 3 weeks after Manny, but that seems like a worse deal than what he had, and that also means they would need to delay a replacement. They could have offered him a longer part-time deal (ala Hallo Donna), but I'm not sure this would have worked for anyone. Maybe they could have offered him a week or three at the end and to publicly take the blame for the extra week of Dave at the front end (right now the assumption seems to be that after months of prep he wasn't ready-making a very public and believable case that there was another reason has significant value to Oak).
I think the producers (and those of Amelie) mislead themselves about the halo effect of Hamilton, and by the time it became clear that it applies only to LML and probably Lesie Odom it was too late.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/14/17
spidernight said: "When a very similar situation happened to Brittain Ashford, she didn't go crazy. She didn't say a word."
And neither did Oak, except for a simple statement confirming his leaving date and wishing the best for the cast and Mandy.
I think some of you are very naive about how outrage culture works. People do not stop just because the person involved tells them to. If Oak had said 'it's not about race' people would have just thought he was trying to be professional and would have carried on regardless. Numerous people made statements and yet the outrage carried on. The only thing that stopped it was when Dave Malloy finally revealed that the show may not have a future. It's not Oak's job or right to reveal that.
Silence is as much a message as a twitter rant. And I won't start on his passive aggressive official comment.
We also don't know the specifics of how Brittain, or even Oak, was told. It's possible they were upfront, but seeing by how badly this was handled, it's possible they weren't.
With Brittain, it's not too terribly difficult to say to an actor who's been involved with the show for years, "We have an opportunity to have this recording star come in for a few weeks and we'd love to capitalize on this and help the show have a longer life. Would you consider taking a paid summer vacation and come back in the fall?"
BUT when someone has been playing the role for 2 weeks, that's a great deal harder conversation.
Race in this country and industry is REAL, but I agree this wasn't it. Hearing how desperate they were to buy more time, had Idris Elba agreed to jump in, they would've taken it.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/22/16
Sally Durant Plummer said: "Silence is as much a message as a twitter rant. And I won't start on his passive aggressive official comment.
Saying that even if he tried saying something it wouldn't have helped is pointless speculation. Just like saying that if they had announced the financial situation the backlash wouldn't have happened. Speculation.
The reality is he was aware of what was happening and did nothing to try to prevent it. I don't blame him for being pissed on how this was handled, but his lack of action certainly didn't help. And now the show will pay the price.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/14/17
As if you guys aren't speculating just as much that Oak encouraged the Twitter rants.
Bored of this crap now. Oak's career will be fine, he has the support of everyone in the industry. Sorry if that will be too offensive for you guys to handle. Peace out.