I might be in the minority but I’m thrilled they pivoted from the tv show in a big way. I mean, I love the tv show but it really is so bad.
I think the change would be justified if the ending makes it worth it and the new show has something to say. At least the open rehearsal ending did that. This one is now just… what’s the point of this all? The Karen/Ivy rivalry is a bit bigger in this version. But it also downplays Chloe who now just seems like they threw her a number for no reason instead of giving her a proper arc.
It really is a “damned if you do/don’t” scenario.
I was there last night too. I've been very eager and excited to see this score performed on a big stage, finally! The audience was electric and very excited to be there. A little too excited... I mean, applauding, hooting & hollering, and giving standing ovations in the middle of every song because someone simply hit a high note? It became very frustrating. Let them cook. I recognize this was the first preview, so much is to hopefully change. Here are my initial thoughts:
Act One had potential. Act Two? Chop. This production desperately needed an out-of-town tryout. I thought the humor needs to be Cole Escola-ed immediately. The comedy plays it way too safe and is often very cringy. Not to spoil too much, but the whole use of social media? My jaw dropped. What in the Dear Evan Hansen was going on?!
Bella Coppola singing Let Me Be Your Star as the Act One closer is worth the price of admission, though. She gave me full-body chills. And then she's barely used in the show after that? Krysta Rodriguez is great, as usual.
I fear if you don't know theatre, like we all do on these boards, you will not understand the show. It's way too niche for a big Broadway house and an open run. A lot of the iconic numbers from the series fell flat to me. I ultimately left thinking, Why didn't they just do Bombshell on Broadway?
Nobody has mentioned scarves? Do they make an appearance?
ACL2006 said: "Nobody has mentioned scarves? Do they make an appearance?"
Krysta wore a couple but they weren’t even commented on.
I too appear to be in the minority as well. I had a really good time, it is definitely a theatre person’s show. That being said I think they do a really nice job of making a stand alone product here, meaning if you didn’t see Smash you can still go in and have a great time and understand what’s going on. The music is all still there for the most part. There are some 32 bar cuts, but looking back on the show, that’s what they were there too- for recordings they were expanded on. There is one plot point that I think can be cut- the pills need to go! The ending, though it makes sense, the song that is currently there is an underwhelming one to go out on. The performances were uniformly excellent with Robyn really being a knockout and this role showcases her many talents- even though Ivy is written to hate, the audience stays with her- I agree her denouement come too late. It is a first preview- to those saying they should’ve staged Bombshell- what was Bombshell but a framework? We never saw Bombshell other than the numbers in rehearsal on Smash so I’m not sure what commenters are looking for. Perhaps we wanted too much after the wait, but I think what we got was really in keeping with the show.
Updated On: 3/12/25 at 11:46 AMStand-by Joined: 12/14/19
Phillytheatreguy10 said: "It is a first preview- to those saying they should’ve staged Bombshell- what was Bombshell but a framework? We never saw Bombshell other than the numbers in rehearsal on Smash so I’m not sure what commenters arelooking for. Perhaps we wanted too much after the wait, but I think what we got was really in keeping with the show."
Even the digital booklet from the Bombshell album had a decent plot. Granted, a lot to fit into a musical, but at least some meat from the structure we only saw onscreen.
Surprised they didn't use "Big Finish" as the finale. I adore that number!!
raddersons said: "I might be in the minority but I’m thrilled they pivoted from the tv show in a big way. I mean, I love the tv show but it really is so bad.
It really is a “damned if you do/don’t” scenario."
Completely completely agreed. Let’s not pretend that had this just been a 1:1 of Bombshell that most theatre and Smash diehards would be out in droves to write this off as a reasonably uninspired biomusical copout to add to the pile of other commercialized unnecessary biomusicals (even if we all love Marilyn a whole bunch), instead of a uniquely revisionist adaptation of an original TV show we got instead. I think the sheer existance of it and devotion to fanservice the team has made speaks for itself even if the final product is never “perfect”-however you define that.
I’m not saying we shouldn’t be critics and advocate to improve art, but this was an uphill battle no matter how they approached the Smash/Bombshell IP and all things considered I think there is a lot to love here!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
Phillytheatreguy10 said: "to those saying they should’ve staged Bombshell- what was Bombshell but a framework? We never saw Bombshell other than the numbers in rehearsal on Smash so I’m not sure what commenters are looking for."
We certainly saw enough fully staged numbers from the show to imagine what the Bombshell musical would have been like. It was presented out of order, but we saw it. There's also the staged concert from 2015 that plenty of people have watched online (after fans were calling for it for years before it happened). While some edits and revisions would have needed to be made (and it's been bought up that it would be extremely challenging for one actress to perform all of the Marilyn role night after night), I suspect the answer is a fully staged musical version of..that.
Is the set for the curtain call indicative of the design as a whole? It's not terribly appealing to my eye at least...
Broadway Star Joined: 8/7/10
Is there a version of “Let Me Be Your Star” in the show that matches the melody line of the original? I wasn’t thrilled with the changes made in the released video.
Dan6 said: "Is there a version of “Let Me Be Your Star” in the show that matches the melody line of the original? Iwasn’t thrilled with the changes made in the released video."
Yes, the version posted is the opener and they “re-write” it to the version we know