I personally had a fine encounter with Shoshana Bean, but the person next to me was in for a treat...I mean I'm sure she was just in a mood because I've heard nice things...
Christine Ebersole was very nice at the stage door. She seemed tired, but after giving such an amazing performance thats to be expected.
Linda Balgrod was also very very nice after the Pirate Queen.
Hugh Panaro was so nice to me. We talked for 25 minutes after Lestat. Like he had no reason at 11 at night to stay that late with like no one there but me and he did it was great he was so nice.
Rachel York was also very sweet at DRS. Also the whole sweeney revival cast was nice too.
Oh and The wicked tour when it first started (steph, Kendra JLG etc.) was very sweet except Carol Kain was sorta mean. And Kendra sorta rushed off but i think she was sick cuz she didnt perform the next night.
Entire 1st and 2nd National Touring Cast for Jersey Boys at the Curran Theatre in San Francisco
Do you ever see any other shows?
Everyone in 110 In The Shade has been AMAZING!
david hyde pierce is da man !!!!! he is a fantstic person and a total Doll
I prefer to hear the stories of when the people in the show aren't so nice. On that note, I don't buy that story of Ashley Brown (a few pages back) one bit.
Rebecca Luker was amazing at the Stage door. She's very nice, very pretty, and did amazing onstage. I told her i was auditioning for a summer stock production of Music Man and after about five minutes passing, before she got in her car she turned to me, smiled, and said, "Break a leg on your Music Man audition."
I love her.
Josh Strickland was overly friendly even though I wasn't even there to say hi to him nor did I approach him. I was waiting for a girlfriend who is in the show. He was VERY friendly.. LOL
Almost the entire revival cast of Les Mis was pretty nice. Only Adam Jacobs didn't seem too friendly, but I think he probably was busy and didn't have time to stay and chat. Norm Lewis was especially really kind, which actually made me like his performance a little better in retrospective.
Roger Bart was extremely kind to me when I met him as well.
Max will stand around and take pictures for hours with anyone, even if they didnt see the show or know who he is.
Beth Leavel. Absolutely.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/1/05
The entire cast of LoveMusik is wonderful. Michael recognized me from us talking after King Lear and Donna Murphy is so sweet. Edwin Cahill is also one of the nicest guys ever.
Some from my past days of meeting people have been: Michale Berresse, Joann M. Hunter, Amy Spanger, Michael Mulhulren, Damien Perkins, Rebecca Luker, Rachel York, Merle Dandridge, Mary Testa, Stephanie J. Block, Kendra Kesselbaum, Marge Champion, Kelly Fournier, Barry Ingham, Colleen Sexton
Some of the BIG above-the-title names (not on my list above) have been very gracious but not particularly glad to see you . . . perhaps a bit tired, which is understandable.
Broadway Blog: Confessions of a (Former) Stage Door Johnny
Swing Joined: 7/3/07
I don't get around as often as some of you guys do, but here's my recollection:
Raul Esparza- Ok, seriously. One of the nicest guys ever. And I've seen him multiple times, during 'Company', 'tick...tick...BOOM', and 'Cabaret', and everytime, he's been a complete sweetheart. During 'Company', last Friday, he chatted with me for over 10 minutes about the show, about my student life, and how my visit has been. So basically, a Tony nominated actor wanted to hear about ME. It was amazing. He personalized my autograph on my 'Company' playbill. "To Tara, Make a Wish, Raul E. Esparza."
John Gallagher Jr.- Yeah yeah, its been said, but wow. John has to be the nicest guy I've ever met at a stage door before. He signed every single playbill, and took a picture with anyone who had a camera. He talked to me about how the show and his character affected his life, and was overall, very very sweet.
Jonathan Groff- Lovely, lovely guy. He took one of those delightful 'hug' kinda pictures with me, and then sincerely apologized for getting his sweat all over me. (which was okay, seriously). He even managed to be really nice to some girls who were asking him about "molesting" John onstage, even though his face was saying "Oh god."
Stephen Spinella- Met him during 'Spring Awakening', and I knew that he was the original Prior Walter in 'Angels in America', so as soon as he came out, I said "Oh my god, its Prior Walter', he looked astonished (in a good way) and said 'How old are you? You're not old enough to know that!' and then he laughed and we talked 'Angels' for awhile. Awesome guy.
Other very very nice people:
Jonathan B. Wright- Spring Awakening (they were all nice, but he was really great)
Michael Cerveris- Assassins
Denis O'Hare- Assassins
Michael Sheen- Frost/Nixon. ("How old are you? You're the youngest looking person I've seen all weekend. You're 20? Oh jesus, then how old am I?")
Frank Langella- Frost/Nixon
Adam Pascal- just met him on the street, beautiful guy.
Jai Rodriguez- The Producers
Aaron Lazar- The Light in the Piazza
Alan Tudyk- Prelude to a Kiss
John Mahoney- Prelude to a Kiss
David Hyde Pierce- Spamalot
Hank Azaria- Spamalot
Tim Curry- Spamalot
I've never met anyone who was mean or stand offish to me at all.
I think everyone can have bad experiences with people who are usually very nice at stage door and vice versa. Everyone has their good/bad days.
ALthough the cast of Wedding Singer was consistently nice and Nikki Snelson and Orfeh are two at Blonde who stick out in my mind as always being very chatty and open and warm.
Cheyenne Jackson is also another person who has always been a complete sweetheart.
1. cast of Jersey Boys. I got to touch John LLoyd Young Tony award after I told him Congrats and he went back into the stage door and brought it out for ever1 at the Stage door 2 see and touch. I hugged Daniel Reichard after he sighned my playbill snd he was leaning on a car and i asked if i could give me a hug and he was happy too.
2. cast of Tarzan
3. David Hyde Pierce, Jill Paice, Karen Ziemba from Curtains.
4. Movin Out Cast
5. Matthew Salvindar from the wedding singer, and also Amy Spanger from that show.
Shows and people i could remember at this point when i waited after the show.
oh yeah Reba McinTyre from Annie get your gun she was nice and sweet
also the cast of the lion king were very nice and liked to take pics with you. I talked to all of them for a few minutes.
Understudy Joined: 4/22/06
I agree with Beth Leavel and Jon Groff
I haven't really posted on this thread, but recently:
Stephanie J Block- so sweet, and really gracious at the stage door. i had like a 1 minute conversation with her, but it was nice, shes really humble
The entire cast of LEGALLY BLONDE but even moreso Laura Bell Bundy- she gave me a kiss on the cheek :)
Christine Ebersole is also especially nice
Shonnon Durig - Hairspray, We're from the same area, and know some of the same people
Kevin Cahoon - The Wedding Singer
Martin Moran - Spamalot
Chris Hoch - Met him at Spamalot and Beauty and the Beast
Lisa Jolly - Hairspray
Jonathan Groff - Spring Awakening, he gave me a nice compliment
Kandra Kassebaum - Wicked
David Garrison -Wicked
Michael Rupert, Andy Karl, Nikki Snelson, Jason Gillman - Legally Blonde, basically the whole cast is very sweet but they actually said Hi and asked you a question, made me feel they appreciated me seeing the show.
Howard McGillin, Jennifer Hope Wills and Rebecca Judd from Phantom of the Opera
Swing Joined: 7/1/07
I met the cast of Jersey Boys a week ago and they were all incredibly nice. Michael Longoria went on as Frankie Valli because it was a matinee, so given that he was the lead, everyone wanted to stop to chat and he gladly obliged. He stood in each section for several minutes making sure everyone had the pictures and autographs they wanted.
Hank Azaria was also very nice and signed autographs for just about everyone in a VERY large crowd.
i just saw legally blonde on july 5th. the whole cast was really nice and said hi to everyone. sighned whatever you wanted took ppictures and all. I talked to about everyone who autographed for me. By the way richard,andy,and orfeh left right when it ended so i didnt see any of them. I met chrsitian,nick,rupert,noah,kate,nikki,asmeret,annaleigh,leslie,and Laura.
Here's my list,
Shoshana Bean - Wicked
Lucie Arnaz - Dirty Rotten Scoundrels - So Nice!
Greg Jbara - Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
Ashley Brown - Mary Poppins - Very Sweet!
Gavin Lee - Mary Poppins - So Nice!
Bernadette Peters - Annie Get Your Gun