Saw this at the Public. I'm surprised this moved uptown. And they gutted a theatre for the new production? Who will be buying tickets for this?
You're probably going to just shoot back with "well these are real people and not fictional characters" and, sure, there is a difference. But, any story in which villains are the protagonists (as in the POV character and/or character driving the plot forward, not the hero) is going to humanize them to a certain extent to get the audience to care about their downfall. Sweeney Todd, the Phantom of the Opera, Franklin Sheppard (although that story is obviously told in reverse), etc. There are different levels of tragedy and empathy you feel for them in each story. But, at the core of it, the love that Sweeney has/had for his family, the Phantom for Christine, and Frank for Charlie and Mary is what makes the way they end up treating them hurt so much.
In this show, we need to see young Imelda and her relationships with Estrella and Ninoy in order to capture how truly despicable the way that she ends up treating them is. I haven't seen it, just listened to album, but I definitely don't end the album thinking about how she was just an innocent victim or any crap like that. I end it thinking about how disgusting what she does to her friends, family, and country in pursuit of power is.
Also, an upbeat curtain call song definitely doesn't change that.
marknyc2 said: "That's exactly the problem - it's presenting these despots as "fun" to a white audience. Just saying that it's an anti-Marcos show doesn't address the damage done if they are portrayed sympathetically. Are they?"
I’d say it’s sort of like Evita without the reverence. It’s pretty damning in the latter half of the piece and there’s no redemption for the Marcoses. There are several songs, including the cathartic finale, that are from the voices of the people and not Imelda.
This production has been around for ten years and there are two albums of the show’s score, including the comprehensive Off-Broadway recording. Do your own research if you want, but it seems like you’ve already made up your mind about the show and no one here is going to sway you.
Swing Joined: 6/2/23
This production has been around for ten years and there are two albums of the show’s score, including the comprehensive Off-Broadway recording. Do your own research if you want, but it seems like you’ve already made up your mind about the show and no one here is going to sway you."
I've done research, but don't want to support the CD or the show, so I was asking here how much it portrays them in a positive light. And it's my Filipino boyfriend who is furious about this show - more than me.
Chorus Member Joined: 4/18/23
marknyc2 said: "I do think the show is geared more toward non-Filipino audiences who don’t know the history and atrocities of these people
That's exactly the problem - it's presenting these despots as "fun" to a white audience. Just saying that it's an anti-Marcos show doesn't address the damage done if they are portrayed sympathetically. Are they?"
I'm Filipino, immigrated from PI in the 80s, and I had the roller coaster of emotions considering this musical. So, I read the synopsis on Wiki (I know not 100% accurate), but I get the gist of the story. BL, it is very similar to Evita and toned down the Marcos' atrocities. Also, they are definitely not the good guys in the story. I was actually more concerned that they weren't going by the union agreement at first. And, now trying to see if I can Lea in the show this summer. I know she will 100% deliver if I don't like the musical for some reason. Just going to try enjoy the entertainment and not get caught in political history. Good luck!
People have tried to tell you that while they may not go to full realism with their atrocities, they are not heroes, they are not the good guys.
That being said, I can understand the concerns of your bf, I think everyone can...but it sounds like you are looking for a guarantee that he won't feel otherwise...and that's impossible to do. You are probably the closest person to judge that but without seeing it personally, there's no way others can tell you.
I was at First Preview (in the back mezz) and I am Filipino as well. Even though there is a fun disco mix at the end, you don't leave the show feeling remorse or compassion towards the Marcos', you rather you leave sort of angry remembering all and realizing they got away without getting any prosecution. They do mention how the Marcos' son is back in office in the Philippines, which did make some people around me feel a bit uneasy.
The show definitely is written in a way where you are forced to care about Imelda in the beginning, trying to get you on her side, and once you are, you then you see all the horrible things she and her husband did to, which puts you in a situation where you are basically as complicit with their supporters in history.
I am still processing everything, but this post on Instagram ( truly encapsulates how I felt about the show and the story.
Swing Joined: 6/2/23
wish i were here2 said: "I was at First Preview (in the back mezz) and I am Filipino as well. Even though there is a fun disco mix at the end, you don't leave the show feeling remorse or compassion towards the Marcos', you rather you leave sort of angry remembering all and realizing they got away without getting any prosecution.They do mention how the Marcos' son is back in office in the Philippines, which did make some people around me feel a bit uneasy.
The show definitely is written in a way where you are forced to care about Imelda in the beginning, trying to get you on her side, and once you are, you then you see all the horrible things she and her husband did to, which puts you in a situation where you are basically as complicit with their supporters in history.
Thanks for the thoughtful comment and IG post - that's exactly what I was looking for.
As I said earlier, it is all up to your BF how he feels about seeing it. Those feelings can be emotional rather than dramaturgical in the way that some Holocaust/cancer/AIDS/etc survivors do not want to see anything about those subjects. Having said that, dramaturgically, going back at least to the Greeks, the arc of stories about monstrous people generally start with creating a baseline of identification (by the audience) in the character(s). Sweeney is a perfect example (and Groban's portrayal has been praised for this). Because it validates the paired throwaway line (perhaps today you gave a nod to Sweeney Todd) and to me most trenchant observation in the play (when Toby tells her that a demon can be just a man).
I am still processing everything, but this post on Instagram ( truly encapsulates how I felt about the show and the story.
Great post, thanks for sharing that.
Saw this at the Public. I'm surprised this moved uptown. And they gutted a theatre for the new production? Who will be buying tickets for this?
White people.
HogansHero said: "As I said earlier, it is all up to your BF how he feels about seeing it. Those feelings can be emotional rather than dramaturgical in the way that some Holocaust/cancer/AIDS/etc survivors do not want to see anything about those subjects. Having said that, dramaturgically, going back at least to the Greeks, the arc of stories about monstrous people generally start with creating a baseline of identification (by the audience) in the character(s). Sweeney is a perfect example (and Groban's portrayal has been praised for this). Because it validates the paired throwaway line (perhaps today you gave a nod to Sweeney Todd) and to me most trenchant observation in the play (when Toby tells her that a demon can be just a man)."
Fantastic point, re: the Greeks. Remember, Aristolelian principles of drama (which were about politicians and royals) dictated both fear and pity for the protagonist.
Understudy Joined: 12/16/20
marknyc2 said: "This production has been around for ten years and there are two albums of the show’s score, including the comprehensive Off-Broadway recording. Do your own research if you want, but it seems like you’ve already made up your mind about the show and no one here is going to sway you."
I've done research, but don't want to support the CD or the show, so I was asking here how much it portrays them in a positive light. And it's my Filipino boyfriend who is furious about this show - more than me.
The best time for your boyfriend to go is when Imelda finally dies. He can go celebrate.
But....spoiler alert!
She comes back at the end!
I've seen this musical 4 or 5 times and vacillate back and forth as to whether this venerates her or condemns her. It's a complicated piece, but I don't think she comes off as well as Eva does in Evita (which doesn't say much).
Having not seen it since the Public (seeing it again this Friday), I view it now as a fun piece of musical theater that miraculously depicts the Marcos complex political story while also demonstrating the power of the cult of personality. I knew quite a lot about Imelda going in, but felt the same cringe view of her as I had when I was younger leaving the show. Considering the current political state of the Philippines, I have no love for any Marcos. This show does not attempt to change that perspective.
Hope this catches fire and runs! I want more of this daring interesting theater on Broadway.
Swing Joined: 5/1/23
For what my opinion is worth - which is not much, I am not Filipino - one thing that struck me was how perfectly Arielle went from portraying a young, bright-eyed Imelda to an absolutely evil dictator by the end. It was a slow but steady change throughout the musical and I thought she did a wonderful job - it struck me in the moment on the dance floor how strong her impression was.
Is anyone rushing for this evening's performance? I'm curious where rush seats will be and whether floor tix will be sold as rush.
My friend who watched first preview sat in rear mezzanine and after watching it, wants to definitely buy floor tix to experience it as intended from the creatives back 10 years ago.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/11
marknyc2 said: "My Filipino boyfriend, who suffered under the horribly oppressive Marcos regime, refuses to see any show that "humanizes" them, as Evita did. Can anyone who's seen the show (in any version) tell me if it presents them as the awful people they actually were?"
The final number is "God Draws Straight" and it's one of my favorite songs from the show. It represents the Filipino people's emergence from a fascist regime and is very moving. It's more simple than any other number and I think it's inspired by the actual writings of the now "free" peoples and the People Power Revolution.
Understudy Joined: 11/25/15
Thanks for thr videos. Any idea how seats would be in the VIP box? I tried to see where they were in your video through the quick glimpses. Are they raised?
The show is going to be huge. It's an experience.
The woke brigade can complain. We'll see what ticket sales dictate.
Swing Joined: 8/2/19
V2David said: "Thanks for thr videos. Any idea how seats would be in the VIP box? I tried to see where they were in your video through the quick glimpses. Are they raised?"
I was on the floor for the first preview, and from what I saw, it looks like the VIP box is slightly elevated from the floor. I wouldn't think it would be an ideal way to see the show because you can't see anything that happens "above" you in the sections at the bottom of the mezzanine -- and quite a bit happens there. I don't know where a better "VIP" experience would be, but doesn't seem like a stellar vantage point in any way.
I was blown away by the show itself -- it's in fantastic shape. This was my first time seeing it live and I think it was exactly what it was sold as. It's the coolest Broadway experience I've had. It doesn't matter where you're standing on the floor. I can't wait to go back!
Did anyone see Oscar @ the Crown in Brooklyn? Being on the floor, HLL had very similar vibes to that, (but obviously disco instead of dance-pop).
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
BenjaminNicholas2 said: "The show is going to be huge. It's an experience.
The woke brigade can complain."
Owen22 said: "marknyc2 said: "My Filipino boyfriend, who suffered under the horribly oppressive Marcos regime, refuses to see any show that "humanizes" them, as Evita did. Can anyone who's seen the show (in any version) tell me if it presents them as the awful people they actually were?"
The final number is "God Draws Straight"
Not quite…hence my spoiler above.
What about her 3000 pairs of shoes? Does the show have a song-production about them?
Also, the seating capacity was reduced from 1761 to 1007 that's a lot less seats?
Swing Joined: 10/17/18
Robbie2 said: "What about her 3000 pairs of shoes? Does the show have a song-production about them?
Also, the seating capacity was reduced from 1761 to 1007 that's a lot less seats?"
I mean... yeah...
They took a 900-seat orchestra and turned it into a 300-space dance floor + 120-seats. They're also only selling half the Front Mezz and aren't selling a significant amount of the rear mezz.