They probably figure they'll have most people asking for refunds if they go ahead with an understudy, that it is simpler to cancel these performances before people get to the theatre. Perhaps they hope some will reschedule to see the show.
Stand-by Joined: 10/29/22
ACL2006 said: "nativenewyorker2 said: "ACL2006 said: "why couldn't the u/s go on this time?"
Because she’s an UNO
understudy in name only"
What a joke that they won't let Halstead go on. They'd rather cancel performances than have her go on. How insulting."
Exactly why I won’t bother rebooking- I get the feeling this is going to be an ongoing issue with this show.
mshalo18 said: "ACL2006 said: "nativenewyorker2 said: "ACL2006 said: "why couldn't the u/s go on this time?"
Because she’s an UNO
understudy in name only"
What a joke that they won't let Halstead go on. They'd rather cancel performances than have her go on. How insulting."
Exactly why I won’t bother rebooking- I get the feeling this is going to be an ongoing issue with this show."
Farrow got COVID, which caused her to miss a few performances. She came back to the show as soon as she was cleared. Now LuPone has COVID and will presumably be out for a couple of days. She's not known to be a canceler and will likely be back as soon as she's able. I don't see absences being an ongoing issue now that both ladies have gotten COVID, because the rest of the run would be within their immunity window.
ACL2006 said: "nativenewyorker2 said: "ACL2006 said: "why couldn't the u/s go on this time?"
Because she’s an UNO
understudy in name only"
What a joke that they won't let Halstead go on. They'd rather cancel performances than have her go on. How insulting."
The audience for this wants to see these 2 ladies and tbh the only reason to see this play is with them. Producers are smart to cancel as nobody wants to see an understudy go on with Mia. They got by the 1st time when Mia was out with Mason subbing but many asked for refunds reflective in the bo 12% drop.
An orchestra seat last Tuesday night was $229.
I found the ticket on the floor as I was exiting at the end of the show. At that price I want to see the known stars, not an understudy. Let's get real.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/29/14
I noticed both sides have partial view for cheap. Which side is better? House left or.right?
I can’t speak for house left, but I sat house right row E and didn’t feel like I missed a thing.
Thought I would share here if anyone is interested. The Roommate is having a flash sale. Majority of Orchestra seats are $69.00 and Mezzanine is $49.00. What shocked me more was this was inclusive of fees online as well.
48-Hour Flash Sale!
Offer valid for all performances through December 12, excluding Wednesday Matinees.
Orchestra $69 (Reg. $98-216), Mezzanine $49 (Reg. $68-216)
Purchase by 9:59 AM on Nov 3. No promo code needed.
Wow thanks! Just bought. Can't wait to see Patti on stage again :).
Featured Actor Joined: 3/8/22
Called telecharge to upgrade my $49 last row mezz to third row orchestra center for $69! Can't beat that.
Leading Actor Joined: 4/13/13
Did Telecharge end the flash sale early ? Front mezz is back up to 249.
Updated On: 11/2/24 at 08:15 PMLeading Actor Joined: 12/9/23
Anyone know of what Kecia Lewis was talking about on her social media with The Roommate asking Hell’s Kitchen to quiet their show and that they can hear them?
Leading Actor Joined: 12/9/23
GottaGetAGimmick420 said: ""
That’s a lot. I’m sure they can hear the sound at Roommate, but I think theatre owners need to be responsible for insulating their theatres better. Sometimes you can hear horn honking and people on the streets talking as they walk by. Have been frustrated by this a few times at various theatres. I agree that she shouldn’t have made the comment about it being “too loud” to a theater-goer, but I don’t think Patti’s request is a bad one.
There was a short thread about it on Reddit that seems to have gotten deleted. Unless there’s more to the story, I really feel Lewis is overreacting. LuPone let the production team know a couple sound cues were impinging on The Roommate, and they agreed to adjust them. LuPone seems to have made the request politely and also sent the team flowers.
Was it a little over the top for her to make the request at all? Maybe. But Hell’s Kitchen IS extremely loud. For Lewis to call it a micro-aggression as if Patti was targeting the show because it’s diverse seems like a huge reach.
I can understand Lewis being annnoyed about the comment LuPone made to someone at The Roommate stage door about Hell’s Kitchen being loud. But Lewis also seems to be chastising LuPone for…not signing someone’s Hell’s Kitchen playbill. Which, why would someone ask an actor to sign a playbill of a show they’re not in?
Featured Actor Joined: 3/8/22
Yes, this seems like making a big deal out of nothing. Patti would have asked a white show to turn it down. Sending flowers is considered a nice gesture to normal people.
It does remind me of a funny story about the late Dame Maggie Smith: Smith was performing on Broadway. Apparently she complained to management about the noise bleeding through the neighboring theater where a show with a mostly African American cast was singing. The theater had staff hang large black sound dampening drapes they called "blacks." After this a staff member informed Smith "ma'am they've hung the blacks."
Maggie: "I hardly think that was necessary."
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/14/11
Congrats to Kecia Lewis. It's incredibly impressive to come across as the biggest, most entitled diva in a story that includes Patti Lupone.
I completely understand Lewis’ points. They make sense to me. She was very gracious and diplomatic. I wouldn’t have been. LuPone is often entitled and rude. She can also be incredibly mean and cruel. She’s also most likely unaware of how what she did could be seen as microaggressive, which is why Kecia defined it politely. It’s time someone called her out and asked for an apology. Almost 30 years after the Evita movie Patti is still dissing Madonna. I love her performances but I find her incredibly immature and quite vile on many occasions.
A white actress is making demands to a black show is galling. Going over the cast and productions heads and reaching out to the theater owners is very disrespectful. See Kate Shindle’s response to Kecia’s thread. She nails why it’s inappropriate. If anyone asked Patti to alter her behavior I can imagine how rude she would be including swearing at them.
I am not in a position to decide whether LuPone’s actions can be considered racial microaggressions, but the fact that Lewis felt a public “call out” video was the appropriate response - and that her Instagram is filled with positive support for her video - is hard for me to grasp. Can nothing be a private conversation anymore? Must all of our battles be played out on social media?
Patti probably should have talked to the sound designer of the Roommate or theater manager of the Booth theater during previews and have them talk to their counterparts in Hells Kitchen/Shubert theater to fix the issue. Or better yet, if it really was loud, I'd imagine all the creatives/tech folks in the Roommate would have heard the noise during the show and should have directed the issue to the Shubert org.
Hell's Kitchen is right next to Hills of California as well which is a quiet play. I wonder if they hear Hell's Kitchen during their show.
I agree that the insulation of these theaters really need to be upgraded so we as theatergoers won't hear the loud noises from the streets of NYC/Times Sq.
The Distinctive Baritone said: "I am not in a position to decide whether LuPone’s actions can be considered racial microaggressions, but the fact that Lewis felt a public “call out” video was the appropriate response - and that her Instagram is filled with positive support for her video - is hard for me to grasp. Can nothing be a private conversation anymore? Must all of our battles be played out on social media?"
I think that is part of Kecia’s issue Patti did not converse with the production, the company or “the community” as she put it. She went to the theatre owner who addressed the issue with the production.
I liken it to calling the police on your neighbor first rather than starting with knocking on their door and asking them to turn their music down. It’s very “Karen” of LuPone. Very entitled white lady.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/13/22
patti is known for diva antics but here she was nothing but gracious. being offended by her behavior takes a special level of delusion to begin with but then to make it about race? simply astonishing that anyone would take this remotely seriously but here we are.
The Distinctive Baritone said: "but the fact that Lewis felt a public “call out” video was the appropriate response "
This is what bothers me, too. A public call out like this seems more appropriate for someone who’s clearly done something intentionally malicious. Again, you can argue LuPone shouldn’t have been the one to raise this issue, but (unless there’s info missing) there doesn’t seem to be any ill intent in her actions. She requested a simple fix to the issue politely, and followed up with flowers as a thank you.
Lewis has also basically guaranteed she’s not going to get the resolution she wants by immediately jumping to take this public. To be blunt, Lewis has 6k followers. LuPone would be foolish to respond to this situation in any way now and risk blowing it up to a wide audience.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
Lewis has “out-Luponed” Lupone —and she is the one who now owes an apology.
The world continues to lose its collective mind.