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Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14- Page 11

Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14

#250Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 11/9/17 at 10:59pm

The Distinctive Baritone said: "I feel that the difference between a guy screwing a 14 year old girl and a guy screwing a 14 year old boy is that although both are terrible, it is, I imagine, already hard enough to be a gay teenager and it’s taking advantage of someone who is especially vulnerable.

While I see where you are coming from with your comment, it is worth noting that not all of his young, male victims were gay. Yes, there is the disturbing story of the 14-year-old that he "dated" but there are also stories of him chatting up young straight men/boys who admired him as an actor that he sexually assaulted. So I don't know if that's it. But the age of the victims alone and the sheer number of people who have come forward are shocking.  


henrikegerman Profile Photo
#251Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 11/12/17 at 11:13pm

The Distinctive Baritone said: "I feel that the difference between a guy screwing a 14 year old girl and a guy screwing a 14 year old boy is that although both are terrible, it is, I imagine, already hard enough to be a gay teenager and it’s taking advantage of someone who is especially vulnerable."

Being a straight teenage girl also comes with a great deal of vulnerability.
Moreover, not all young girls (or kids identified as girls irrespective of how they self-identify) who are sexually harassed, abused, assaulted or raped are straight.


Updated On: 11/12/17 at 11:13 PM

Taryn Profile Photo
#252Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 11/13/17 at 3:52pm

Christopher Plummer on Replacing Kevin Spacey: “It’s a Shame”

Won't someone think of Spacey, though. Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14

That was extreme sarcasm, for the record. How incredibly tasteless of Plummer. "It's so sad that he's losing work now that he's been publicly identified as a sexual predator."

latitudex1 Profile Photo
#253Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 11/13/17 at 4:01pm

That is not, at all, what Plummer said.

“I think it’s very sad what happened to him. Kevin is such a talented and a terrifically gifted actor, and it’s so sad. It’s such a shame,” Plummer told Vanity Fair at the premiere of his latest film, The Man Who Invented Christmas, in New York on Sunday. “That’s all I can say, because that’s it.”

That is impossible to misconstrue.

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#254Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 11/13/17 at 4:55pm

It's possible to misconstrue because he chose his words terribly. "It's very sad what happened TO him." Sure. 

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#255Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 11/13/17 at 5:39pm

I agree that "to him" was a poor choice of words, but I think he meant "with him." I can't imagine anyone would be stupid enough to even suggest that they feel sorry for Spacey on the record.

Besides, I imagine it's hard to say exactly the right thing in this situation. It's like, "On the one hand, I'm reshooting the scenes that he worked so hard on, but on the other, he totally deserves what he's getting."

I was once an emergency replacement for a guy who got fired in the middle of dress rehearsals for a play. It was very awkward at first with the cast. Then again, the guy I replaced wasn't fired for committing decades of sex crimes.

AC126748 Profile Photo
#256Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 11/13/17 at 5:46pm

It's not a difficult statement to understand. He calls Spacey a "talented and terrifically gifted actor" and says it's "very sad" and "a shame" that his career is over. No words for his countless victims. He is mourning the loss of Spacey's career, not the pain Spacey caused his victims.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body
Updated On: 11/13/17 at 05:46 PM

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
vanbrig Profile Photo
#258Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 12/4/17 at 1:27pm

Great news! Honestly, the last episode of season 5 sets up a focus on Claire really well. I won't miss Spacey or his character. 

Feste Profile Photo
#259Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 12/4/17 at 2:01pm

theatretenor2 said: "What was Anthony Rapp doing in Kevin Spacey's bedroom to begin with?"


Why is this even a question?  If an underage child is standing before you, a legal adult, naked, aroused, begging for it.. you still say NO and get the **** out of that situation.  It is not on the child to control the situation, it's on the adult. 




Steve C. Profile Photo
Steve C.
#260Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 12/4/17 at 10:45pm

While I certainly understand and agree with the sea change happening that is long overdue, I keep asking "Where does it end; what's the cut-off date?" More and more people are being accused, not as pedophiles, but as adult and often consensual "arrangements". Now, there are more coming out everyday; James Levine, Peter Martins, the casting director, CW superhero shows EP...from many areas of entertainment and the arts. In some cases it's 40 years; and while unfortunate and "maybe illegal" this has gone on FORever. 

Leonard Bernstein stories, Bob Fosse, Rudolf Nureyev, even tv shows from the 50's and 60's, 70's were blatant with harassment. Read biographies of these guys; with Spacey, (imo), if you were under 25, clean shaven, better look out. You could even be his stand-in the next day; but if he found out you're str8 or have a g/f, you have a short shelf life. How do we accept and fix this? It's very sad indeed. I guess it mainly bothers me that an admitted perv and disgusting letch is the president, it makes some of the repercussions unfathomable.

I Can Has Cheezburger With This?

PalJoey Profile Photo
#261Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 12/4/17 at 11:32pm


Leonard Bernstein stuck his tongue in my ear.


haterobics Profile Photo
#262Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 12/5/17 at 2:33am

Steve C. said: "I guess it mainlybothers me that an admitted perv and disgusting letch is the president, it makes some of the repercussions unfathomable."

I think a sexual predator ending up in the White House sort of started the sea change of people coming forward and demanding things change. Trump's legacy may end up being all the positive things he caused by accident and hubris.

Lot666 Profile Photo
#263Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 12/5/17 at 9:30am

haterobics said: "Steve C. said: "I guess it mainlybothers me that an admitted perv and disgusting letch is the president, it makes some of the repercussions unfathomable."

I think a sexual predator ending up in the White House sort of started the sea change of people coming forward and demanding things change. Trump's legacy may end up being all the positive things he caused by accident and hubris.

And yet, he's the one who "got away with it". Well, he and Roy Moore.

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#264Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 12/5/17 at 11:50am

"Leonard Bernstein stuck his tongue in my ear."

Yes, but was that consensual?

fashionguru_23 Profile Photo
#265Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 12/5/17 at 11:55am

Glad that he is getting positive messages from most of the public, but I feel like "gratified" is a bad choice of words. 

"Ok ok ok ok ok ok ok. Have you guys heard about fidget spinners!?" ~Patti LuPone

haterobics Profile Photo
#266Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 12/5/17 at 12:29pm

fashionguru_23 said: "Glad that he is getting positive messages from most of the public, but I feel like "gratified" is a bad choice of words."

He was speaking on a red carpet interview line, not making a prepared statement.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#267Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 12/5/17 at 12:44pm

the word he wanted was "grateful." Interestingly, while both words originate from the same source, they have evolved differently. 

EllieRose2 Profile Photo
#269Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 7/3/18 at 5:34pm

This scumbag has disappeared all together from public life.  I have seen maybe one paparazzi shot of him in a "rehab" center last year.  But, where is he going to live where he won't be yelled at the rest of his life?  Called a predator?  I don't see him living anywhere in US or UK ever again, unless he wants to get his ass kicked every day. 

SweetLips22 Profile Photo
#270Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 7/3/18 at 6:18pm

Some plastic surgery, forged papers [and I'm sure he would have money], this predator could live out his life in a foreign country, until caught again. Spots don't rub easily off a leopard.

Ado Annie D'Ysquith Profile Photo
Ado Annie D'Ysquith
#271Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 7/7/18 at 12:23am

Welcome back, SweetLips, albeit with a semi-new username...Lol

I always like to say that Spacey is living in a cave on some Godforsaken island with his two Oscars, the clothes on his back, and a steady diet of fish and coconuts. Sort of like Napoleon, only less French.

I also found out recently that his brother is apparently the most sought-after Rod Stewart impersonator in the world, which I think is really weird. I wonder if he's made any comment on this whole thing.

SweetLips22 Profile Photo
#272Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 7/7/18 at 3:53am

Thanks Ado--Good to be back---everything crashed, forgot all important data and now demoted back to a Swing--but don't worry, I will rise amongst the ranks, talent will prevail.

Didn't want to start a new thread on a slightly similar topic and Yes it's all about ME and vaguely relevant to the above topic.

Lived in an outback town and as a 12yo my Greek mate and I used to sit on the footpath and try to work out if the passing males had a foreskin or not[doesn't everyone?] and for other entertainment we would play the record[78] of In a Persian Market. My friend would pretend to be the snake charmer and I would come wiggling out of our wicker laundry basket wear singlet and shorts and Mums' scarf as a veil-didn't know anything about poofs then and actually have never been called one[after I butched up my act].

Another small town, now 15 and experimenting with girls, played with boobies but not much reaction from me with that--though a married woman from my theatre group gave me my first bj.

Was very involved with the church--more social than belief. Went off on the train to a 'boys camp' under the leadership of our local minister and on the way had a headache. The minister very kindly told me to lie down on the train bunk and put my head in his lap.

We slept in a big dorm. and I had a top bunk and our friendly minister came around every night to tuck me in[I think I was the only one] and somehow my sheet was always tangled and the good minister always seemed to get his hand under the bedclothes and brush against my shortie pjs.

I rushed into the dorm one afternoon and the minister was lying on his bunk and called me over. I sat beside him, he put my hand on his privates and came almost immediately--well I was a very pretty boy.

To this day whenever I see beige shorts there is always a cum stain on them.

The point of this ramble----I never really thought about those incidents, I didn't fantasise, wank over it or report it, in fact it was a 'fun secret' if I even thought about it, and I saw the minister every week at church--he was always very polite to me.

After a lifetime of fun sexual experiments, I call myself Trisexual as I have tried everything[almost] and know which sex and type I prefer.

My run-in with the minister had, to my mind, nothing to do with who I am today.

There must be millions of stories like mine[my best friend was 'doing the dunnies' at 13 and is very happily married with kids] with happy endings and just as many that don't.

I am not trivialising[?] predatory behaviour but applauding those now speaking out.

Every story should be listened to, from both sides to see if the time, the action and the result was the result of circumstances, situation and expectations.

Courage can take a long time to come to light so I trust that those carrying that hurt are soon able to find peace and those hiding from the hurting can now be publicly exposed and punished.

We all have a book inside us and any more revelations about my sex life and I will not be allowed to reach again the illustrious status on BWW as a Legend[only took me 5 years].

Updated On: 7/7/18 at 03:53 AM

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#273Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 7/8/18 at 7:25am

Great post Sweetlips! I agree, we all have stories like this. The things I experienced are quite similar and I feel that it doesn't have anything to do with who I am today.

If anything, I found it interesting to experience as much as possible and even though some things turned out to not really suit me, or I even disliked some situations, I found it interesting to learn about it. I've always been able to see things in perspective and be discrete about it. In some cases I found it interesting to see what that person's interests were, even if it turned out to be not my cup of tea, in other cases I just liked to check things out and expand my boundaries. In other cases I just went with the flow and later realized how naughty something was, and looked back on it with a grin, even if I knew I had no particular interest in doing it again.

Of course I knew I could report people or be indiscrete, but I never felt that need. These fun secrets were all about discovering, and I am actually grateful for all the experiences. I feel that people go into the victim role way too quickly. It's almost like they are shocked by anything that is uncomfortable.

People should be able to be less uptight and not try to erase everything and everyone that has ever made them feel uncomfortable. I know a lot of people can't understand this, but in most of these cases it is just a game of exploring desires, boundaries, mutual interests, and learning about what you like and do not like and how far you are willing to go. It's really what all interactions in life are about. When that teacher or married neighbour woman wanted to give me  a bj, I had no particular interest either, but I did not mentally collapse either. And if there would be something beneficial in it for me, I will be honest enough to admit that I don't rule out anything. I also kind of like the fact how open they were about their desires, it does show some kind of adventurous character.

In the case of Anthony Rapp, it was not like there was sex or anything. He made an advance. Every 14 year old gay boy receives advances from adults. When I was 14 I received advances from granny's to gay men to married women to teachers. I disliked some advances and I liked some. I have never reported any of them. I also wonder if he never received any other advances and how he dealt with them? I also wonder what impact it could have as these advances are part of about every teenager's life. I also wonder why he did not speak to him personally so many years later (if he was so devastated about the advance), but made it public by stating "it is hard to see him having so much success" while he made advance to me 40 years ago. I also wonder if Rapp would have been one of the worlds most celebrated actors, and Spacey would have been a relatively unknown, if Rapps need would have been as big. In many cases people's boundaries are flexible.

Take the Weinstein case for example. No doubt that he is a naughty boy. But I know very many naughty actresses too, with very special interests and flexible boundaries with different outcomes, depending if they got what they wanted or not. 

It's not black or white. It's grey in 99% of the cases. And I do think that people overreact a lot. Being uncomfortable is nothing more than a learning experience. If you can't get over the fact that someone makes and advance or someone shows interest in having sex with you but you don't, there is something wrong with you. And yes, if the other one crosses lines there is something wrong with that person too.
But the "I was just unsuspectingly sitting in Harvey Weinstein's hotel bathroom, with my panties down and my skirt up, with a glass of champagne in my hand, and suddenly he made a sexual advance!" Is kind of grey too.

Updated On: 7/8/18 at 07:25 AM

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#274Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14
Posted: 7/8/18 at 7:34am

Still waiting for the other story about the one who started this to break

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian
