Did you watch the Tony awards? He performed. Twice.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/20/05
I haven't seen them yet, Kad. I have to check if my neighbor recorded the Tonys for me.
If they did I'll take a look see.
[I don't have a TV and don't want one. I'm glad though, that you can now get some TV online for the occasional thing I want to look at, and hope everything becomes available that way in the future so you can look at what you want when you want to if you want to.]
Stand-by Joined: 3/1/04
Whoever said Aaron sounds like a baritone doesnt know anything about singing... and yes I've seen the videos...
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/20/05
You are saying videos, plural.
I am referring to the one video referenced here. That range is not high, it is low.
I am glad you think you know so much about singing as to be the judge.
it starts July 23 and goes until August 16th
i'm actually thinking of maybe flying out to see it. what other fun can i have in seattle?
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/20/05
Seattle has several good theatres, check what else may be playing.
Also, there is so much natural beauty there. I have only seen it from the air but it looked very beautiful.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/16/07
I've been excited about this the minute I listened to the demo and heard the creative team. I'm hoping it won't disappoint. I'm so relieved Christian Borle was NOT cast as Frank Jr. Sounds good so far!
Aaron is not a baritone. That's the most bizarre thing I've ever heard. He's a tenor, through and through.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/20/05
There are plenty of bari-tenors and a lot of Broadway singers have that range. they almost have to for the springboard leaps required.
Can anyone give the note range that he is singing in that Butter Out of Cream clip, as that would tell if the notes are in the general bari range.
Sorry, I can't provide that note range. They don't sound high to me.
All that said, some people have the bari-tenor range but have a sweeter sound in one part of the range leaning them to being thought as one or the other. So there is some fluidity in this and some of the best voice teachers don't classify their students right away as it takes time to tell.
Why don't you listen to the N2N cast recording to get a better idea of what his range is like.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/20/05
Obviously there is more to hear of him, so I will listen to more that he does, and if he's in Catch Me and it comes to Broadway I will see him perform in that.
I don't have that CD, ljay889, and I'll probably see the show before I'd buy it unless there's a clip online, but he's left he show.
Leading Actor Joined: 11/16/06
Thanks for the report.
I was wondering what direction they were going with it.
I'm excited to hear more now.
He'll be returning in September
I'm convinced the person calling themselves "nondeplume" is doing a hysterical, spot on parody of the kind of diluted Internet poster who sums up an actor's entire performance, singing range, and alleged improper styling of a song, all without knowing the scene's context and all from one grainy video.
The fact that Aaron had just finished a song ("GOODBYE") that would test the stamina of a tenor or castrati, ending on a held high Bb, would make no difference to the "expert" that "Mr./Ms. nondeplume" is clearly poking fun at.
Or that the song on the YouTube clip (which should not be online but that's a whole other thread) is where the character of "Frank Jr.", while trying to cheer up his father, good-naturedly "imitates" his dad's cockiness and vocal style. This is unimportant for a poster like a "nondeplume" to know, for pronouncements like theirs do not need pesky things like facts.
But it is the voicing of an opinion of Seattle based on flying over it that truly makes "nondeplume"s posting a magnificent example of satire. What a perfect metaphor of how anonymous Internet posters form opinions. As a professional satirist, I bow before him/her.
Updated On: 6/10/09 at 05:43 PM
And I bow before you, Mr. Shaiman.
For all of it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/20/05
Oh, don't get testy, Marc.
I gather the range in the song was baritone and that is why it sounds so close to his father's range. So what. Maybe if you hear him sing high and then you hear him sing low you would realize that; I haven't heard your score as your show hasn't been produced here.
So I also now gather that Aaron is a bari-tenor.
And how would you expect people to have all the facts of your show when it isn't yet here to see? At least we are looking at the threads to get an idea of what would be happening in your show and listening to what presents itself with an open mind to get an idea of what your show may be like and whether they want to see it.
As for Seattle, it is well known as a place of beauty for hikers and campers and that is also obvious from just seeing it from the air. Don't you find it beautiful from the air with the river and Mt. St. Helens? You can take a bus or drive to Mt. St. Helens from Seattle. And there's always stories of sea lions by the mouth of the river, eating salmon and trout. And also known for theatre, as I said. August Wilson settled there and worked with Seattle Rep.
Is anybody else running out of reasons to not go to Seattle? Because I am. NLB, Aaron Tveit, and Kerry Butler (...is she still in this?) all in one show? Yes please.
Seattle is a great city. Good food, great beer, nice weather...and now an exciting pre Broadway show to see on top of it. I may have to make a trip too. I can't wait to see this show. I hope it turns into a huge hit!!!!
i found this..
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/20/05
The "Goodbye" song reminds me of "This is the Moment."
I've gotta admit, when I first heard about this musical, I was pretty skeptical because I love the movie so much and was worried about how it would adapt. With the casting of Aaron Tveit and Nobert Leo Butz, and the beautiful score that I've just heard from those clips, it seems like they are doing everything right.
Damn, that "Goodbye" song is beautiful. This show is clearly my #1 for next season.
Who needs HAIRSPRAY?
FINALLY, a cast recording to anticipatorially look forward to!
P.S. We should have an OBCR by this time next year come hell or high water, right Mr.Shaiman? Maybe even recording between Seattle and Broadway?
Swing Joined: 11/17/05
I attended last night and now I'm really looking forward to seeing how this all comes together. I was sold before Norbert came out and I thought he would be the selling point for me. It was an amazing turnout for a Spotlight night and I think this will have a great run in Seattle.
I've already picked up tickets for July 23rd to see the first public presentation. My tickets are in row A in the orchestra, so I'm doubly excited now! I love the concept as described last night, and I loved the music.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/25/08
It's been bugging me all day... what the hell is Aaron wearing? He looks like a cowboy, all he needs is the hat!
Well you have to admit, anything with Norbert is just BEGGING to come to broadway. The man has yet to disappoint me.