Just got lottery tickets to see Moulin Rouge tomorrow, and I've never seen the movie, nor do I know anything about it. Should I watch it today? Or should I go into the musical blind?
Go in blind. Watch it for what IT is, not for what the movie is. Congrats and enjoy!
If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it?
These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
I’ve been wondering about this, so I’m interested in people’s replies. I can’t get enough of live musical theatre, but never seem to enjoy musical movies, so I’ve never watched it either. It’s very confusing to my friends and family. I’m trying to decide whether to go ahead and add it onto my trip in a couple of weeks or just try for the lottery.
After hearing the changes made, I wouldn’t watch it before hand. I adore the movie, but like was said above, I think watching the movie is just going to have you comparing the two rather than just watching and enjoying the show.
Interesting question. I was at a show tonight and chatted up the people next to me about the opening of Moulin Rouge (I saw it last week -- LOVED it) and I HATED the movie. Coincidentally, LAST NIGHT this couple watched the film version (which they had never seen) to see if they wanted to get tickets to the musical, but they BOTH hated the movie, and decided against it.
I told them don't let the movie get in the way of their decision. I would tell anyone NOT to watch the movie -- god bless em, but the lead actors in the film aren't singers and on Broadway, holy smokes are they fantastic singers. Another a crucial difference is the portrayal of the MC -- on Broadway it's Danny Burstein, and like just about everything he does, he finds the humanity in a layered, complicated character, which the film actor didn't (or least the way it was edited he didn't).
I think after it opens the ticket prices are going to go even higher and be much harder to get. I would love to see it again -- it's really quite the spectacle. Don't watch the movie. It pales in comparison.
So I feel the need to defend the movie because I love it, although I agree that the singing is... not great. Basically, do you like Baz Luhrman films? if you do, then you'll like MR. If you don't, then you'll dislike it.
Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!