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FROZEN to Arrive on Broadway in Spring 2018- Page 22

FROZEN to Arrive on Broadway in Spring 2018

#525FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 4/17/17 at 10:54pm

mailhandler777 said: "As for people still hating on Patti. Y'all need to let it go for once. Don't see the show if you don't want to but the talking crap about her on here every shot you can is just petty and a bit childish IMO.

I personally think she is the perfect choice for Anna. 


Patti was the one who talked crap. 

#526FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 4/17/17 at 10:58pm

10086sunset said: "mailhandler777 said: "As for people still hating on Patti. Y'all need to let it go for once. Don't see the show if you don't want to but the talking crap about her on here every shot you can is just petty and a bit childish IMO.

I personally think she is the perfect choice for Anna. 


Patti was the one who talked crap. 



In her own personal blog under her own name over a year ago. You guys still talk about her under fake names and fake profile pics. My name may be fake on here(my real one is in my signature) but that's definitely my face in my profile pic. 


As I said it's time to LET IT GO and grow the f*** up.

Hi, I'm Val. Formerly DefyGravity777(I believe)

adamgreer Profile Photo
#527FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 4/17/17 at 11:03pm

This show is going to be a massive hit even if every single person on the board decides to boycott it. I wouldn't worry about it.

Personally, I have no interest, but that's more because I think Frozen as a property is highly oversaturated. It's quite literally everywhere down here and I'm sick of it. I'm sure I'm not the target demographic, anyway. 

Broadway Joe Profile Photo
Broadway Joe
#528FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 4/18/17 at 12:02am

It seems Patti and certain users definitely take this whole message board and Internet thing way too seriously. Can't even handle comments about people not wanting to support her. Get a grip. 

Babe_Williams Profile Photo
#529FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 4/18/17 at 8:54am

Broadway Joe said: "Here is the the whole Patti mess


I don't have a personal grudge nor do I hate her but I dislike her and I don't agree with her. I don't need to separate her work from her views because I, like several others here can just wait until shes gone before seeing this show, which I am interested in seeing. 

These shows are no different than any other business or product in the end and I'm choosing not to give her my money. 



I wasn't around to see this the first time, but clearly Patti has never been on Reddit or Twitter or read FB comments if she thinks these boards are too mean and nasty and full of memes. lol

#530FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 4/18/17 at 9:33am

mailhandler777 said: "As I said it's time to LET IT GO and grow the f*** up."


Perhaps its best if we simply agree to disagree. 

ggersten Profile Photo
#531FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 4/18/17 at 9:38am

Never mind.

Updated On: 4/18/17 at 09:38 AM

#532FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 4/18/17 at 11:53am

They do a very cute performance of this show at Disney's California Adventure park, with some very interesting effects.  It's not my favorite Disney movie though.  Maybe my expectations were too high based on the excitement and passion generated by the reviews.  I just thought it was good.  Not the best of all time.  And I have to add myself to the list of those who find "Let it Go" rather irritating.  And I thought this the first time I heard it.  I know I'm not part of the status quo though when it comes to my opinion on this one.  It has done quite spectacularly without my high five.  And I'm sure will have a good run on Broadway.

As for Riddle.  I agree.  I saw The Visit, and if it weren't for Chita, he would have been the one I was watching  all night.   Guy looked gorgeous.   Interestingly though (and I don't stage door often), when he came out with his bike, alone (he didn't sign, wasn't recognized?), and rode down the street, he didn't look quite as he did on stage.  Don't get me wrong, cute guy.  But out of make up and out from under the stage lights he looked like any other nice looking guy you'd see walking down the street.  But not exactly how I had him built up in my mind. FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway  Make up, lighting and glamor shots have a strong impact.  Still has it going on for sure, nice-looking guy, but not exactly what I was imagining.   

#533FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 4/18/17 at 12:32pm

theatreguy12 said: "They do a very cute performance of this show at Disney's California Adventure park, with some very interesting effects.  It's not my favorite Disney movie though.  Maybe my expectations were too high based on the excitement and passion generated by the reviews.  I just thought it was good.  Not the best of all time.  And I have to add myself to the list of those who find "Let it Go" rather irritating.  And I thought this the first time I heard it.  I know I'm not part of the status quo though when it comes to my opinion on this one.  It has done quite spectacularly without my high five.  And I'm sure will have a good run on Broadway.



Oh trust me, the DCA one has been discussed here. It's underwhelming to say the least. I know it's "theme park" and it's meant to entertain than anything else, but even then, it's...not great. It just comes off as lazy in terms of writing, structure, and production quality. I guess I didn't want just "cute" even at a theme park. And the DCL one is kinda the same, but what I do know about it is that it seems to improve on many other aspects that the DCA one failed on. But for the love of heaven, SOMEBODY get that costume change right...

Btw, I know many are worried about Cassie and her ability to handle the vocals, and rightly so. Someone reminded me of when she bowed out of Wicked soon-ish after she began, but I'll say this...we all know Elphaba is a vocal bitch and beast to sing 8 times a week. Even the Queen of Steel Cords, Willemijn, at one point was out at least one show a week back when. That role is a bitch. But...I still don't know if the argument of "Elsa sings the ONE can't be THAT hard" holds up...I'm here to tell you otherwise. That damn song is almost like Elphaba's Holy Trinity of WAI, DF, and NGD, rolled into one song. It's THAT hard to sing. At least the Wicked Holy Trinity has points in those songs where one can sort of rest. LIG has NO rest, except maybe mixing the first verse into chorus and the four measure break leading into the bridge. Other than that's it's all belt, all the time, jumping ranges out of nowhere with AWFUL vowels and constants used in the most uncomfortable parts of a woman's belt voice...YAY PASSAGIO. Pedagogy matters. If one's voice is one iota off, it's almost impossible to sing and it's already near impossible to sing on a good day. And add 8 shows a week...And let's just assume they're writing/have written more material for her too. I'm already thinking she has the 11 o'clock number. I've been saying for a while the powers that be need to make the Elphaba standby the designated alternate at this point. The standby already tends to go on quite a bit. I'm hoping, depending on how much new material Elsa has, that there'll be an alternate, or at least a standby. Anna may be the lead, but at least she has singable material that's doable 8 times a week. 


adamgreer Profile Photo
#534FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 4/18/17 at 12:37pm

The musical is also going to include new songs.  We have no idea how many additional songs they're writing for Elsa. 

#535FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 6/16/17 at 11:31am

Alyssa Fox- Elsa standby, Aisha Jackson- Anna standby. Nice diverse cast here. (Alyssa is half Japanese)

Updated On: 6/16/17 at 11:31 AM

#536FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 6/16/17 at 11:36am

neonlightsxo said: "

Alyssa Fox- Elphaba standby, Aisha Jackson- Anna standby. Nice diverse cast here. (Alyssa is half Japanese)

She played Elphaba but I think you mean Alyssa is the Elsa standby? Anyway, maybe I'll catch the show when Aisha is on for Anna. 


#537FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 6/16/17 at 11:39am

Freudian slip obviously. will edit.

Valentina3 Profile Photo
#538FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 6/16/17 at 11:42am

Aisha Jackson is the Hamilton wonder-woman, right? Wow, this could be great!

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

#539FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 6/16/17 at 11:45am

"Aisha Jackson is the Hamilton wonder-woman, right? Wow, this could be great!"


ethan231h Profile Photo
#540FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 6/16/17 at 12:38pm

Happy they have diverse understudies! Aisha has a great voice. also super happy to see Zach Hess in the ensemble I saw him on for Elder Price in Book of Mormon in Chicago and he was superb!

#541FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 6/16/17 at 12:43pm

After hearing Aisha as Sarah in Ragtime I was surprised she didn't cover any of the roles in Waitress (I believe the actress in her track now covers Dawn). Thrilled to see her do this and love the diversity of the ensemble!

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#542FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 6/16/17 at 12:52pm

What's funny is that last night, Alan Tudyk (voice of Duke) tweeted that he had "cool" news for today, so I was guessing that he was going to be the Duke for one of the show's runs. Ugh, wish I was right. Well my hunch was right about the Broadway Frozen news.

But im thrilled the cast is so diverse! And with James Brown III as their father, guess they are mixed here :) Congrats to everyone! 

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#543FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 6/16/17 at 1:14pm

Hoping the Anna standby announces some of her scheduled dates in advance. Because...well.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#544FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 6/16/17 at 1:39pm

The two standbys are significantly more interesting casting than the two women they're covering for. 

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#545FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 6/16/17 at 1:51pm

Honestly agree with adamgreer

#546FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 6/16/17 at 1:54pm

adamgreer said: "The two standbys are significantly more interesting casting than the two women they're covering for. "




BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#547FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 6/16/17 at 1:57pm

Truly, though!

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#548FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 6/16/17 at 2:36pm

She's 36.

Sondheimite Profile Photo
#549FROZEN to Officially Hit Broadway
Posted: 6/16/17 at 2:39pm

disneybroadwayfan22 said: "She's 36.



Woops!  Typo, I meant to say other side of 30!  Thank you!

Broadway World's Fireman.
