What about Dreamgirls? Originally opened on Broadway in December 1981 and closed August 1985. IBDB says there was a revival that opened June 1987 - less than a 2 year gap from original closing to revival opening, and 5.5 years between the productions opening. Though the very fact that no one's mentioned it here paired with its run of only 5 months makes me think there was something atypical about the revival that disqualifies it from this discussion...?
I believe that revival was the tour coming in to do a sit-down before closing, similar to the first revival of Les Mis in 2006, or the return engagements of Hair and Fela.
NYT says the '87 revival of Dreamgirls was "a bus-and-truck touring company, stripped down by its director two years ago for fleet and economical travel on the road." Not sure if that counts here.